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*20 BBY, Zygerria*

I screamed. I knew I was screaming, but I couldn't hear it. I had a vision while meditating that caused my scream. It was Anakin Skywalker and I side-by-side, both with our blue sabers ignited. He was much younger than he is now. He was on his home planet, Tatooine. He began swinging his saber, slicing through these creatures. The dark side coursed through him. 

What made me scream is that I was doing the same.

Except I was slaughtering Zygerrian people. Hot tears streamed down my face. I clutched Spitfire's hand until it bruised. All three of them were there beside me.

"General, tell us what happened." Ranahan demanded, his hands on the side of my face. Fear carved their faces. I took a deep breath.

"I had a terrible vision." I trembled. "I had turned to the dark side." The clones looked shocked. "The force doesn't always show the whole picture. I'm sure I'll be ok." I lied straight through my teeth to them.

"But you're still shaking."

"I feel so cold, empty even." Kittyhawk had a blanket. He wrapped it around my shoulders. "Thank you." We all sat down together. To calm down the situation, Spitfire told me there was no caf, and that we would all like some. "I can get some ordered here." I called for a guard and asked him to bring me 4 cups of caf and some breakfast.

"Sweet, I'm starving!" Ranahan whispered as soon as the guard walked away.

The caf and the breakfast were delivered shortly after I summoned them. On the tray was an invite from the Queen to her chambers to pick out dresses for the dance.

"Can I trust you two to stay here?"

"Yes." Ranahan answered for him and Kittyhawk both.

"Shouldn't I stay?" Spitfire asked.

"No!" I shouted. An uneasy feeling put a pit in my stomach. "I can't be alone."

"Oh." Spitfire shut his mouth. To change the subject, I suggested we check in with the rest of the Runaways. Ranahan grabbed the datapad and called.

"Good to hear from you." One said.

"Everything good there?"

"Yes sir, no issues. The Jedi called off all but one of them searching for you. There have been issues at the's been bombed!" My hand flew to my mouth.

"Was anyone hurt?" I freaked out. What if Master Fisto was hurt?

"No Jedi, at least as far as I can remember, but temple workers and mechanics were killed. I heard Skywalker's padawan is the #1 suspect."

"Tano? The pretty Togruta girl?"

"Yes, the one with the markings on her forehead."

"Wow." I sighed. "I would have never guessed."

"We'll keep you posted."

"Thank you." We hung up. I shook my head. "We must focus on the task at hand." I told them, walking to the refresher. "Spitfire, be ready in 15 minutes."

"Yes sir."

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