Chapter Thirteen: Aftermath

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The brothers' fight lasted the whole day and only ended when Tobirama was defeated by Izuna. Though the boy did not have the chance to kill the Senju as his brother had come to his assistance. At that point Akame had received word from Tajima that they had arrived and to retreat.
    The two Uchiha and one Otsutsuki dashed through the woods they had bought enough time for the others. Akame followed behind the brothers, she wanted to inspect them for injuries as they tended to hide them. Akame observed the eldest brother. Madara's long dark hair blew in the wind behind him as he dashed through the woods. His sword was sheathed on his side, blood stained its hilt. Was it his? Akame wondered. Her suspicions were only confirmed when she noticed the dark stain in his clothes near his shoulder blade. The more Akame looked the more she noticed that blood was in fact running down his arm and dripping out onto his hand which was how his sword was stained.
Izuna on the other hand had visible burn marks on his jaw and a long gash across his palm. Akame sighed inwardly, why did they do this to themselves? "Let's stop up here at the river!" She called to the boys as she caught up to them."We need to keep moving, we don't have time to stop," said Madara flatly without glancing at her."We can spare a few minutes to patch you guys up your both hurt" Akame said in a serious tone, this happened every time. "We are  fine," said the two bothers in unison."No you're not! Your bleeding" Akame said, raising her voice in an attempt to show her concern as she was very concerned.
"Brother, a few minutes won't change anything" said Izuna, concerned for his brother's well-being and for himself if Akame got mad. "We need to get there, less the Senju track us" Madara argued as he sped up."yeah and you dripping blood is only going to help them! Please Madara!" Akame begged she hated seeing their blood, it caused notts to form in her stomach. "I'm perfectly fine, Princess," Madara called back. They need to regroup with his father. "No you're not!" Akame yelled as she grabbed him by the shoulder that was bleeding intentionally to let him know he was not okay.
Pain shot through Madara's arm and shoulder. Causing him to slow down a bit and grit his teeth, the warm liquid began to slide down his arm a little faster. Madara glared over his shoulder at Akame who let go of his shoulder with a concerned look on her face. Madara gripped his own shoulder in an attempt to stop the bleeding and ease the pain but only succeeded in covering his hand in the warm scarlet liquid."Your hurt, let me help!" Akame pleaded in an urgent tone.
Sucking in a deep breath Madara caved in "fine"he said quietly as the three stopped at the river, causing relief to fill Akame. "Take off your shirt" she ordered as she pulled a scroll from her pocket. "W-what?" Madara stuttered which never happened, as heat rose to his face turning his ears red and tinting his cheeks slightly. Izuna laughed at his brother as he washed out the cut on his hand. Never had he ever seen his brother so flustered."can't you just use medical ninjutsu?" Madara asked but simply received a stern look from Akame. "I can and I will but I need to examine it and clean it before doing so. So take off your shirt" she ordered as she opened the scroll and summoned a medical kit from it.
Begrudgingly and with great effort Madara pulled his shirt off to reveal his extremely muscular arms and torso.
Blood oozed from a deep puncture wound on Madara's right shoulder dripping down his arm and his chest. Heat rose to Akames cheeks turning them a bright red making her slightly regret making him take off his shirt. Madara turned his head away from the girl in embarrassment. "S-sit down, you are too tall" She ordered, quickly turning away from the male to wet a cloth she had summoned.
Deciding it would be faster for him to cooperate, Madara sat down on the river bank and leaned back slightly on his left arm while keeping his gaze anywhere but Akame. Ringing out the wet cloth Akame turned to the male who had done as she had asked. Smiling softly at him and trying her hardest not to laugh at how shy he had become. Sitting down next to Madara she began to clean out the wound with the cold cloth. Madara tensed and took a deep breath as the cold cloth and Akames soft hands made contact with his skin, the cloth sending pain through his body. "Sorry" Akame said with a grimace as she continued cleaning it out. His skin was warm to the touch, though it bore many scars it was still very pleasing to look at.   
