Chapter one: Life

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"Your Highness" a voice called as three knocks sounded on my bedroom door. "Enter!" I called from where I sat at the desk doing school work. The door opened then closed as the person entered, they took about five steps into the large room before stopping."um where is the real you?" she asked with confusion evident in her voice" oh you need her? She is in the training grounds" I answered, turning the page of my logic book. The footsteps of the woman sounded as they headed to the sliding doors that lead to the balcony, training grounds, and gardan.

The wind blew as the luminescent flowers of the cherry blossoms were carried around the grounds. The sky was a colash of pinks,purples, and blues as they swirled together like a whirlpool. There was no sun, no moon nor stars. The only natural light was the small hew emitted by the colors of the vortex. Though that did not matter as the training grounds and gardens were littered with gold faerie lights that hovered in mid air.

"Your Highness!" called the voice of the woman from earlier. She stood on the balcony with a tray in hand as she looked over the vast amount of land that was surrounded by walls. She seemed to be frantically looking over the grounds till she spotted a large dragon made of fire sprout into life.  Oh well she knows where I am now, I probably should stop wasting her time and go meet up with her. Extinguishing the dragon and dusting my clothes I began to walk towards the castle.

I could see she had just gotten to the bottom of the steps that lead to the enclosed area, it would be a while before I met up with her. "Your Highness the Kuma Clan has arrived at the outer gate" said a man as he kneeled down before me from where I sat on the throne in the throne room of the palace."Very good bring their leader to me we have thing to discuss" I stated calmly with a smile, the man nodded before bowing and taking his leave. Hmm so they have arrived I pondered as I reached the gardens. I wonder when mother will get home? She has been gone for so long now.

What was she thinking? leaving me here alone to rule her country till she returns, I am not old enuff for this! "There you are, your Highness!" said the maid as she approached. She had short curly brown locks that clung to her face and wore the usual light-coloured kimono held closed by a dark sash. The kimono was adorned with magatama around the collar to show that she followed the six paths.

The woman's name was Hina and she was my personal hand maid that was supposed to tend to all my needs. She was really nice, a sweet woman around the age of twenty five. She always looked out for me and made sure I ate. Like she was doing now. "The kitchen staff said that you did not come down for breakfast this morning, your Highness you really do need to make sure you eat?" she scolded like a mother." I know I just forget sometimes" I said as I took the tray of food from her and sat down on the ground.

The food was delicious as always though unfortunately it was gone quickly."You should eat slower too" Hina continued as she took the tray once more in her hands and looked down at me. Shrugging I turned and started walking back the way I came waving over my shoulder at her.

Walking through the hallways of the castle I headed towards the barackes, it was already 2pm meaning the commander was late for my training. Opening the door to his office and entering without knocking was a normal thing as was finding him hunched over a stack of papers oblivious to the world around him."Commander Sachio you're late for my sword training again" I announced as I plopped down in the chair opposite him. "Hmm what? . . . Oh your Highness I did not notice you enter" he mumbled as he looked up from his work. A tired look on his face. The commander was a guy around the age of forty, he had short jet black hair that was neatly combed and dark eyes that had stress lines under them. He too wore the light-coloured kimono held closed by a dark sash. The kimono was adorned with magatama around the collar                                                           

With a black full-bodied suit underneath.

"I'm late aren't I?" he asked as he stood up from his desk and stretched before grabbing his sword and strapping it to his sash. "Yu- we have visitors' ' I stated as I stood as well "hmm what do you mean I thought you already knew that the Kuma clan was here" he said questioningly. "No not them . . . a large group of people just crossed our borders . . . summoning jutsu!" In a puff of smoke a snow white owl with green rinnegans appeared ruffling its feathers ''ready a unit of shinobi  tell them to wait for further instructions from me, I'll send my owl to investigate" I ordered as I opened the window in the office letting the bird fly out into the sky towards the gate.

"Once they are assembled, proceed with my training. I will handle the rest." I commanded sternly. The commander nodded and exited the room as I turned once again to the window.

Intruders hmm, tiz does not matter what matters is that I proceed with my training as well as make sure the Kuma clan is comfortable. Drawing my katana I began my warm up techniques, I must become the best no matter the cost. I must surpass my mother to keep this land safe and protected. It is my duty.

Snow blew in my face and ruffled my feathers as I flew through the storm in the direction that I felt the intruders. I wonder how they are faring in the storm? My wings are silent as the wind passes over them, the wind propelling me further. At my current speed I shall reach the intruders within an hour and a half however compared to walking there E.T.A will be two days.

"Your highness" greeted the commander as he approached me from the garden entrance to the training grounds. "Commander, what are we learning today?" I asked as I sheathed my katana on my back. "Wel, I think we will practice with you Niten Ichi-Ryul. As you are new to that style" he answered as he drew his katana and his wakizashi from his side. Nodding, I drew my katana from my back as well as pulled my wakizashi from its sheath that is positioned horizontally at the small of my back. 

The two of us began the training that lasted one and a half hours when we stopped as my owl had reached its destination. " my mother has returned," I blurted out as we sheathed our swords." what?" asked the commander in a disbelieving tone. " My mother is part of the group that has crossed our borders, she is returning home! . . . though she brought with her the infamous Uchiha clan" I explained to the older man infront of me. He looked to be thinking at the moment. I mean I can not blame him. According to the clans who our village has given refuge to, the Uchiha are ruthless and don't get along with others. "That could be problematic you know" voiced Sachio calmly as he ran a hand through his dark hair. " I know I think I will place them on the outskirts of the village, that way there will be less people to provoke them"

The commander nodded before bowing "I shall take my leave then to arrange the welcome party for her majesty" he stated formally, sending him a smile and a nod as Sachio left the grounds to head to his mound of work. Speaking of work, I now have a feast to plan in mothers honor, not to mention setting up the living spaces for the Uchiha clan. Ugh!!!!

"Haruki, gather some people to clear out the south west section of land near the wall. Make sure it is suitable for living, understand?" I asked the man standing in front of the desk I was sitting at. He nodded "I understand your highness" he said with a bow as he excused himself from the room. Turning then to head of the kitchen staff, Nori I spoke once more."Nori prepare for a feast that is to take place in two day, make it grand and able to feed everyone plus the an extra large clan" the woman Nori nodded and excused herself as another woman entered the room. She had curly orange hair and wore the normal outfit like everyone else. She had bright blue eyes and a smile on her face."Yoki!" I explained joyfully.

Yoki was a very talented sixteen year old girl who was very friendly, she often tended to help me with school so I know her well. "I am so glad you are around! I need you to organize a banquet in honor of my mothers return" I informed her with a sigh as she seemed to only get excited" really you trust me with that! I am honored" she said as she jumped up and down in excitement smiling at her as she continued to act more childish than I." if you need anything ask Owl I will have her around to help" Yoki nodded excitedly before excusing herself to get to work.

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