Chapter Thirty-Five: The Final Falls

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Madara sat at his desk twirling his pen and blankly staring at the paper in front of him. Sighing he stood up and tossed the pen to the side. Leaving the room he walked through the halls of the palace. Entering his and Akame's quarters Madara strode over to the wardrobe a cool breeze blew in from the window that played with this log hair. Madara looked down at his sword in the bottom of the wardrobe. He hadn't used it in so long, a year maybe or longer he could not remember. Dressing in his old battle attire and strapping on his katana Madara closed the wardrobe to find Akame standing at the door watching him. Her arms were crossed over her large stomach and a soft expression adorned her face.

Madara looked sadly at her a pain in his chest, "you look so sad" she said as she walked over to him her hand stroking his cheek. Madara hummed as he looked into her rich green eyes. "Everything will be fine, the kids aren't due for a few more weeks. You'll be back in time don't worry" she continued as she smiled warmly up at him. "yeah, you're right" he said before kissing her forehead and pulling away from her. "I should get going," he said over his shoulder as he opened the door and waved his hand before leaving.

Akame sighed sometimes she wondered what was more important to him, her or his plan for world peace. She supposed it was probably world peace but that still made her feel sadness inside her heart. She always hated it when he left and now he was gone once more in a venture to save the world. Taking a breath she pushed all his worries away as she readied herself for the morning duties of the queen.

Madara left the village lost in time and dashed through the forest in the direction of the village both he and Akame had helped found. He had challenged Hashirama to a dual and the fool had accepted. Madara's mind began to wander as he ran through the woods, what would happen if he was not to return? No there was no chance he could lose he couldn't allow it he has to be there when the children are born . . . he would never forgive himself if he missed it. Then again would he not only bring suffering to them? Would they too become warriors and seek out battle or would they be like their mother?

Gritting his teeth Madara pushed those thoughts away he had to focus and prepare himself for the incoming fight. He needed to be ready and not be distracted.

Akame sat on her throne listening to the vast about of people speak she had grown rather bored of hearing all of these complaints and yet she had to do her job. Her mind was distracted and she was very tired. The children inside of her were already wearing her out. "Your majesty!" boomed a voice from the door, the shinobi raced to the front of the room and kneeled before the queen his head hung and his eyes on the ground. "What is it?" she asked as she forced herself to focus on the shinobi before her. "I have an urgent report that is of great importance and is highly classified your majesty" informed the shinobi his eyes remaining on the floor. Akame nodded what could be this important?

"Everyone clear out!" she ordered as she extended her hand towards the great doors. A great shuffle of feet was heard as people left the hall. Tapping her finger on the throne as she waited, people were slow. She thought with a roll of her eyes. Once the room was empty of peasants she looked down at the bowing shinobi" what is it you have come to report?" she asked calmly as she propped her head up against her palm." RIGHT! . . . the village hidden in stone has been making some military advancements and has sent an envoy to our gate requesting an audience" he announced. Akame's eyes widened, why would the hidden stone approach them? After all the Village hidden in Time had always refrained from any other plane wars. "I see," she said as she stood up and weaved some hands signs and summoned Marionette" disarm them and send them in" she ordered as she exited the throne room leaving Marionette in her place to slouch on the throne.

Akame stared blankly down at the space below her waiting for the large doors to open, her head rested on her hand and her green eyes gazed lazily at the door. When was the last time she had actually used marionette? The doors opened and in came the shinobi from earlier "your majesty! The stone envoy!" he announced as he stepped to the side and in came hidden stone shinobi dressed in red and black and wearing headbands with a stone carved into it. The ninja pouches were removed and faces all wore expressions of determination and of hidden surprise.

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