Once she was done cleaning the wound she discovered that there were multiple splinters stuck in his flesh from Hashirama's wood style. "This could hurt," she warned as she began to pull them out. Madara clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white. There were five splinters in total with varying lengths,  which was why it was probably bleeding so much. When they were all out Akame began to use Medical Ninjutsu to stop the bleeding and take most of the pain away.
she finished with bandaging his shoulder with some bandages she had. Which only caused her stomach to flutter at how close she had to get to him to wrap the bandage. Once she was done she stood up and flashed him a smile.''you can put your shirt back on now" she said and quickly turned to go and take care of Izuna, butterflies were fluttering in her stomach she had not expected him to be that handsome! The image of him shirtless was burned into her head and she could not get it out. Her face felt so hot and her breathing was erratic.
"Izuna!" She called to the boy as he looked up from where he was washing his hand. "Put out your hand" Akame ordered as she healed it with her ninjutsu, and applied some ointment to his burns. The whole time trying to calm herself down. "Thanks" said the boy as the two stood up."We need to get moving," said Madara, his shirt back on but his gaze still refusing to meet Akame's.
The three continued their journey meeting up with Tajima Uchiha in the land of lightning. The sun was rising by the time they arrived at the Feudal lords palace. Their trip had been made in silence.
Tajima filled them in on the situation and gave them an option, Tajima had been working very hard lately to prepare Madara for the position of clan leader. "We could kill them all or force them to live in the Valley of Hell in the Land of Hot Water." said the man calmly as if both options were not horrible."What does the first wife prefer we do?" asked Madara as the clan had been hired to dispose of the Chinoike Clan. The clan had been blamed for the death of the feudal Lord as the second wife of the house was from that clan."Well she would prefer we kill them all" said Tajima his arms crossed and his eyebrows furrowed in thought.
Madara crossed his arms over his broad chest, his gaze directed at the map of the Valley on the table. "What are her reasons for an entire clan to be slaughtered?" asked Madara, seeming to take the decision of an entire clan's future very seriously. "She says that the clan was the reason the lord died." informed Tajima as he watched his son waiting for his decision. "Brother, you should take into account that banishing them to the Valley is as good as delaying their death, the valley is said to be uninhabitable" said Izuna from where he was sitting on a chair his knee pulled up onto the chair so he could lean on it. "Though Believed uninhabitable, Brother I think it would be a better fate than execution. It would give them a chance" answered Madara as he glanced up from the table. "Look, they have water and a vast amount of minerals. If done correctly they could craft out a living" said Madara's as he pointed out spotted on the map. Izuna nodded in agreement as he rested his head on his knee, seemingly tired from the day's battle and journey.
"Princess, you were acting queen for five years. What's your opinion?" Asked Madara curiously, meeting her gaze for the first time since the battle. Akame stared into Madaras dark eyes. The candle light seemed to make them sparkle as the light looked to dance in their dark depths. "A second chance is better than none. Instead we are going off the word of a woman who was most likely jealous of the other. The crime could not even be true, personally I would banish them" answered Akame straightforwardly, pulling her gaze away from Madara to look around the room.
"We will banish them," said Madara to his father, his mind made up. Tajima nodded his head with a ghost of a smile residing on his lips."I agree with your decision son, you're growing in leadership," said Tajima drowsily as he uncrossed his arms and observed the three teens."You three have done a lot today you should get some rest" said the man his gaze shifting to Izuna as the boys head made contact with the table his breathing slowing as if he had been asleep for a while now.
Akame smiled at the boy and nodded to Tanjima."I'll make preparations to move the Chinoike clan, rest well children" said the man as he left the room.
Akame sat down on the floor and leaned back against the wall. Her eyes were heavy and her limbs tired. She was so tired that she didn't even notice Madara sitting down next to her. Akame's tired form eventually slumped over to the side, her head resting on Madaras shoulder as her breathing slowed and sleep claimed her. Madara smiled at the girl's sleeping form, she did this alot, it was almost as if she preferred to use him as a pillow than an actual pillow. He didn't mind though, in fact he actually rather enjoyed her presence. It often puts him at ease to see her so calm and peaceful without a care in the world, like it used to be.
Akame's long bluish white hair fell in her face and over Madaras shoulder as she slept peacefully, the phantoms of the dead not seeming to bother her. She looked younger sleeping on his shoulder as if she were a child who fell asleep during a long lecture.
Madara himself felt sleepy fighting with Hashirama though exhilarating did tire him at the end of the day. Relaxing his muscles and closing his eyes, drowsiness began to claim him, causing his head to rest atop Akames as he had no strength to keep it up right left. 

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