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21 BBY, Coruscant

Spitfire put his arm up for our secret handshake. I met his eyes. He looked concerned. I tapped my forearm against his twice, then his wrist twice. Then a high five. He smiled weakly, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. He's a good friend.

We returned the kids, who were all very grateful. Coria, a good friend of mine, came to meet us. It could be because she's Pantoran, it could be because we're friends. Either way, I make a note to talk to her later, because she looks sad. I heard a clone she was close to had died. Speaking of clones, I parted ways with the boys so they could take their evening off. An uneasy feeling filled my stomach. It was the same feeling I had when I had a force vision, earlier. It was my mother and my sisters. They were being whipped with a Zyggerian whip. Slavers. I needed to bring this up with Master Yoda.

Master Yoda and I sat on the little stools to meditate together.

"Master Yoda. I had a troubling vision earlier."

"In this vision, what did you see?" I took the second to interpret what he was saying.

"My mother." I closed my eyes. "My two sisters." I waited for Yoda to speak in his strange tongue again. It was an interesting way of talking. I used to imitate him in front of the other younglings when I first came to the temple.

"Happening to them, what was?" The vision showed more this time. Fragments of pain and anger and suffering. Chains, clinking together. Whimpers of pain. They had been taken as slaves! Anger surged through me, shredding the vision.

"They've been taken by Zygerrian slavers!"

"Control your fear, your anger." Master Yoda hummed. He was so calm about it.

"I need to save them." I leaped out of my seat.

"Wait, Detta." Master Yoda grabbed his cane. "I have already sent Jedi to Zygerria. Both of them just arrived back.

"Who did you send?"

"Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, and his Padawan, Ahsoka Tano." Yoda grumbled. "And Clone Captain Rex." I seethed at Skywalker's name. He sent the whole A-team? Anger roiled through me. "Just returned to us, the Padawan was. Taken by Trandoshans, she was."

"So, there are some imperfections within this perfect team?"

"Beside the point, that is." Yoda almost seemed to roll his eyes? "Talk to the council, I need to."

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