Chapter eight: The party

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"So what is your conclusion?" asked Akio begrudgingly as she stood in the middle of the bathroom, her servants drying her off. Anka bowed before the princess as she spoke, her gaze directed to the floor. "Your majesty, there is nothing special about their relationship. They simply share a deep bond of friendship and trust, there is nothing to worry about" Akio scoffed as she stretched her arms out as her servant dressed her in a fancy kimono. "You have failed me Anka, you clearly do not see past that friendship!" she said distastefully, crossing her arms over her chest as the servants fetched the next layer of fabric.
"You highness!" said Anko in shock as she quickly looked up at the girl, who proceeded to kick Anka in the face. "Don't look at me you failure" Akio said venom dripping from her voice as she stretched her arms out as the next layer of the kimono was placed on her."if you wish to redeem you pitiful existence then I expect that by the end of today they will not be friends and the Uchiha will be mine" she said a sparkle in her dirt eyes as she glared down at the girl who quickly nodded and scoured away like a rat.
Madara and Akame arrived at the princesses quarters they had specifically taken their time as neither one really wanted to be around the spoiled child . " I will only summon the marionettes if absolutely necessary, they drain a lot of my chakra especially if I am in combat as well." Akame said as they stopped at the door and knocked "I understand we need you in good condition for a lengly confrontation if it happens so holding off on bringing them is a good course of action. Plus having them around will only arouse suspicion" Akame nodded as she crossed her arms over her chest as they waited at the door. "I'll send out a scout once I am near a window, it will allow us to know when someone is approaching."
Madara hummed in response to the girl as he leaned up against one of the nearby walls"couldn't you just use the jutsu you have over your nation?" he asked as he studied the girl carefully. "I could but I feel that the lord would not appreciate rain or snow" said Akame as she glanced over at the boy who shrugged his broad shoulders.
The door to the room opened and revealed the servant from earlier though she looked rather terrified and had a red mark across her face. She looked shocked at the sight of the two of them and did not utter a word." Are you alright? Is something wrong?" Akame asked the servant who began to stutter before stepping out of the way"i-i-i'm fine, n-n-nothing is wrong. Please come in" she said, Madara gave the servant a curious look as he followed Akame into the large room.
"Something is off," he whispered to Akame, Madars tone was cold, his breath fanning across Akames neck causing heat to rise to her cheeks. Akame nodded slowly "I'll send that scout" she said hurriedly and quickly walked away from the boy to a window, which she opened letting in a cool breeze that ruffled her hair and sent a chill down her spine.
Boar-dog-bird-monkey-ram "summoning" Akame said as she placed her hand on the window seil. A beautiful snow white owl appeared from the summoning ruffling its feathers as and tapping its feet before taking flight and exiting the room from the window. Akame repeated this process three more times before blinking a few times and closing the window, and turning back to the people in the room. The servant was staring at her with wide eyes as if she had never seen a jutsu done before. "Why an owl princess wouldn't a hawk be better?" Madara asked as he once more found a wall to lean against."I don't have any small hawks" Akame replied before turning to the servant " where is her highness?" she added calmly however Madara could see the dislike in her green eyes. "I am right here and what are you doing in my room?" said the bratty girl as she came from the bathroom, her dirty eyes meeting Akames cold circular green eyes. The girl swallowed hard, through her eyes soon found Madara in the room causing her to smile as she approached him.
"Oh you're here! Are here for me" she said, her tone sly as she stretched her hand out to try and touch Madara. However Madara simply evaded her touch as he spoke in a cold distant tone. That sent chills down the girls spine" Don't try to touch me" he said before added "yes we are here for you as was have been assigned to protect you at this party"
The girl glared over at Akame with hate burning in her eyes "I only need you to protect me I don't need half wit of a princess" she sneered as she turned to Madara and put on a fake innocent smile. "Your opinion of the situation is not needed,your highness." he said calmly but not without some hidden sarcasm "people are arriving at the gate and in the city" Akame said plainly her eyes closed and her head tilted slightly to the side. "From the looks of it there is about three thousand people" she added before opening her eyes and gazing at the girl "I would think the party will be starting soon shouldn't we all head to the hall" Akames tone was deadpan as she turned to the door and opened it "no, I don't know how it is where you are from you fake but here the guest of honor always shows up after the party has started for a grand entrance" Akio said aggressively through a smile spread across her face as a idea popped in her head. "Why don't you go and scout out the party and come back when a grand entrance is possible."
