Chapter Twenty-Three: Awake and Alive

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The world was dark and silent, no birds chirped and no wind howled. The air was cold and the sky empty, no stars to be seen, even the brilliant light of the white moon had vanished. Everything was pitch black and there in the centre of the black dark lake sat Akame, her long bluish white hair floating in the water around her. Her green eyes closed and her skin pale. Her body had matured and had fully filled out now as her hair had been left unattended to the point that if she stood it would drag on the ground. Her breathing was slow and steady, her heart beating every few minutes.

Para-paradox . . . temporal-no . . . soul . . . no that's not right . . . Temporal Soul Paradox! Yes, that was it. Yes but how did I build in the key all those years ago? Akame had been alone in the dimension of darkness and water for so-so long she lost track of time. As there was no way to tell it in this new world. She had begun to talk to herself . . . or at least in her head. She had repurposed the half completed jutsu she had used on herself but she could not figure out how to use it to escape. That was if she could escape the hell she dwelled in.

Pain was her only companion in the world. The pain she felt when she died was on repeat inside the paradox, it was excruciating but somehow she had learned to ignore it.

"I'm home Yuki . . . oh no change huh" sounded the voice of a stranger within the darkabis. Occasionally the voice of this girl would ring through the dimension sounding like the voice of a lost spirit, but after a while it would fade and Akame could only make out bits and pieces of what the girl was saying.

Akame looked up at the dark sky, her green eyes looked sad and empty. "The Senju left town" came a girl's voice echoing all around like it was bouncing off the walls of a cave. Akame had gathered that she was Yuki in her time here, she supposed that the name fit . . . huh a name meaning snow. Akame had also gathered that the girl's name was Shion, Shion seemed like a happy girl but by the tone in which she sometimes spoke Akame had the feeling she did not have many friends.

"I wonder if I will see him again" sounded Shions voice in a sad tone as if she was longing for something . . . a tone in which Akame thought her voice would sound like if she spoke. For she longed to see Madara again, to feel his warmth and to see him smile, hear him laugh. Sights and sounds she clung to in this darkness, things she held onto to stay sane.

Oh Madara, she wondered how he was doing, how Izuna was. She hoped that they had gotten over her passing. Moved on . . . found a replacement. The Image of the heartbroken expression on Madara's face flashed before her eyes and she began to doubt that there would be a replacement for her.

A sharp pain pierced through her chest, one she was not accustomed to. The pain burned as if the chakra inside of her was boiling and screaming out. Akame's body shook in pain as she cried out.

"MADARA!" he was in danger she could feel it through the necklace she gave him. That's why her chakra was screaming, he needed her help, She needed to save him!

Shion sat by Yuki's bedside staring at the beautiful woman, her hair flowing around her like a cape, her flawless white skin made her look like a doll. Yuki suddenly gasped for air, her eyes shooting open. Revealing them to be a pleasant green with strage secular patterns on them. Yuki bolted straight up reaching her hand out infront of her as if she were reaching for someone. As she called out a name Shion had heard once or twice from the Senju.

"MADARA!" She looked panicked and tense as her hand grabbed nothing but air. Yuki's muscles were tense as she glanced around the room. Shion stared at the woman who had just called out for the leader of the feared Uchiha clan by first name. Who was she? What had happened to her? Shion had so many questions she wanted to ask the stunning woman. However it seemed she had no time as Yuki pulled back the covers and stood up though she collapsed soon after. An angry expression crossed her face as Yuki slammed her fist on the ground.

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