Chapter Eighteen: Can you hear me screaming . . . "Please don't leave me!"

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The Senju clan raced through the snow covered woods. The clan's destination, the village Lost in Time. They had received vital intel that the land of time was where the Uchiha clan had been residing. According to the intel they had been doing so for many years which was how the Senju could never find them. Hashirama ran at the front of his group, his long silky brown hair blowing in the brisk winter wind. The cold wind was biting at his cheeks and fingers. He had not expected the Land of Time to be so cold.

"How did you meet?"

"We were introduced"

Madara's words from so long ago rang through his mind. As he found himself wondering if they had actually been introduced by their parents. However if that were true then Akame would have had to be a nobility to be introduced to Madara. Did the village Lost in Time even have nobility? Not much was known about the Land of Time except that they tended to keep to themselves. "Brother, are you sure we should be charging in without knowing exactly where the village is?"asked Tobirama, his voice deep and cold. His red eyes studding his brother as he waited for an answer."We will have the element of surprise Tobirama. They don't know that we know where they are and when they find out we will be on their doorstep and they will come to meet us in a hurry" theorised Hashirama as he clenched and unclenched his hands to try and keep them from freezing.

"I see," Said Tobirama as he too began to move his fingers. "I had heard nothing about it being this cold," Senju continued with a scowl on his face. Hashirama burst out into laughter that echoed through the woods."Neither had I" said Hashirama with a glance over his shoulder to check on his men who all seemed to be freezing.

Hashirama's head snapped forward sas he sensed a familiar large amount of chakra. Weaving a few hand signs just in time to create a wooden wall to block the fireball that barreled towards them warming their fingers."How did He know we were here?!" Asked Tobirama as he drew his sword. The wooden wall turned to ash from the heat of the fire as Uchiha's dashed through the flames like devils pouncing on souls.

Swords clashed and blood splattered the pure white snow beneath them. Madara smiled sadistically as his sword clashed with Hashirama's. Intentionally giving up ground in the direction of the cliffs slowly drawing the unknowing clan to the ambush. Fire engulfed the trees turning the forest into an oven baking those inside. The Queen was going to kill Madara later for the forest's destruction, Madara just knew it.

"You're holding back Madara!" Called Hashirama as their swords met,sparks flying. "Don't want to completely destroy the forest," said Madara, who was very unlike him to care about his surroundings."Oh why is . . . that?" said Hashirama as their clash ended and he casted a wood style jutsu that caused spikes to emerge from the ground. Madara easily dodged the attack by jumping up into the air and casting a fireball at the same time. "The Queen would be angry," admitted Madara as he dashed through the fire, his sword aimed at Hashirama's head.

Raising his own blade Hashirama fluck Madara's attack backwards the Uchiha landed gracefully a few feet away, a merciless smile gracing his lips. "The Queen? I didn't know this land had one" mussed Hashirama as he weaved a few hand signs causing wood to splinter from his arm in an attempt to create a cage. Hashirama could tell that Madara was really holding back, he was not using many jutsu's and was simply using swordsmanship, which was curious.

"A cage really?" Madara laughed humorlessly as he burned away the attempted cage but kept the flame to a minimal. Yup Madara was up to something and Hashirama knew he needed to be careful. "Where is the lovely Akame today?" Asked Hashirama as he had previously noticed that both Akame and Izuna were absent from the battle which was extremely unusual as neither left Madaras side often. This only furthered Hashirama's suspensions."Their whereabouts do not concern you" Said Madara as he casted a jutsu that created a fire dragon which he had learned from the princess a while ago.

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