Chapter five: Frenzy

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Akame, Madara and their new Friend Hashirama sat atop a cliff that overlooked a vast green forest. The lush green trees blew in the wind as the golden rays of the orange sun caressed their leaves in a gentle manner. The three had just decided that they would build a village in that spot. A village that would stop shinobi from fighting and killing children, where there would be a school for young shinobi and people could live in peace not fear.
"Say Akame, do you have any siblings?" asked Hashirama randomly, a soft smile plastered his lips as he turned to look at the girl next to him. Akame was exhausted from training that day and was trying her best to stay awake as her head drooped then jerked up at the question causing the two boys to laugh."n-no-" she said groggily as she yonned. The boys continued to laugh at her sleepy state. "You look exhausted, Akame, are you okay?" asked Hashirama in a caring tone with a look of concern. "I'm fi-" Akame began but exhaustion began to claim her, causing her to close her eyes and rest her head on Madara's shoulder.
Hashirama watched the sleepy girl with a smile. Her long bluish white hair flowed around her like a waterfall. Her muscles were relaxed as she leaned into the raven haired boy. Hashirama's smile slowly faltered as he found himself wishing he was the one she had rested her head on instead of his friend Madara. However, that feeling faded when he saw Madara's expression.
Madara who always looked on guard and tense. Who's smiles were breff and eyes were empty or filled with anger now looked like a completely different person. Madaras raven hair blew with the wind, his dark eyes were filled with care as they gazed softly down at the girl with a content smile on his now relaxed face. Madara's muscles slackened under her head as the boy finally looked at ease in the world.
Hashirama had never seen Madara that relaxed before nor seen him with such a gentle gaze. Hashirama smiled at the two. Why did he wish it was him in that spot? He could clearly see what was really between the two at that moment. "How long have you known each other?" Hashirama asked quietly, Madara glanced up at the boy next to him, the caring look in his eyes vanishing. "A little over two years " he said planely his gaze shifting to the sun. Little over two years he thought to himself, it felt like much longer that she had been at his side. "How did you meet?" Hashirama asked curiosity, taking hold of him.
Madara quickly turned to the boy with anger in his eyes"THAT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS TWERP!" he yelled loudly at the other boy which curled in on himself feeling utterly depressed that he made Madara mad. Akame stirred slightly as she re-positioned herself on Madaras shoulder. Madara quickly fell silent and looked down at her, the anger extinguishing. "Sorry I didn't mean to make you mad I was just curious" said the depressed brown haired boy in an apologetic tone. Madara scoffed at the boy before angrily answering his question, though quieter this time" we were introduced". Hashirama perked up at this bit of information, a new fascination brewing inside him as he wondered why they were introduced and by who.
"I should take her home" Madara said changing the subject as he shifted his body and slid his arms under the girl before standing up and scooping her into his arms bridal style. Her head was still resting on his shoulder like a sleeping princess. "Okay, I should get going too," said Hashirama as he too stood and waved goodbye to Madara before vanishing.
Akame awoke to the sun shining brightly on her face as a cool breeze blew through her room moving the curtains of her giant bed. Her soft warm covers rested on top of her as she laid on her back. Her circular green eyes slowly opened to see the sealing. Akame sleepily sat up with her covers falling from her. She noticed she was in her clothes from yesterday and that she was in her room but she had no idea how she got there. She remembered talking to the boys on the cliff but that was it.
The door to her room soon opened then closed as Hina entered the room with a tray of food. "oh ! your highness why are you in yesterday's clothes? You will dirty your bed wearing those clothes" she said as she approached and set the tray in front of Akame. Akame rubbed her head in an attempt to remember how she had gotted home but the only thing that came was the feeling of warmth and safety "I don't . . . know" she said in a sleepy tone as she rubbed her eyes and began to eat. "You've been extremely tired lately, are you okay?your highness" said Hina with a soft smile."I'm fine I have been doing alot lately" Akame said as she finished her food and hopped out of bed and walked to the bathroom. "Let me draw your bath, your highness," said Hina as she ran ahead of Akame and started the bath.
