Chapter Twenty-Eight: Good Morning

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Stars twinkled in the dark sky as morning approached. the sun was still asleep and the moon reading to rest much like the sleeping village below its radiant white light. Owls whooed and fireflies fluttered through the streets of the quiet village. On this beautiful night rested Akame, her white hair flowing around her mixing with Madara's looking thing like the Yin and Yang. Dark and light opposites, yet always together. Akame's head rested on Madara's broad naked chest, her arms pulled close to her like a sleeping angel. Next to her lay the infamous Uchiha, his hair a mess as his head rested peacefully on the pillow one arm wrapped around the girl next to him. His breathing was slow and his body relaxed making him appear rather innocent.

Akame's green eyes slowly opened to the darkness, she felt well-rested and energized yet sadness loomed in her thoughts. She would have to leave soon and would probably not see Madara for a long time. Sighing she sat up Madara's arm falling off of her, she wished she could stay laying next to him forever but life is cruel and she had things to do. Akame glanced to her side at Madara the moonlight from the window illuminating his peaceful face. the glint of the green crystal around his neck making her smile.

Standing up and fumbling around the room Akame searched for her clothes but came up mostly empty-handed. Biting her lip in annoyance as she felt around the floor for her kimono. eventually giving up Akame decided that Madara did not need his shirt so she slipped it on over her head and slowly walked to the kitchen. the shirt was rather large on her leaving one of her shoulders exposed as it was lopsided. in fact, the shirt could have almost been considered a dress may it be short.

grabbing the kettle and filling it with water Akame placed it on the stove as she opened the fridge to prepare breakfast as she waited for the tea. pulling out some eggs and bacon and setting them on the counter Akame then searched the cupboards for a frying pan. once she found one she set to work may it be slow as she rubbed some of the sleepy from her eyes. Cracking the eggs and grabbing some bacon and placing them in the heated pan Akame fiddled with them. she did not cook often but she had gotten pretty good at it over her time away from the palace.

Madara awoke to the smell of food wafting throughout the house making him smile. sitting up and running a hand through his messy hair Madara blinked a few times before pulling on his clothes except his shirt which he could not find end heading for the kitchen.

upon entering the Kitchen he spotted the light-haired girl at the stove her hair almost reaching her knees as she swayed back and forth humming a random tune. "Good morning," she said softly as she grabbed a plate piled food on it, and turned to give it to him. Madara smirked at her disheveled appearance, she looked rather adorable in his shirt that was too big for her small form. "here" she said as she set the plate down at the table her cheeks red as she quickly turned her back to him as she readied another plate.

Chuckling Madara took a bite of the food he had been handed, it was quite good. Akame finish scooping her plate and headed for the table where she sat across from Madara. eating her food Akame kept glancing up at Madara even though their whole meal was eaten in silence. He seemed so much more relaxed and normal . . . less damaged, it was times like these she wished she could preserve. his dark hair fell onto his face that was for once not in a scowl. the green pendant dangled from his neck onto his bare chest. his elbow rested on the table probing up his head as he ate, the picture of perfection. "something wrong?" asked the male as he looked up from his food a questioning look in his dark eyes upon noticing her attention. Akame shook her head "no, sorry" she said with a bright smile she could watch him all day. unfortunately, she did not have all day.

clearing her plate and placing it in the sink where she continued to wash up the dishes she spoke. "I should get going soon," she said sadly as she took his empty plate from him. Madara hummed from where he stood behind her. "you can not very well go home wearing that" he mussed in a joking tone as he took the sponge from her. Akame sent him a playful glare "I know, can I use your shower?' she asked a bit shyly but Madara shrugged like he didn't care. always so calm and laid back"go ahead, towels are in the closet near the bathroom. top of the stairs two doors down." Said the Uchiha without turning to her. it felt strange giving her direction but then again she had never visited his house before which now that he thought back on it, seemed strange.

once he was done cleaning the dishes, Madara returned to the living room where he sat down on the floor in front of the small table and started flipping through some of the books. he had yet to fully decipher the stone tablets' full meaning. he also needed to know more about the rinnegan, of course, he could ask Akame but that felt like a weird thing to ask her. Sighing he glanced over at the envelope at the end of the table, the envelope was full of political junk that Hashirama wanted him to know so that he could go and have a talk with the knew forming villages. it was quite a bother not to mention a waste of his time. The hidden Leaf was the first hidden village excluding the village lost in Time but that was beside the point. the leaf was the first so naturally, it should rule the others no matter where they are. the other nations should submit to the leaf yet that's not what Hashirama wanted and that bothered him.

"are you okay?" the voice of Akame pulled him from his thoughts causing him to look up from the table and towards the door where Akame stood dressed in her normal clothes drying her long white blue hair. behind her stood one of her six paths holding a bag. "I'm fine," said Madara a bit distantly as he stood from his spot on the floor. Akame eyed him curiously as he approached her. " are you leaving?" he asked calmly his gentle yet sad gaze making her heartache. nodding slowly Akame smiled weakly. " yes, if I don't leave now I won't make it back in time before my mother goes crazy. . . . and that would put the rest of you in danger," she said her voice drifting off as she gazed up into his dark orbs. "I know" was all he said before kissing her forehead and telling her to hurry along.


Akame approached the gate of the village where she spotted the Commander of the Land of Times shinobi. the rising sun eliminating his tired form. the Commander wore his Otsutsuki attire with a sword strapped to his belt. his arms were crossed but he did not look angry. "it's time to go your highness" said the man coldly as she approached but not without regret. he cared for the princess like she was his daughter after all he did raise her when her mother left. it hurt him to inflict this pain on her. "I know, there is no need to remind me," she said as her other five bodies appeared. stepping out of the gate Akame looked over her shoulder one last time at the village she helped found. the village she suffered for and made memories in. a place she would call home . . . a place where people she loved resided and yet with a sigh she turned her back and dashed down the road following the man who had bought the news from her mother.

the mother Akame had come to learn did not care about her daughter but only for personal gain and if Akame was being truthful with herself she probably would have to admit she did not like her all that much because the woman that held the title was never a mother to her at all but nearly an oppressor who forced jobs upon her.  however, Akame was human and she could not let her mother destroy other villages to force her hand not Akame had a heart and she was going to use it to make the land of time peaceful like it was before her mother had returned home. 

so by the time, the sun had fully risen Akame was gone and life in the village hidden in the leaves continued in a peaceful manner. however, a storm was brewing and there was nothing that would be able to be done to stop that storm from striking in the future.

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