Chapter Twenty-Six: Mito Uzamaki

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The golden sun rose over the village shining down with a radiant warmth lighting the village in golden-orange light. The village was mostly quiet as it was early in the morning. The breeze was cool and refreshing as it kissed the back of Akame's neck. Madara, Hashirama, and Akame all stood at the village gate entrance waiting for the arrival of the Uzumaki party. Madara's arms were crossed over his chest as he leaned against a pillar nearby, bord out of his mind wondering why on earth he had to be there. Hashirama smiled apologetically at the Uchiha as he could clearly tell he was not happy to be there. Akame stood nearby her position mirroring Madara's though she glanced up at the lightening sky. Her mind wandered to her morning with Madara.

They had decided to keep their new relationship status a secret, less it caused issues with the Senju clan. So as of now, they had to pretend as nothing had changed and Akame hated that. Hated sneaking around in the dark made her feel like a criminal. "What time is your bride supposed to arrive? I swear Hashirama if you called me out here an hour early I will kill you" said Madara in an annoyed tone as he glared over at Hashirama or laughed nervously as he held up his hands in defense. "Oh now she should be here any minute," he said with one of his bright Hashirama smiles." Oh calm down, we have only been standing here for fifteen-minute," said Akame as she directed her gaze over at the unhappy Uchiha who valued his sleep.

Madara rolled his eyes and glanced out the gate towards the forest, the golden sun reflecting in his dark eyes like fire. Akame watched him for a moment, her gaze soft with a pleasant smile gracing her lips. Hashirama watched Akame for a moment. He had figured it out a while ago. He was fully aware of how Akame felt about the Uchiha; it was obvious even when they were young. But Madara never seemed to notice and always kept her in the friendzone. It was quite sad. "Look there she is, let's get this over with," said Madara as he pushed himself off the wall and walked over towards Hashirama and Akame, his arms still crossed as they usually were.

The bright red hair that looked like living fire in the golden sunlight soon appeared over the horizon. The bearer of such beautiful hair sat in a wagon, her hands folded wearing a white kimono with fancy hair sticks in her ginger hair. She was surrounded by two servants walking behind her and one driving the cart. If Akame was being honest this girl looked more like a princess than she did. The wagon came to a stop at the gate where the beautiful woman was helped from her carriage by her servants who followed her up to the three founders waiting to greet her. The red-headed woman approached the founders and bowed." Uzumaki Mito it's a pleasure to meet you all" she said in an angelic tone as if she was sent from heaven.

"The pleasure is ours," said Akame with a smile and a bow. She had never met this woman before yet she seemed more like royalty and that was kind of embarrassing. Madara gave a nod of acknowledgment and agreement which was probably the best you were going to get from him. "How was your journey?" asked Hashirama with a smile, those two had clearly met before. Though Akame, "long but well, thank you for asking my lord" she said with a nod of gratitude. So formal!!!! Thought Akame as she shared a glance with Madara who seemed to be thinking the same thing. Akame had to hold back her laugh and force herself to be formal as well." These are co-founders of the leaf Princess Otsutsuki Akame and Uchiha Madara" said Hashirama as he motioned to the two on either side of him. Mito gave another bow to each of them as a sign of respect before speaking" It's a great honor to meet the two of you" her voice was calm and full of formality. She seemed really uptight and by the book etiquette, Akame wondered how on earth she was to house her and get along with her until Mito and Hashirama married.

"The three of us would like to welcome you, the village lady Mito," said Akame, forcing herself to remember her old etiquette classes. "I thank you" she replied with a smile which Akame returned. "You will be staying at the residence of Princess Otsutsuki till the wedding so you servants are free to drop your things off there." said Hashirama calmly as he motioned to her luggage." oh of course," said Mito as she motioned for her servants to gather the luggage. "I will show you the way if you would like to rest before you receive the tour from Hashirama," said Akame as she motioned to the village. "Yes please," said Mito with gratitude.

