Chapter nine: Resolution

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Madara and Akame's blades sliced through the skin and bones of the last two men guarding the exit of the passageway. Their blood spattered the walls of the corridor and covered the clothes and hands of the two children. Akame's pure bluish white hair was now a crimson red, her white clothes dyed to the color of blood as it stuck to her porcelain skin. The girl that was there before was replaced by this killing machine that cut down others without a second thought.
Akio stared in horror at the two children in front of her who were protecting her. When she first met that girl she thought she was a wuss who traveled with the famous clan because her mom had an in. Never had she thought the girl was a weapon of mass destruction. The boy she had thought handsome and kind was nothing of the sort in reality. He was a weapon of death as well and didn't seem to carry any regrets about his actions. The two looked as if they were demons sent straight from hell.
"This way" said Madara as he looked around before turning to the right and walking away. Akame stared at the head of the man she had just decapitated, blood poured from the severed neck at her feet socing her shoes. The man's eyes were wide open in horror as he mouth left agap as if screaming out to be saved. Akio made to follow Madara but stopped after a minute or two when she did not hear the girl following. "Um . . . are you okay?" she asked in a matter of fact tone as she stared at the girl who had begun to tremble slightly.
The question the girl posed caught Madara's attention and he turned around. Akame's trembling form caught his attention instantly, she looked terrified as she looked at her blood soaked hands. "Princess!" Madara called to her but she did not look at him. Her knees buckled under her before giving out entirely causing her to collapse to her knees in front of the severed head.
"Is she okay?" asked Akio in a questioning tone as Madara walked back over to Akame and crouched down in front of her. He could see it in her eyes. She was reliving all the times she killed someone in the tunnel. Seeing their faces, hearing their voices, wondering if they had families, feeling guilt. Madara's gaze softened, he had been there once. Feeling all that regret, it happens the first time you claim lives.
Placing his sword to the side Madara pushed the head away from the girl, causing her to look up at him with fear in her eyes. "I-I killed them" she muttered in disbelief as if she wanted him to tell her she imagined it all. "You did what was required of you" Madara replied in a soft tone, one he did not use too often. "I'm a terrible person" she said as a tear slipped down her cheek. Madara watched her for a moment, they didn't have time for this, at least not now. "Princess, we need to move, others will be coming," he said in a stern tone, giving up on comforting the girl at that time. Taking his sword in one hand and Akames wrist in the other he stood up pulling the girl with him.
"Lets go" he repeated as he took off at a brisk pace in the direction of the woods. Akio struggled to keep up with the two infront of her, she was running out of breath and began to fall behind. Just as they reached the edge of the city they ran into a group of thirty shinobi lying in wait for them.
Madara released Akames wrist and drew an extra kuni. "Uh we are lucky boys they sent a bunch of kids to protect the girl" said one of the men in the group with a sneer."yeah boss but look at them, they're covered in blood" said a more cautious member of the group. "Grabb the girl and let's go!" ordered the leader of the group. The other men nodded and rushed forward towards the three children. Madara threw his kuni hitting one of the men square in the chest before engaging two in a sword fight. However there were still many more he couldn't handle at the same time.
Akame stared at the boys back as he took on multiple opponents at once. Madara was extremely talented but not even him could hold off all thirty men at the same time. Madara grunted in pain as one of his opponent's swords tore through the flesh on his right arm leaving a deep cut that drew blood. Clenching his jaw in pain as he continued to use his arm regardless of his injury, he had a job to do and he was not going to fail even if it killed him.
Something clicked inside Akame when she saw the sword slice into Madaras Arm. he was getting hurt because of her. "SUMMONING JUTSU!" she said as she weaved the appropriate signs, placing both hands on the ground causing a huge summoning formula to spread out onto the ground. A large puff of smoke covered the area gaining the attention of some of their attackers. "Universal push" the force of gravity surged forward towards the men on Madara right, the force of the blow destroyed the trees in its path and tossed the bodies of the men over a hundred yards where they hit the ground with the force of a bolder with trees crushing them.
"Summoning" more smoke was released as the sounds of howling and explosion filled the forest.
By the time the smoke had cleared the only things surrounding them was carnage and six people wearing the crest of the otsutsuki clan. Bodies littered the ground and the terrain looked as if a tornado had torn through it. Blood soaked the land turning the dirt and grass red, the wind ruffled the leaves of the few trees that remained as silence settled in the area.
Akio stared in wonder at the six adults around them, they all looked rather similar to the other girl with the exception that they all had many piercings. They even had the same eyes as her, those cold green eyes stared off into the distance as one of the people lowered their hand as if they had just pushed something away.
Madara glanced over his shoulder at the two girls, one looked confused and the other looked tired. "Are you okay?' Asked Akame in a dazed tone, swaying on her feet. "I'm fine, thanks for the help" he said before adding in a concerned tone "are you?"
Akame smiled as she leaned on one of the six for support. "I'm fine" she said as she suced in a breath of air.
"summoning" said one of the adults as they weaved a few signs. A puff of smoke appeared before vanishing to reveal a massive snow owl."We can take to the skies till all the insurgents have been eliminated, it will be safe this way" said the Adult who summoned the bird, as the one who was supporting Akame helped her onto the bird's back. Madara nodded and jumped up himself, one of the adults helped Akio up then jumped back to the ground. "We will assist the others" said one of the six as it turned and dashed into the forest with the other five in tow.
The bird's giant wings spread out and with one great flap the bird was airborne, its white feathers making no sound as the wind rushed past its passengers' faces. "Who were those people?" asked Akio as she ran her fingers over the feathers of the bird. "Dont worry about it," said Akame as she sucked in another ragged breath. "Are you sure you are alright?" Madara said with his dark eyes, studying the girl carefully. Akame nodded her head before resting it on Madaras Shoulder, her eyes felt heavy and body ached. Controlling all six takes its toll on her, as it costs her a lot of chakra.
Akio gritted her teeth in annoyance, why was she allowed to do that! "You look exhausted," Madara noted as he placed an arm around the girl pulling her closer to him. Akame hummed in response to the boy as she was simply enjoying the warmth he was emitting. She felt comfortable and safe sitting next to him like this, he made her feel relaxed and at ease even though when she closed her eyes she could see the faces of the dead.

