Chapter Thirty-Four: Good news and a grave visit

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Akame awoke early the next morning a cool breeze blew through the room as she sat up in bed her stomach was bothering her and she felt rather hot. Glancing at Madara who appeared to be fast asleep still, Akame pulled herself from bed and headed for the bathroom. Where she crouched in front of the toilet her dinner burning her throat as she vomited.  Akame's face contorted into an expression of pain as her hands balled into fists. What was wrong with her?

Akame continued to throw up till nothing was left but stomach acid, clutching her stomach with one hand and the toilet with the other. Akame gasped for air she felt lightheaded and sick to her stomach. Glancing up at the ceiling Akame sucked in deep breaths her body trembling as she suddenly felt extremely cold. "Are you alright?" asked the deep voice of Madara in a concerned tone as he draped a blanket over her trembling shoulders. Akame glanced over her shoulder at him a small smile on her face though it was strained. "Yeah I'm just feeling a little under the weather" she replied slowly as she looked down at her shaking hands, why was she trembling?

Madara hummed before scooping her up in his arms and carrying her back into the bedroom where he set her on the bed. "You should get some rest then," he said softly as he brushed a stray strand of hair out of her face, Akame leaned into his touch closing her eyes as she did so. 

Madara soon retracted his hand and stood to his full height, "get some rest princess I look after your duties" he informed before going to dress. Akame watched him go she had been queen for about a month now and if she said so herself Madara had adjusted quite well to the royal life yet sometime she could swear she saw sadness in his eyes. Laying down once more Akame closed her eyes and waited for sleep to take her.

Madara walked through the halls towards Akame's office he had to fetch her paperwork.  Entering the office and grabbing the stack of papers Madara exited the room and went to his office down the hall where he sat down and began her work. He hated this part of the job, paperwork was the worst. Reading through the first few pages Madara was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Enter" he called dryly not even glancing up from the paper he was reading. The door opened and then closed before footsteps walked closer to his desk. "Your highness," said an older voice that Madara recognized which caused him to roll his eyes and glance up at the man in front of him." what is it commander?" asked Madara in an annoyed tone he hated this guy.

"I was looking for the queen for the mission layout." informed the Commander as he watched Madara neither of the two males liked each other very much. "The queen is feeling under the weather today, here," said Madara as he pulled out a few papers that were clipped together and handed them to the commander. "Oh is she alright?" asked the man in a worried tone for he had viewed the girl as a daughter. Madara nodded "she fine there's your mission layout do you need anything else?" asked Madara his head propped up by his hand "No, your highness. Excuse me," said the man before he bowed and left the room.

Madara rolled his eyes all the formalities were rather annoying. Singing his name Madara glanced out the window. The luminescent sky shined down on the happy village below making his mind wander to the hidden leaf. How was it doing these days? Was his clan completely smashed by the discrimination by Tobirama?  He needed to save them from that oppression and Hashiramas peace ideals. He could never obtain peace through diplomacy that is simply impossible. Gritting his teeth in anger Madara stood from the desk and left the office. Walking through the halls Madara entered the throne room where he spotted Akame sitting on her throne her long white hair flowing around her like a cloak. Her green eyes looked tired yet still sparkled in the candlelight. She wore a simple white kimono that made her look like a goddess from another world. Her head was held up by her hand as she listened to the people come to complain.

Madara's jaw tightened she was supposed to be resting not listening to the people whine like wimps. Akame spotted him and sent him an apologetic smile she knew he was not happy just by the look on his face and yet she could not leave him to do all the work by himself. Instead, she was feeling better now that she had rested all morning. Madara approached the dais and sat down next to her." your supposed to be resting" he whispered angrily, Akame glanced at him sidelong." I'm feeling better instead there is no harm in me sitting here, is there?" she asked but never received an answer as Madara simply looked down at the people annoyance emanating from him.


Akame walked through the halls towards the basement where the resident healing shinobi was Akame walked down the stairs she still felt light-headed and wanted to get something for it. Munching on the apple she had in her hands Akame made a turn down a hall she had been rather hungry as of late if fact she had begun to put o weight because of it. Entering the wing of the castle where the healers where Akame selected a vacant room and entered. "Your majesty" greeted the healing kunoichi in the room with a bow. "How may I assist you?" she asked politely, the woman had short brown hair and chocolate eyes she wore a simple white medical attire with her hair pulled back.

"I've been feeling light-headed as of late and had a random bout of sickness this morning, I was wondering if you could find out why?" asked Akame as she sat down on the bed. The kunoichi nodded her head and began her examination of the current queen.

"How long have you been feeling light-headed your majesty?" she asked as she hovered her chakra-covered hands over the queen. Akame furrowed her brows in thought for a moment "a little under a week" she replied calmly as she looked up at the nurse, who hummed. The kunoichi dropped her hands to her sides a smile on her face as she nodded to herself. "Well your majesty there is nothing per se wrong with you, however, nature is taking its course and I feel I must inform you that . . . you are with child," said the woman causing Akame to sit up straight rather quickly in shock her eyes were wide and she could have sworn her heart stopped for a second. "Furthermore judging by your timetable and the fact that you are developing a bump I would say it is more than one" continued the nurse with joy glistening in her eyes "congratulations your majesty"

This time Akame could have sworn her jaw dropped. Her a mother! Of not only one but multiple! "They will be due in December," said the nurse as she helped the shocked queen to her feet. Akame starred in front of her it felt too soon, she'd only been married for a little over a month. What was she to tell Madara?

" I would recommend coming back to see me your majesty within a week's time so that we can check up on them and hopefully figure out how many there are" Akame nodded mindlessly before thanking the woman and leaving. What would Madara think? He still had business with the leaf not to mention project Tsukuyomi. Was he ready to be a father? Would he have the time?

Sighing Akame walked among the cherry blossom trees in her old training grounds where Madara, Izuna, and she used to train a bouquet in her hand. Sadness bit into her heart at the thought of the Uchiha whose life had ended prematurely. She was not even there when it happen, she didn't get to say goodbye.  Akame stopped at the far end of the garden where two graves were sticking up from the ground. Splitting the bouquet in half she placed one half on either grave. "What would you do?" she asked out loud as she looked down at the stone that rose from the ground with the name Uchiha Izuna engraved on it. Chucking to herself she continued "never mind you would probably laugh and say suck it up".

The image of his smiling face popped into her head causing a tear to slip down her cheek. "I wish you were here?" she remarked she missed the laughs the younger of the two brothers would cause but also she missed his sense of duty to his family.

"do you think everything will work out?" she asked in earnest the breeze blowing her hair in her face as she wiped her tears. Looking at the grave expectantly she hung her head if only she had been there.

Madara watched Akame from a high balcony a pang of pain burst in his chest. It was his fault his brother was gone. His fault for causing so much pain. Akame had been visiting Izuna's grave for a while now ever since she discovered it was there. In fact, Madara had noticed she tended to go there when thinking of a solution for a problem. Yet she always ended up in tears, that was part of the reason Madara no longer went to the grave he didn't need to keep opening that wound.

Turning from the window Madara looked at the transcript on the leaf's movement and more specifically Hashirama's. Madara would just have to ask Akame what was bothering her later as of now he needed to come up with a way to get the project Tsukuyomi started he did not have eternity.

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