Chapter Seventeen: Confession of a lifetime

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Akames green eyes fluttered open, rubbing at them and sitting up she noticed that she was back in her room and dressed in a white nightgown. Sighing, Akame pulled herself from her bed and walked over to her desk. As far as she knew the only way to awaken the mangekyou is to watch the person you care about the most die in front of you.  According to Izuna, that person was her. So the question was how was she to commit suicide in front of Madara without him stopping her. He needed this power more than he needed her, the war needed to end. 

Sitting down at her desk Akame placed her head in her hands. How? When? Where? Where questions floating around her head. Sitting up straight Akame pulled a necklace chain from her drawer and sat it on her desk. Akame then closed her eyes and began to crystalize a bit of her chakra. If she was going to leave then she wanted to leave a bit of her chakra behind. Attaching the green chakra crystal to the necklace chain Akame held it up to the light. The crystal was a deep green and the colour black. Something simple and noticeable. Standing from her desk and setting the necklace down Akame called for servants.

The servants arrived with a tray for breakfast and towels for a bath. Eating,bathing and dressing Akame thanked the servants,grabbed the necklace and left her room for the training grounds where Madara,Izuna, and she had trained when they were younger. The garden was mostly dead now as winter had come and the leaves off all the cherry trees had fallen to the ground but she did not mind. The area held many memories for her, some good, others not so much. Reaching the clearing Akame spotted Izuna practising with his sword, smiling Akame approached the boy"you mind if I join you?" asked Akame, Izuna shrugged"go ahead, two is better than one is sword practice" said the male as the two readied for a sparring session.

Madara sat at his desk looking at a bunch of papers, who knew being a clan leader came with so much paperwork. Thumbing through the papers that showed the death toll, number of injured, and how many non fighting clan members there were. As well as battle formations and job requests, as well as finanses. Oh and not to mention the complaint pile. How on earth did his father manage? He wondered as he rested his head on his hand. Izuna had gone out to train and the likelihood of the princess being out there too were high, which meant there was no chance of him getting any help with the paperwork. What a bore. He thought as he read through the names of the dead.

He knew many of the people on the list personally, even children. Children that were killed before they even got to live. This war really needed to be ended before all of the younger generation was killed. However the only way that could be possible was if he attained the mangekyou and he was not willing to pay the price it demanded. Perhaps that was selfish, or maybe he simply did not want to lose an ally. Setting the names of the dead aside, he did not need to think about the subject of the mangekyou. Standing from his desk Madara left the room headed for the village he needed to check on the injured so he could get a good estimate of how many men they were down and how much time was needed for the injured to recover.

"MADARA!!" the voice of Akame rang through the halls as she sprinted down them Izuna in tow. They needed to find him immediately. She had already dispatched her other body to inform Sachio so he could ready the defence unit however considering who was on their doorstep Akame thought Madara would want to tag along.   

"MADARA!" she called again as she spotted the male a whiles way down the hall. Said male stopped upon hearing his name called. Turning to see what the issue was he waited for them to catch up. Akame and Izuna came to a halt next to Madara. "Come on, we need to move the Senju are on our doorstep," said Akame quickly as she grabbed his hand and began to drag him down the hall. Madara was slightly confused at the statement ''how could the Senju be on their doorstep." Princess, calm down. How close are they actually?" asked Madara as he continued to let himself be dragged down the hall.

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