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                                                                *Separatist ship, 21 BBY*

(This is a year later...I know it's at the top of each chapter but sometimes when I go back to read my progress, I forget)

"DETTA! BEHIND YOU!" Spitfire yelled. A super battle droid launched blasts at me. With a few quick swipes of my saber, chunks of the droid fell to the ground. Sparks flew, smoke burned, blasters fired. The familiar heat of battle was here. Though, the battle didn't last long. Within a few minutes, all of the droids along the ship were dismantled. Our mission was going smoothly so far. That mission being to rescue some kidnapped kids. A senator's kids.

"Rider, Picker, and Breezer, go to the cargo hold and search for the kids." I commanded. "Crack-up, Verity, and Spitfire are with me. Kittyhawk and Verity, go to the bridge and make sure it stays in our command."

"Yes sir!" They all saluted, and left to go where I commanded. My small group advanced through the ship, peeking in all of the extra rooms. Then, I remembered something.

"Crack-up, keep it down this time." I looked back at him.

"We don't want to hear a poop joke while on a mission." Ranahan huffed.

"But they're funny!" Crack-up whined.

"SHHHH." All three of us yelled at him. He rolled his eyes and slid on his helmet.

'So, Detta, where are these kids?"

"If I knew, we would have them already." I snapped. "Sorry, Commander, I get nervous when kids go missing. I don't know what people could be doing to them."

"It's alright General." My comlink beeped, and R-9 chittered a warning.

"What did that rustbucket say?"

"He said that 2 separatist ships just dropped out of hyperspace!"

"Then let's work a little faster!" Ranahan urged. "We need to get these kids out of Seppie hands!"

After searching the ship for a little while longer, the three clones I sent to the cargo hold had found them. Three little Pantoran kids. They were shaking and scared. I picked up the littlest one and held her for a moment.

"I hate to break this up, but we have Clankas incoming!" Breezer grabbed his blaster. I shoved the little blue kids behind a crate. Blasters opened fire, and I ignited my saber. This was going to be fun. 

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