Chapter 15 - Real or fake

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Bbhs pov

No... that's not me... I've been trapped in here for nearly my entire life. I would have never attacked my friends! Those people were basically my family!

I had lived with them for years. They had been by my side through wind and storm, through hail and rain.

But I had died a long time ago... I had been wiped off the face of the earth, seeing but not speaking. Listening without being there to listen.


Who was that, wearing my skin. Using my body. Attempting to take over and manipulate my friends.

Was he real?

What if I had been living in my own mind this entire time?

This white box... was the reason that I couldn't escape from its boundaries was because I already knew how to escape.

What if I was the one that had committed all these atrocities. All these thoughts, what if they had been in the back of my mind, my darkest secrets.

What if, this was just my subconscious acting right now. Maybe this was why I could see everything that was happening right now.

Was I real?

I don't know...

Am I fake?

Where am I...

I don't know where I am


I screamed at the walls for hours until I lost my voice. I yelled until my throat was raw, and I kept my eyes were raw from my sobs.

There's no one here...



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