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*20 BBY, Ryloth*

(TW: Star Wars cussing)

 We all ate in silence, savoring the food. Once we were all finished, my father began to ask questions.

"How did you even think of this plan?" He asked. We explained. He was very grateful, smiling as we answered. "Where are Avalyn and your Mother?"

"They didn't make it." That ache you get in your throat when you're about to cry begins to form. My father nodded his head.

"Your mother was already frail." He folded his napkin. "But Avalyn?"

"The processing they put her through was too much for her." Tears welled in my eyes. My father slammed his fists on the table, spilling drinks.

"Kriffing slavers." He ground his teeth. "I'm just glad you managed to make it." Lecti smiled at our father. She will still be forever mentally scarred.


We all changed back into our normal clothes/armor. The familiar weight of the blaster on my thigh was comforting. My father thanked every single one of the Runaways. When he got to me, he simply asked:

"Where now?"

"Back to the order. If they'll take me back."

"Good luck." He hugged me.

"I have something for you!" I handed him the deed to the farm.

"The deed! I can finally take back the farm!" My father had a genuine smile. Our farm had been taken and most of the land used by a large company. He thanked us all again and sent us on our way. I turned to face the Ryloth sunset. The sun brought heat and warmth onto my skin. As happy as I was that I had brought my sister home, I still couldn't hold in the anguish I had that Avalyn and my mother didn't survive. I hung my head and sent a memory to them, wherever they were.

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