Chapter Twenty-Four: Life in the Village

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A year had passed as the two clans worked together to build a shinobi utopia in the land of fire in the spot the three had picked out long ago. Akame stood outside of an almost completed large building. The sky was a bright blue and the wind a calm cooling breeze. The sun shone down on the happy village. Akame white hair blue in the breeze as she pointed at a chalkboard. "Who can tell me the answer to this problem?" she asked the group of children in front of her from many different clans. The children were all around the age of six and had not learned any basics of literacy. 

A bunch of hands shot up into the air as some kids tried to push others hands down so that they would get picked. "Botan '' called Akame caused a bunch of kids to mumble as they lowered their hands. "27" said the small boy who was called upon. The boy had brown hair and belonged to the Senju clan. Akame smiled, "Correct, good job." complimented the princess as she wrote the answer on the board. Botan smiled at the compliment as his friends cheered him on.

Akame had become a school principal/teacher at the school in the village the three of them had founded. Honestly she found it fun to educate the younger generation. And with her belonging to a clan that did not live in the village there was no chance of prejudice. Akame spotted a familiar silhouette leaning against a tree in the distance. The person seemed to be observing the class but mainly watching her. Akame rolled her eyes as she weaved a few hand signs gaining the attention of all the children who watched in awe. "Summoning" whispered Akame as she summoned her human path body which she called Yang. A collective "wow"  rang through the class as the smoke cleared and there stood another person who looked similar to 'Akame Sensi'. "Alright kids, you all are going to hang out with Yang and do as she says, think of her as me because she is," said Akame before walking over to the tree where the dark haired Madara stood, arms crossed and a calm expression on his face.

"What's up?" asked Akame as she approached her childhood friend. Madara offered a weak smile "The sky" Akame rolled her eyes."really" Madara chuckled causing Akame to smile hearing him laugh never got old. "Hashirama is getting married, his bride will arrive tomorrow morning around the time school starts. He wanted me to ask you to be there to greet her with the two of us, as founders" said Madara in a serious but annoyed tone. "Why so annoyed?' asked Akame wonder on her face as she watched him closely. Madara scoffed; sometimes he wished she didn't know him so well that she could tell his mood by the slighted change in his voice.

"The village does not need a big wedding, we need to get a stable foundation" he said his tone was full of irritation, Akame was getting the feeling that Hashirama and Madara were having some issues. "Relax Madara, your friend is getting Married you should be happy, not irritated. Think of it like a festival for the village, ''said Akame in a soothing tone. Madara's dark eyes met hers, sighing his gaze softened "this life style suits you Princess" he said as he pushed himself off the tree uncrossing his arms as he did so."what does that even mean"she asked as she crossed her arms.

"Dont worry about it" said Madara with a slight chuckle as he ruffled her hair and began to walk away waving over his shoulder as he went. Akame puffed out her now flushed cheeks in annoyance, he drove her heart crazy, made it run laps and let the butterflies out in her stomach every time they touched. She wished they could be more than friends but . . .  even though she told him how she felt they remained the same. Ever Since she came back he became more distant almost as if he was trying to push her away but could never fully do it.


Madara walked the streets of Konoha Hashirama next to him. "Did you ask her?" asked Hashirama in a curious tone as he stopped to take a flower a little girl was offering him."Yes, why couldn't you do it yourself?" asked Madara with irritation in his voice. Hashirama sighed as he stood up from taking the flower and waved the girl off."I'm trying to help you Madara" said Hashirama, gaining a confused expression from Madara"help me with what?" he questioned in genuine confusion "you've been distancing yourself from everyone around you, including Akame and I. you've been pushing everyone away ever so slowly. It's not healthy. " explained the Senju as the two rounded the corner of a street heading for the main building in the village. "What makes you think that?' asked Madara calmly even though he knew it was true." you and Akame used to be thick as thieves, now you only talk to her when you have to. . . think of what that could be doing to Akame"

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