Chapter Twenty-Nine: Welcome Home

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The wind whipped the snow around chilling Akame's cheeks as she trudged through the snowy woods towards the pillars that marked the gate. She had not been home in so long it felt like a distant memory of someone long gone. Akame looked up at the tall stone pillars where she and Madara used to watch the sunrise so many years ago. Sighing she walked to the void in between and reached out touching the invisible space, the gate soon shimmered to life twinkling in the sun as the pair stepped through to the dark plane of the luminescent colored sky. The dim light from the sky made the village she remembered as lively and happy seem sad and empty.

Cherry blossom peddles blew down from the palace falling into her white hair that seemed to glow in the strange dimension. The pair slowly walked through the streets of bustling people up towards the palace where the gats opened for them and they were greeted by rows of Ninja. Akame ignored them as she walked past heading for the throne room where her cruel mother was most likely waiting. She hated this, her mother probably only really wanted her to come home to take over ruling the nation so she could run off and explore the world.

"Your highness, are you alright you have been quiet ever since we left the village hidden in the leaf," asked Sachio in a concerned tone as he eyed her as they turned a corner.  Akame ignored the man and pushed the throe room doors open with such force that they slammed against the walls the sound echoing throughout the large room.

On the throne at the end of the room sat her mother her green eyes glaring down at Akame her white hair flowing around her as her head rested on the palm of her hand. "Manners child," she said coldly as she lifted her head and sat straight up. She looked as if she had not aged a day but Akame knew that was a lie. "MANNERS! REALLY!" Akame yelled as she strutted down the ail her blood boiling." TELL ME MOTHER WHAT KIND OF MANNERS THREATS TO WIPE OUT THE LIVES OF INNOCENTS?" she asked as she stopped at the foot of the throne. "The kind that wants results," said her mother calmly with an empty smile.

Akame scoffed "no those are the manners of a tyrant" Akames mother's smile faltered a bit as a fire flickered in her icy gaze. Taking a breath the woman stood from her throne." come we have preparations to make." she said as she walked down the stairs and past Akame who watched her intently." what preparations?" she asked angrily yet with curiosity. Her mother sighed "I miss the days you obeyed without question if only I never introduced you to those Uchiha" said the older woman in a regretful tone. Ever since her daughter had become friends with that clan she had changed. Become more rebellious, sought out battle, killed people, and worst of all threw her life away for a man.

"What?" said Akame shock on her face. What did the Uchiha clan have to do with anything? "Come we need to get you ready for the ball" continued the woman as she grabbed Akames wrist and began to pull her through the castle towards her old room. Ball?

Shoved into her room Akame looked around only to spot faces, faces of female servants all holding some kind of clothing, hair ornament, or bathing utensil. "This way your highness," said the bathing servants as they ushered her towards the bath where they stripped her and pushed her into a bathtub. Hugging her knees as she was scrubbed vigorously Akame stared down at the bubbly water. It had been two days since she left the village and she already missed him. "What is this ball," Asked Akame randomly to no one in particular, her tone was distant as her mind had wandered off. "The ball is for you to choose a husband," said one of the servants hanking Akame back to reality." what!" she yelled standing up in surprise and horror. The servants merely pushed her back into the water and continued to wash her hair.

Was her mother crazy! "Once you choose your husband you will have a month to get to know him before your wedding, and later coronation," said another servant. How did the servants know about this and not her? "How do you know this?" Akame asked hesitantly as she looked up to see the brown eyes and curly locks of her old handmade Hina smiled softly." it's been the talk of the village for a week now your highness everyone knows." Akame blinked in shock her mother had arranged for her to marry without telling her! But what about Madara? She refused to marry any other but she doubted her mother would let her because of her statement early.                           

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