Once Akame had bathed and dressed in her usual high-collared, light-coloured kimono decorated with magatama with a full body suit underneath, She headed for the training grounds. When she arrived the Uchiha were already there and training in hand to hand combat "ah your highness are you feeling better?" asked Tajima as soon as he saw her. Akame racked her brain trying to figure out what he meant by that. "Um yeah im fine" she eventually said as she made her way over to madara to take Tajima's place as his sparring partner.
"What did you tell him? And how did I get back here in the first place?" Akame shot off her questions in a whisper as soon as she was close enough to the Uchiha. "Well I carried you home last night and I told my father that you had a stomach ache this morning to let you sleep in. You can thank me later?" He added the last part with sarcasm though he was smiling the whole time. Akame threw a punch at the boy's head as she rolled her eyes at his comment. Madara blocked her punch with ease and threw a counter attack. "Thank you" Akame said sarcastically as she blocked his punch. Madara smirked with satisfaction at her before landing a kick to her abdomen. Akame flew through the air by the force of his kick and ended up hitting a tree and slumping to the ground.
Akame regained her footing just in time to block another strike from the dark haired boy. Pain shot through her arms at the force of his air kick. Grunting a little, Akame glanced up at the boy who was grinning with pleasure. "You know sometimes I find your love for battle disturbing" Akame said as she landed a kick of her own. Madara countered her attack swiftly with a strike to her face. "Why?" he asked casually as blood dripped from Akame's nose. Akame was stunned for a second which was just enough time for Madara to knock her legs out from under her and pin her to the ground.
Madara's body loomed over Akame's; his hands held her wrists on either side of her head, as he held her legs down with one leg. His dark eyes peered down at her, his raven hair falling into his face casted an eerie shadow over his eyes. Akame stared up at the boy atop of her, She could see her bloody face reflected in his dark eyes like a black mirror. Her eyes then began to wonder as she studied his face, he was drop dead gorgeous and he didn't even seem to notice.
Heat began to rise on Akame's face turning her pale cheeks a bright red as she realized their closeness causing her to quickly turn her head to the side in embarrassment. Akame began to squirm under Madara, her heart pounding against her chest. Why was his closeness bothering her now? It had not bothered her before.
Madara watched Akame, her cheeks and ears were bright red. Madara could feel her pulse running wild as her breathing quickened. What was up with her? He wondered as she began to squirm under him in an attempt to free herself. Akame would not meet Madaras eye, and for some reason this bothered him."surrender" Madara demanded with a frown on his face as he watched the girl. "I surrender!" she practically yelled. Madara released her from his grip and got to his feet and looked down at her, offering her a hand to help her up.
Once Madara was off of her she quickly got to her feet ignoring his offer for help. She could feel the heat in her face and ears as her heart was running a marathon. Why did his presence cause this reaction in her? What is wrong with me? She wondered as she hugged herself and quickly walked away into the forest.
Akame walked through the many cherry blossom trees trying to calm her racing heart. What caused me to feel like this? She wondered, though the image of Madara looming over her kept flashing before her eyes. His dark eyes, his perfectly shaped face, even the frown he had worn. It was all burned into her memory clear as crystal.
Akame was pulled from her thoughts by the sound of running behind her and the voice of the younger Uchiha Izuna."Akame!" he called as he ran to catch up to her. He had a look of concern on his face when he finally reached her and came to a stop."Are you okay? You just kinda left, did something happen between you and my brother?" he asked as he studied the princess. Akame flashed a quick smile at the boy she cared for like a brother."I'm fine Izuna, I don't mean to make you worry." she said in an unsteady tone. Izuna regarded her seriously as he crossed his arms over his chest much like his brother would do."You're lying," he said in an accusing voice.
Akame quickly shook her head and held her hands up in front of her like she was surrendering."n-no I am not" She said but Izuna was not buying it as he rolled his eyes he asked calmly "what happened with my brother?".
"It's nothing Izuna, nothing happened with Madara" she reassured though it was a lie. She began to walk again trying to lock away the frenzy of weird thought flowing in her head.

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