Chapter Twelve: Harsh reality

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Akame awoke with a jolt as she sat up in her tent. Sweat ran down her forehead and coated her palms. Her long bluish white hair hugged her like a blanket in the night as she panted to catch her breath. The faces and voices of the lives she had claimed haunted her dreams like phantoms in the darkness of her soul. Their judgment toured through her mind like knives. Their mangled bodies filled her dreams, not letting her forget the carnage she leaves behind.

The sound of crickets echoed in the darkness of her tent, the sun having not risen from its slumber yet. The air was cold as fall was approaching, reminding Akame of her chilly home. Pulling herself from bed Akame grabbed some clothes and exited her tent. The stars shined brightly in the sky, the sounds of the natural wildlife filled the forest as fireflies lighted her way to the spring.

Stripping off her clothes and casting them to the side, Akame weighed into spring the cool water causing her skin to crawl making her allert. This was normal for her these days, sleep was scarce since she first claimed a life at that damn party when she was twelve. Three hours was the most she got before the phantoms in her mind awoke her.

The Uchiha clan would be heading out soon, their presence would be erased from the land as if they were never there to begin with. She, Madara, and Izuna would stay behind to face the blasted Senju clan. The only clan in the world that could rival the Uchiha. Strangely Akame felt the feeling of sadness creeping into her mind, the memories of what things used to be like before clans were brought into the light caused a tear to stain her cheek.

The bright smiles that filled her childhood were destroyed by loss. The dreams she used to hold dear were slaughtered by the monster she had become. The thought of the plans the three of them used to make about a village where fighting was the past seemed like a fairytale. Peace seemed impossible. The reality they lived in seemed like a never ending hell. The small glimpses of light were tainted by shadows, as fear constantly gripped her sycy.

The reality was that the world was full of pain, suffering, and futility and there was nothing she could do to fix it.

The wind rustled the leaves of the coloring trees, causing them to fall from the safety of the branches. The colourful leaves decorated the water she was surrounded by as the sky began to lighten. Smiling sadly to herself Akame exited the crisp water and dressed herself in her usual attire and headed back to her tent to fetch her swords and cather up the tent for transport.

As she arrived she noticed a shadow looming by her tent. The tall silhouette and spiky raven hair told just who it was.  His tall muscular form and long hair were unmistakable. "You're early, the sun won't rise for an hour," Akame said quietly as she approached the male she had grown up with. Madara glanced over in her direction as she spoke, his features neutral and his eye held a softness to them Akame did not see that often.

"Sorry, is my presence bothering you?" He said, his deep voice was gentle and sincere which was unusual for him, as was him apologizing. If Akame thought about it, she could not actually remember the last time he apologized for something. Which meant something serious was bothering him, for him to forget to put on an attitude.

"No, you're fine. What's on your mind" Akame asked as she began to gather up the tent with Madara's assistance. Madara was quiet for a moment as if he was in deep thought, which worried Akame. "What . . . what do you know about the sharingan?" He asked cautiously after a moment's pause. His voice was low and held an unusual tone to it. Akame pondered his question for a moment, and why he was asking it. "Well I know the basics, Why? What brought this question up?" Akame asked curiously as she pulled out some of the tent pegs.

"Something Izuna said the other day, that's all" He said as they finished packing up the tent. Akame frowned, he wasn't thinking about what Izuna said last night right. The image of Izuna's smirk as he said 'you two are adorable'  flashed before her eyes causing heat to rise to her cheeks though Madara could not see that as he was busy. "What did he say?" she asked as she prayed to God it was not the conversation last night. "Don't worry yourself about it princess" he said calmly which only made Akame worried. "Madara, tell me! You're worrying me by telling me not to worry" she whined, causing Madara to chuckle which made her smile.

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