Chapter Thirty-Six: The first great ninja war

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Akame sat at the window with a solemn look on her face, her green eyes looked tired, her body exhausted. Her white hair was pulled up and back in a messy bun, she wore a plain white kimono, and in her arms rested two small infants. Their eyes were closed and both were sound asleep. The two small children both had heads full of white and black hair, the two looked like two halves of each other one had white hair on the left side of his head the other had it on the right, and vice versa for the black hair. Their skin was pale like their mothers, their chest rising and falling with their breathing.

It had been a few months since Madara had left and in that time Akame had been told he lost to Hashirama resulting in his death. The news had shattered her to her core and not long after that, the children were born. War was on the brink of starting in the outside world causing multiple nations to come here seeking an ally and on today's schedule was the leaf coming for an audience. Akame gritted her teeth she felt a deep hatred for that village brewing inside of her.

"Hina!" called Akame even though she was alone, her voice sounded empty. The sound of the door opening was soon heard and in came the woman Akame had known all her life. "You called your majesty," said the woman with a bow, Akame smiled softly at her" yes, I need you to take care of the children I have duties to attend to," she said as she handed the twin to the woman and exited the room fixing her hair as she went. Walking through the empty halls that seemed to be collapsing in on her. She had not allotted time to grieve for Madara she knew better, if she left time to let her mind think about him too much she would never get anything done.

Entering the throne room Akame sat on her throne and propped her head up with her hand as she waited for the first audience to begin." your majesty! The Hokage from the leaf!" announced a shinobi before the large doors opened and in came two people she had grown to hate. Hashirama wore a red white robe with a triangular hat, his face mostly hidden. Next to him stood the white-haired Senju in the casual dress of the Senju a scowl on his face his red eyes searching the room.

Akame could feel her blood boil but her face remained expressionless, she was angry, and the thought of ordering them executed entered her head over and over. Hashirama lifted his head to meet her dead gaze she seemed off to him, something was wrong. She looked hollow and tired. She wore plain clothes and her long white hair seemed to flow around her as if she had left it untouched. Her green eyes looked down at them with an emotion burning in her eyes he had never seen on her before. "You have sought out an audience with me Hokage speak what you have come to say," she said coldly with a wave of her hand in a formal tone.

Tobirama's gaze snapped to her upon hearing her voice his eyes narrowing. Where not his brother and her friends why did she sound so cold? Hashirama picked up on her slightly hostile tone and narrowed his eyes his suspicions had been right something was wrong. "I have come seeking a formal treaty," said Hashirama as he observed her, her brow twitched at the word but otherwise she seemed unaffected by his words. "In the past, we have had an unspoken treaty founded in our friendship. I simply ask for a written document, declaring the terms of the treaty " continued Hashirama calmly.

Akame lifted her head and sat up straight she no longer had any interest in a treaty with them she had seen where treaties with the Senju end up. She also had no intention of being dragged into a war she knew was coming. "Is that all?" she asked her brow rising her cold gaze made a chill run down the Senju's backs. "Yes, your majesty"  Hashirama confirmed with resolve the land of fire's futile lord wanted to see the treaty they had with the land of time so that if need be he could retreat to their dimension. Hashirama had not spoken to Akame in a while and in that time something had changed and he feared it was for the worse.

"I no longer harbor any interest in a treaty with the leaf, if that is all you have come to ask then you may go," she said harshly a flicker of an emotion he often used to see in Madara's eyes flashed in hers. Hatred.

"May I ask why? Your majesty" Asked Hashirama in confusion, they had always been on good terms when had her feeling changed? And why? Akame's brow twitched once more as she gritted her teeth her blood boiled he dared to ask why! "NO! Know your place Hokage, this is my domain" she said threateningly her eyes narrowing surprising Hashirama however Tobirama was not surprised. He had always suspected that the Uchiha had rubbed off on the girl and now he was seeing it.

Blinking Hashirama was speechless, he had never felt truly threatened but the girl before now it was hard to believe. "My nation does not wish to be dragged into the war brewing because of your ideals we want no part! Depart from here leaf shinobi and never return less you wish to forfeit your lives!" she said with a motion of dismissal. Hashirama felt hurt he had no idea what he had done to anger her so much, first Madara now her he was losing all his friends. "Why Akame! Why do you hate us so much!?" he asked in an almost yell he had to know what he had done wrong.

Akame clenched her jaw her hands balling into fists "YOU COME HER SPEAKING OF TREATS AND THEN DEMAND TO KNOW WHY I HATE YOU SO MUCH, PLEASE HASHIRAMA REFLECT ON YOUR ACTIONS AND THINK!!" she yelled in a burst of anger. If she dug down to her corn she knew that she was refusing their treaty because she was selfish and wanted nothing to do with the murders of the two people she cared about the most.

Akame's words stung, his actions, she hated him because of his actions but what . . . the reason hit him like a boulder causing his eyes to widen and regret to seep into his heart along with pain. This was all because he killed Madara and Tobirama killed Izuna she had been willing to tolerate the murder of Izuna in the name of peace but . . .  Madara was different. He had seen it countless times, Akame had loved Madara and the loss of him had shattered her. "I'm sorry" mumbled Hashirama before bowing and exiting the room he couldn't stand to be under her burning gaze that spread guilt through his heart. He knew that Madara's death was necessary to the villages safer but he had not thought about the effects it would have on those closest to him. A mistake he would never make again.


By the time Hashirama reached the hidden leaf, he was met with the news that War had broken out. The hidden Stone had attacked a leaf intelligence base killing a few shinobi while the Sand Had ambushed the Stone. Blood was shed and Hashirama was expected to make a decision that would satisfy the families of the lost and protect his nation. He was in a precarious position of what to do with only one thought popping into his head, both Akame and Madara were right why hadn't he listened. He wished he could go talk to her, get her opinion but he knew better she hated him and that was all his fault.

With a heavy heart, Hashirama had the leaf enter the fray marking the first great ninja war in history. The village hidden in time refrained from conflict as no other nation could enter their dimension their land was a frozen forest of trees and mountains of which Akame disposed of whoever stepped foot on it.

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