Once the two girls excused themselves and headed in the direction of Akame's residence. Hashirama turned to Madara, one of his best friends," so what do you think of her?" he asked much like a child would, Madara glared at Hashirama "you had me be here just so you coil ask that question?" he almost yelled in annoyance causing Hashirama to go into one of his depressed states." Sorry I really do value your opinion though" he said quietly, almost a mumble as he looked at the ground." You really need to stop getting so depressed all the time. Lady Uzumaki seems too formal in my opinion but she seems nice." said Madara as the pair began to walk towards the Hokage building. Hashirama perked up at this. " well that was just because you and Akame were there" he said with a sigh before continuing "normally she's not as formal"

Madara hummed in response "when is your wedding anyway?" asked Madara as he glanced to his side at Hashirama with his usual cold expression on his face. "In a week and a half" replied the Senju before continuing "which reminds me, I was going to ask you if you and Akame have made up yet," said Hashirama in a worried tone as he was genuinely worried for the well being of his best friends. "We're fine," said Madara in his usual tone which did nothing to ease Hashirama's worries. " is that the truth or are you just saying that to get me to shut up?" he asked, causing Madara to laugh. Hashirama smiled at the sound the Uchiha haven't laughed much since the death of his brother.

"I was not lying Hashirama, if I wanted to shut you up I would have told you we were besties" Joked Madara who seemed to be in a happier mood. Which was strange, usually his bad moods went from bad to worse. "So are you two going to get together?" asked Hashirama teasingly as he had been trying to figure out if Madara liked Akame for a while now. "WHAT! NO MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS YOU DAMN TWERP!" yelled Madara, his good mood turning to anger. Causing Hashirama to get depressed "I'm sorry I didn't mean to make you mad" apologized Hashirama as he looked down at the ground "then don't ask such stupid questions" replied Madara though in fact, it was not a stupid question. Madara's answer had been a lie. He and Akame were already 'together' as Hashirama put it. However, no one could ever find out about that.


Akame, Mito, and two servants walked in silence through the waking streets of the village. School, was to start soon so kids were waking up and reading for school somewhere already leaving their homes. "Good morning Akame Sensi!" called a small Uchiha girl as she ran up to the princess, her black hair pulled back in a pony and a smile on her face. "What are you doing out in the village this time of morning aren't you usually still at school. . . Wait, are you running late, Sensi?" asked the girl in a curious but slightly mischievous tone as she completely ignored the redhead next to her Sensi who was watching curiously. "No Yui I am not late, I had village business to attend to" replied Akame sweaty with a gentle smile on her lips. "Oh I see well I have to meet up with Himari bye Sensi!" she called as she ran off waving over her shoulder her Uchiha symbol flashing in the sun.

"What a sweet child." remarked Mito as she watched the small girl run off to find her friend " yes all the kids here are" remarked Akame as the party continued to walk the streets." so are you a school teacher your highness," asked Mito formally but with curiosity. Akame laughed at the title. It had been a while since she was called 'your highness'. She hadn't been called that since she was last home, which was over nine years ago. "Oh you don't need to call me that,'' said Akame with an Awkward smile,'' oh but aren't you royalty?" asked Mito in slight confusion. "I am but I haven't been addressed that way in a while if I am being honest if I feel weird. You can just call me Akame most people do anyway" replied Akame as they took a turn down a street and her large house came into view.

"Well then Akame are you a school teacher here I could not help but notice the child seemed to look up to you," asked the redhead softly as she looked around at the many buildings around her. "Well, I founded the academy here so I guess I double as both principal and teacher" replied Akame as they stopped in front of her door, unlocking the door Akame held it open for her guests. "How fascinating . . . you have a beautiful home," remarked the ginger as she looked around the interior. "Thank you, your room is this way," she said as she led them down a corridor and to the left where she opened a sliding door to a large room that had a futon, a desk, a mirror, and a changing curtain. "This will be your room till you marry," said Akame before adding" feel free to get unpacked and settled in. if you will excuse me I have to get to school if you need anything ask Marionette, you can find her upstairs in the study" Mito nodded and with a bow thanked Akame for her hospitality.

Leaving the house Akame walked to the school building where she greeted all the students and began the school day. She felt so energized and was in such a good mood from this morning she felt as if nothing could put her out of it. However, she could not have been more wrong.

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