Part 3 - Ghost of Vengeance...

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"Wait… If I suicide, the pain will go away?” I asked out loud

Yes it will. You will never feel pain again... you will be numb...


In that case, welcome to the world, ghost of vengeance. You will be named nightmare...

Suddenly I had no control over my body. Now I was the voice at the back of my body. Suddenly I was in the nether, and I was sitting on a block of netherrack, getting ready to jump. I sat there for hours, silently debating with myself and asking if it was worth it. All of a sudden, I heard another sing-song voice coming from the overworld…

“Oh Dream~ Where are you??” Tommy asked. 

For a brief second I took control of my body and lunged over the edge, heading straight into the lava. Everything went black, and then white. And then I was in another world. This world was wrong. Everything about it was wrong… The colours I could see were too bright, The smells were too sharp, and I felt empty. I felt numb. I felt no pain. Only vengeance and anger.

All of a sudden I was teleported back to the overworld, and I thought that it was all a dream. But no. Black wings extended from my back, red demon horns grew from my head, my fingers sharpened into claws, my body erupted in pain, but the pain quickly subsided into a numb feeling. My hand was glowing and I saw that it was on fire. 

I panicked and tried to hide my new demon features. 

It's ok... just visualise yourself normally, and other people will see you as a normal ghost.

I closed my eyes and focused. I floated out of the tent and towards Tommy.

"D-Dream?" Tomny stuttered... "Is that really you?" He asked again...

"Dream I'm sorry. I only wanted revenge... I'm sorry for doing all these things to you, and I'll try to convince the others to let you back into the Dream Smp, ok?" He said.

Im so close to killing you...

"OK..." I whispered.

"Here Dream, have some food" Tommy said and dropped some steak and golden apples at my feet. "I'll be going now to tell everyone that you're dead, is that alright with you?" Tommy asked.

"OK..." I whispered again, my voice softer than usual.

After Tommy left...

Ok... you are now a ghost of vengeance. When you are given the chance, you will be able to take your revenge on everyone that hurt you, and then you can become a norm ghost... meanwhile, you must pretend to be a ghost of sadness, so no one suspects anything. normally you are able to control fire and Lava, as you are also a fire ghost  but since you used to be the owner of the server, in crucial moments, you are able to go into creative for a few minutes.

"Alright" I said out loud.

Later, the entire Dream smp came to see if I was really dead. They weren't dissapointed... finally, George, the king, started talking...

"Dream you committed a lot of crimes, but you are a ghost right now so... I will give you another chance to come back to the Dream Smp. You have a few weeks to prove that you have changed and we will be testing you. Good luck..." George stated.

"Thank you for the offer, I am truly sorry for my past crimes, even if I have no memory of them..."

That's a lie

"I will try to improve and prove to you guys that I have changed..."

Wow even more lies...

"Alright, you may come back to the greater Dream smp when you are ready..." george replied, and everyone started leaving.

Little did they know what I was hiding under my mask. I was not peaceful. I was not going to change. I was going to destroy them all...

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