"I think that unwise" said Madara, his arms crossed as he studied Akames face. Her jaw was clenched and her eyes held contempt for the other girl in the room. "The two of us are to be your bodyguards essentially. Which mean we are to stay with you at all time, if you wish for a scout send one of you scared servants" Madara added, Akio scoffed and turned towards Aanka and shooed her out the door."anything you say my love" said the girl with a wicked smirk. Akame clenched her jaw harder as fingers balled into fists. Her muscles tensed up as she let the door close. Madara ignored Akio and simply closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall he was leaning against.
If this were to continue the threat on the forin princesses life would not just be from the people who sent the notes but from the princess herself. Thought Madara, this was stupid why did father place the pincess to watch ove this girl.
Akame sat down on the floor next to the door and closed her eyes, her breathing slowed as she formed the hand sign for ram. Her muscles relaxed slightly and her jaw unclenched. She looked as if she were sleeping if it weren't for the fact that her hands formed a delicate sign. "What's that pale fake doing now?" asked Akio as she slowly began to approach Madara once more.
Madara opened one eye and glanced over to Akame, it was obvious what she was really doing. She was sending most of her consciousness to one of her summonings to help prevent herself from killing the other princess."dont worry about it" said Madara as he closed his eyes again."I'm worrying about it!" the princess wined "won't you tell me, my love" she continued as she put on a pout. "No, and don't call me that" Madara said in a commanding tone that demanded obedience.
"Awww why not?" she asked as she continued her pout. Madara opened his eyes and glared at the girl"it bothers the princess which bothers me" he said coldly. The girl made a face of confusion " it doesn't bother me" she said as she placed her hands behind her back and put on an innocent act. "not you, it bothers my princess" Akio's blood began to boil at those words. HIS PRINCESS WAS THAT NOT HER!!!
"It's time, let us go," Akio said harshly as she stormed to the door and flung it open with the intent to hit Akame. Though Akio's hopes were crushed when the girl in question merely stopped the door with her hand and stood from the ground. Her strange green eyes opened to observe the girl.
The three made their way down to the banquet hall where laughter and music could be heard. The main hall was packed with people surrounding the refreshment table and others dancing on the dance floor, while some simply lingered out in the courtyard. Madara and Akame kept their distance behind the girl giving her space to mingle with others but they maintained a close eye. "You were wise to transfer most of your concuss to one of your owls earlier to avoid conflict" Madara said calmly to the girl next to him, the girl sighed trying to calm herself. She hated this girl's guts just as much as the girl hated her guts.
"It seemed like a good opti-" Akames voice cut off as she stopped walking for a momented. Madara quickly stopped as well and gave a serious look "what is it?" he asked as he grabbed her arm and continued to walk so that they would not lose Akio in the crowd. "There coming, I lost contact with my owls" she said blinking a few times to adjust her vision. The two had caught up to Akio at this time as she was talking to some girl who seemed excited about something.''where were they?" Madara asked in a hushed tone. "Owl 1 was in the north, owl 2 the south, 3 was in the east, and 4 the west. We are surrounded" she said quietly before adding "we should warn Tajima" Madara nodded
"Stay here with her I'll tell my father, oh and dont kill her" he added the last part with a bit of sarcasm before disappearing into the crowd.
"Oh I know right, this kimono is just gorgeous isn't it" said Akio to the girl in front of her, Akame rolled her eyes this girl was just unbelievable. "It's gorgeous, where did you get it?" asked the girl. "O well you know I had it handmade here in the palace" she said arrogantly with a hair flip. Akame spotted a glint of silver from the other girl as she reached into her kimono sleeve.
A kuni! Akame quickly reached out her hand and pulled Akio away from the girl just as the girl thrusted forward with the kuni. Akio was shocked her friend just tried to kill her! The girl charged forwards once more swinging with the kuni. Akame's eyes followed the girl's moment and was easily able to see her next move, reaching out Akame grabbed the girl's wrist, twisted it till she dropped the weapon then punched her in the gut causing her to double over in pain.
Two Uchiha members hurried over to the scene to take the girl away. Akio was frozen as the warriors drug the girl away. Whispers spread through the room like wildfire but eventually died down and everything went back to normal. "This way your highness maybe you should sit down" said Akame as she guided the girl to the front of the room to where her after and throne was. Tajima, Izuna, and Madara were also there discussing the situation. "Oh my child, are you hurt!" cried the lord as he pulled Akio into a hug, though the girl was still frozen in fear. "She is a bit traumatized ,my Lord but is unharmed," said Akame with a bow. Madara smiled at Akame from the other side of the lord's throne where he was speaking with his father and his brother. Tajima motioned for her to join them and she did.
