Chapter 5 - The trial part 2

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Basically Nighmare is a ghost that wanted revenge and he is the voice in Dreams head. Dream doesnt know that Nightmare could have a different body. Sorry for the confusion.

Dreams pov

I hadn't been hearing Nightmares voice for a while, and I wondered where he was. I needed him to guide me as I know everyone was starting to suspect me.

Suddenly, I heard Nightmare's voice again.

You need to be careful. Everyone thinks that you lost your memory...

Suddenly, something was wrapped around my eyes, and everything was black. I could feel a potion being slipped down my throat and I fainted. The last thing I heard was Nighmares voice saying

This is just a test...

When I opened my eyes, I saw the familiar obsidian walls around me. The wall of lava was parted and on the other side, I saw the entire Dream smp. Was the entire smp coming to test me?

"We know what you've been doing dream..." Tubbo said coldly.

"You're not a normal ghost. You have your memories so you must be a ghost of vengeance." Bbh continued

"Wait no please. I only remember George, sapnap and bbh coz I saw them in my diary. I don't know why I knew about where you guys were, I just floated around..." I pleaded

Yes... this is good, keep going...

"We don't believe you Dream. You had your chance to come back from exile and you threw it away. Let's face it dream, even if you became a ghost, you still deserve to be locked in here forever..." Sapnap replied.

Pretend to cry. Pull the same trick you used on bbh...

Tears welled in my eyes, and I saw the lava start to fall From the ceiling again. This time I actually started panicking...

"I didn't do anything, let me out!" I screamed and shouted.

But my cries went unheard and, once again, I found myself trapped in the familiar prison...


I continued screaming and pleading until I heard a shuffle and a lever being pulled at the other end. I watched them take in my panicked face and I watched them as they hurried Sam to get the platform across the lava.

"Sorry Dream... We needed to test you..." George apologised.

"We also needed to make sure that we could trust you." Sapnap responded.

"It's ok..." I tried to sound nervous, but my heart was racing. Did they really believe me? Wow. How are they so stupid...

After I left the prison, I went to construct a house. Tommy approached me, and he looked nervous.

"Dream, its my fault that you died... if I didn't take two of your lives, you would still be alive... I know this won't make it up to you, but I kept your amour sets and weapons from after I killed you at the prison, and I thought I should return them..." Tommy said, as he dropped my netherite armour and weapons at my feet.

"I have to go now..."Tommy said. "I'll see you later dream"

Did he really just give me all my weapons back. I can't believe he's so gullible. This entire server is so gullible. Once again, they've fallen for my tricks. All that time I spent fantasising in the prison about my revenge wasn't for nothing I guess.

No one will know what's coming at them... everything wi be destroyed, the people will suffer, and in the chaos, there will only be one true king. I will spill the bloods of everyone on the server if it means regaining control.

I will be the king of chaos and disorder. In my presence, all shall bow at my throne. I will never yield to someone else's wishes ever again...

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