The great wings of the large bird flapped gently in the wind as it landed in the courtyard of the castle. The insurgents had all been disposed of and the Feudal Lord was anxious to make sure his child was alright and that no harm had come to her. The Lord, Tajima, Izuna, and the six paths were all waiting in the courtyard for three children. The lord was completely unharmed though he did have some blood of others on him he did not look as bad as the two males next to him who had a lot more blood on them.
The first off the back of the bird was Akio completely unscathed physically but maybe a little scared mentally she ran to her fathers embrace with open arms. "My dear child, you are unharmed I assume you ran into no p-" the lord cut himself off as he saw the other two get off the bird completely soaked in blood from head to toe. Akame was leaning on Madara as most of her streaming was gone from using her six other bodys, Madaras arm was bandaged but otherwise they looked fine.
The great owl vanished once they were off of it, and the six bodys all sat down up against the wall and closed their eyes as if they were asleep. "Elder brother, Akame, are you alright?" Izuna asked as he ran up to his brother and his friend. "We're fine" said the two at the same time with bright smiles though they both looked tired.
"What happened?" asked the lord as he released his daughter from his embrace. "There were intruders in the tunnels and on the outskirts, they're gone now however I suggest cleaning up the tunnels. Her tactics of attack are rather gruesome" said Madara as he motioned over to Akame. The lord looked at Akame in disbelief "but she is a princess, why was she fighting?"asked the lord as he observed the girl he had been introduced to as a princess. "Because that is what I was trained for instead, without me fighting those six would have never showed up to help you" Akame said in a ragged voice. The lord glanced over at the six who looked to be sleeping then back at her.
"Father it was terrible! . . . there was blood and body parts everywhere, and that princess ripped the soul out of a man! I can't get these images out of my head" cried Akio as she did truly look traumatized, the lord looked back at the blood covered children ''body parts? Soul ripping?" he said questioningly though even he looked to be a little scared. "I did say she used gruesome methods, yes" said Madara as he helped Akem over to a bench that was still intact to let her sit down.
"She is a witch!" cried the lord"no one should be able to rip the souls of others from their bodies. Madara glared over at the man "and she protected your daughter, show some gratitude" he sneered. "Madara!" called Tanjima in an angry tone, Madara bowed his head to his father "my apologies father I was out of line"
"Our job here is done, we will depart in the morning" said the clan leader to the lord who nodded. "Of course thank you, I shall give you your payment in the morning" he said before looking down at his daughter"you should get some rest dear" Akio nodded and headed inside. "Wait, she should not go alone, an assassin could still get in!" said Akame as she stood from the bench and made the hand sign for the rat, which caused one of the six leaning against the wall to stand and follow the girl.
Once making the sign Akame collapsed into Madara's arms from exhaustion. She could barely keep her eyes open let alone keep marionette functional. Taking one look at the girl in his arms Madara looked over to his brother."Izuna, go with the lord's daughter, The Princess is to weak to maintain marionette for any longer" as Madara was speaking a thump was hear from the other room as if someone had fallen. Izuna nodded to his brother and took off after the girl.
"Madara, Take care of Princess Akame. Make sure she gets enough rest" ordered Tanjima, dismissing Madara from the courtyard. Nodding Madara scooped Akame off her feet into a bridal style position. Pain shot through his arm at the sudden action though he didn't really mind, what mattered was that the girl in his arms was okay.

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