"What happened?" asked Tajima in a serious tone" one of her friends just tried to stab her, I believe that our opponent has not only surrounded the city but also infiltrated the party already" Tajima nodded his expression grave "guerrilla warfare how cowardly" said Madara his arms crossed over his chest. "We will keep both the lord and his daughter up here on stage though it makes them a good target. It also gives us time to react as we have a good vantage point" said Tajima. The three children nodded and moved away to different sides of the stage.


The party continued with no issues for another four hours until an explosion was heard from the front gate of the palace. Panic spread throughout the hall. People began to run and others tried to find hiding spots. "Princess! Let's move" Madara called over the ruckus to Akame who nodded and grabbed hold of Akios arm and ushered her off stage. Men in armor rushed into the hall swinging swords, cutting down innocents as they headed for the stage.
Swords clashed and people screamed, blood oozed out onto the marble floor from the fallen and splattered the walls."don't look" said Akame to Akio as the girl made an attempt to look behind her. "The labyrinth" siad Madara as he drew his sword and rushed forward and around a corner. Akame dragged Akio around the corner where they spotted Madara hovering over a corpse, blood stained his clothes and splashed the walls. His sword dripped with the red liquid, his eyes gave off no emotion there darkness seemed to swallow everything. Akio stopped in the hall as she stared at the blood covered boy. "This way" he said as he gripped his sword and dashed ahead Akame pulling the girl behind her as she followed.
The sound of steel cutting bone rang in Akios ears as she watched the boy She had fallen head over heels for cut down people with no hesitation nor regret as if he was made for that soul purpose. He had become an entirely different person, covered in the blood of others he became a demon. Akame opened the secret door and pulled the girl inside Madara close behind them. Akame momentarily released Akio's wrist and weaved Rat-ox-tiger before holding her hand out were a small ball of fire spring to life lighting the dark tunnel. "Keep running your highness" said Madara calmly, the girl swallowed and did as she was told.
The sound of voices came from up a head causing Akame to shake her hand a put out the fire Boar-dog-bird-monkey-ram "summoning" she whispered as a puff of smoke filled the passage momentarily before the sounds of loud growling rang through the hall causing Akio to jump. The groups were followed by howls and then the sound of feet scuffling. "This way" said Akame as she headed in the direction the howls were headed.
The three rounded a corner to find the remnants of three men and two women who had been torn to pieces by the pack of wolves that sat patiently waiting, one holding a torch in its mouth. Akio screamed at the sight of the mutilated corpses, "stop screaming and get moving" ordered Madara. "Come on, they don't bite ''said Akame though she was merely contradicting herself as one of the wolves was munching on one of the arms of the men. The three continued down the hall the wolves ahead of them.
Rounding a corner they came across a group of twelve men armed to the teeth."There she is" said one of the men as the group charged. The wolves pounced and Madara darted forward like a bullet slicing into the men as the wolves finished them off. Akem grabbed Akios wrist once more and pulled her down the passage. "How can he kill people like that? And where did those wolves come from?" Akio asked through gasps of air. "Madara is trained to kill without a second though it's part of being a shinobi. The wolves are mine. I summoned them." Akame said calmly as she pulled the girl down a hall. Where a group of twenty was waiting, "we found the princess informing the others I'll take care of her handmaid." Said one of the men, Akame sighed "stay back your highness, wait for Madara" Akame said as she stepped forward "I am not her handmaid."
The men laughed as they drew their swords ''sure little doll" they said as seven of them charged, one ran in the other direction supposedly to tell the others. The other eleven stayed back while one headed straight for Akio. Akame held up her right hand in front of her in the direction of the seven "universal push!" she said as an invisible force shot out from her and through the men back at the companions rather roughly. Akame then turned toward the one that was headed for Akio and stretched out her left hand "universal pull!" The man felt a rough jerk in his body as he was violently pulled toward the girl with an intense amount of gravity. Once the man reached her Akame grabbed his shoulder with her left hand and placed her right hand on his head where she quickly pulled it up. Attached to her hand was a purplish smoke that was in the shape of a person. Once the smoke was complete;y removed the man fell to the side unmoving.
"Oh i see" Akame said as she looked at the horrified men in front of her "you want her for the beast " Akame continued to the shock of everyone in the room. "What beast?' asked Akio in confusion and horr as to what Akam just did. "How did you do that? Who are you?" asked the group's leader as he pulled himself up from the ground as he had been through there by Akame earlier.
"I am Akame Otsutsuki, and you will not lay a finger on this girl"

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