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"Uzui!! Slow down that is no way to wield a sword" scolded a small girl with split-colored hair and dual-colored eyes. Her right side had long white hair and a circular green patterned eye. Whereas her left side had long pitch-black hair and a coal-black eye, her hair was delicately braided. She wore a frown on her face as she held up her katana defensively struggling to block the attacks of her brother who looked similar to her but the sides were reversed, his left had white hair and the strange eye known as the rinnegan, and his right showing his Uchiha heritage, his hair was pulled up and back in a pony. The boy's fingernails were painted with multiple colors in a rotating pattern. On his left, his nails were painted neon green and red, whereas on his right they were painted a bright yellow and blue. The boy wielded two katanas with thicker blades that were curved like large teeth. The two blades were connected by a chain which the boy was using to give him speed and range.

"Calm down Kurome your just being a wuss" teased the boy as he upped his speed. The girl puffed out her cheeks in annoyance at the name. Uzui was older by three minutes and seemed to get all the natural talent in the three minutes he was alive longer not to mention his flamboyant attitude and height.

"Your highnesses!" called a servant as they came running through the training ground sakura petals falling around them with the breeze. Both children's heads turned towards the servant as they instinctively put away their weapons. Uzui sheathed his like an X on his back whereas Kurome sheathed hers at her side. The two children were dressed in identical high-collared, light-colored kimonos held closed by dark sashes. The collars of the kimono were adorned with magatama and the back had the symbols of both the Uchiha and Otsutsuki.

"What is it?" asked Uzui cheerily his hand resting behind his head.

"How is our mother?" asked Kurome in a worried tone her eyes shaking in anticipation.

"The queen is in her last moments I urge you to see her before she departs," said the servant in a downcast tone. Uzui's brows were nit in anger as he bit his lip. "Race you there!" he called over his shoulder in fake glee as he dashed off leaving a dust cloud behind him. "Uzui!" called the girl in annoyance as she dashed after him at a faster pace. The servant sighed and shook her head those two kids had always been such a hassle.

The two kids skidded to a halt outside the large door that led to their mother's room. Opening the door Uzui let his sister go first before following her. The room was lit by candles and smelled of cherry blossoms. The room was decorated with a large wardrobe and multiple tapestries, there was a desk and large bed as well as a few doors leading off into other rooms. On the large bed propped up by pillows was a middle-aged woman her skin was pale and her blueish white hair flowed around her like a fairy tale character. Her green eyes looked lovingly upon the children before she began a coughing fit red liquid splattering her pale hand. "Come," she said in between coughs one hand outstretched to her ten-year-old children.

The two quickly obeyed and hurried to their mother's side with worry and sadness in their eyes. Tears welled up in Kuromes eyes and began to trek down her porcelain cheeks while Uzui sucked in a deep breath and glanced up at the ceiling trying not to cry. "Don't cry" said Akame as she patted the bed signally the kids to climb up. Once they were situated Akame smiled they were the light of her world, her everything she hated to see them sad. "Everything will be okay," she said as she cupped their faces in her hands they were opposites of each other and yet got along so well. She has been blessed with such wonderful children her only regret was that Madara never got to meet them. "Uzui, be strong and take care of your sister, Kurome never lose that caring heart of yours look after your brother he needs it okay. . . " Akame spoke softly as she caressed their cheeks with her thumbs taking in the innocent faces for she feared it would be the last time she saw them.

"I love you both so much" she began her voice fading off as her breathing slowed and the light faded from her eyes, her hands slipped from their cheeks with no strength to hold them up. Kurome caught her mother's hand as more tears slipped from her eyes." mom!" she screamed as she squeezed the hand she held but she got no response. "MOM!" she yelled again as she crawled closer to her mother's body. "NURSE!" screamed Uzui his eyes fixed on his mother's limp body horror on his face his eyes shaking his vision blurry from the tears he could no longer hold back.

A servant rushed into the room and pulled checking her pulse before shaking their heads and stepping back there was nothing they could do she was already gone. The twin's eyes burned and pain burst throughout their bodies causing them to scream and clutch their eyes. The nurses rushed over but could not see what was ailing the children. Blood slipped from their eyes alarming the nurses as they pulled the kid's hands from their faces and gasped at the red eyes they saw.

"Leave them they will be fine," said a deep voice the kids did not recognize however the servants looked surprised as they turned towards the voice. Shock evident on their face"y-you highness" they stuttered frozen in their places. The two children with burning tear-red eyes glanced over their shoulders to see who was there but they did not recognize the tall muscular man with long spiky black hair and a coal-black eye that wore a blue high-collared, long sleeve mantle that split down the lower half and a simple, light-brown obi and a belt. The man leaned against the door his arms crossed sadness in his eye.

"W-who are you?" questioned Kurome her red tears streaking down her face as she scooted closer to her brother.

"I am . . . Uchiha Madara  . . .  your Father"  

this is the end y'all I just want to thank all of you for reading my little story even if it was not the best. thank you all so much for your support!

let me know if you want a sequel or not, I have been considering doing one but I wanna hear what y'all would want.

again thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed my story.

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