Chapter 13 - A diary

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Thanks to all my viewers who have kept reading, even though my story kinda died. But I officially have a lot of ideas now 🙂 so pls keep reading and have a nice day/night.

Btw, this is a diary and it is dreams pov After the demon took over the overworld

Dreams diary

Bbh had managed to escape... I have no idea how, but now... now our world was literally hell.

Everyone was exiled or sent to prison. I was forced to work in a factory, and our citizens became prisoners in our own land.

I don't think we'll be able to survive anymore. I'm hearing about executions and I don't know what I'm doing anymore.

My entire life is just another day on repeat, over and over again.

There's not much of a point in being alive. Being a ghost isn't useful anyway. I don't remember anything, and this book was just a random book I found in a chest.

There happened to be random words and signs on the first page, but I ignored them and now im writing in it.

I'm going to escape tomorrow with my friends. We will have to leave everything behind, but I may keep this book in case it becomes useful.

I won't name the people, but the common citizens will have to stay. Their lives aren't in danger, but those of us that fought in the war could be considered traitors.

We will be going to a stronghold hideout, as that is where no one can find us, as I disabled the end and it will be hard to find a stronghold.

Goodbye for now,
Signed, Dream.

Tommy's pov

We had made our way to the stronghold without any suspicion. The guards simply didn't care, and they had fallen asleep at the front gates.

I knew that Dream had brought along some of his items, but the book that he seemed to be holding was so... familiar. Like I had seen it before.

Something was up. That book that Dream had was unnatural. It radiated with power. And I asked to see it.

And I recognized the symbols.

"Holy shit. Dream this is the revive book!" I whispered.

"What's that?" Dream asked

"What? How do you not know? We need to show everyone!" I said.

"HUH? Sure." Dream said, obviously confused.

After everyone had gathered together, I told everyone about the revive book, and I explained to Dream what it was. We all understood it's power.

We could easily revive each other, if we all understood the book. It only took a few seconds to revive someone, and you didn't need to stand still or do anything, you would only need to chant the words.

For the next months, we grinded and grinded. The demons probably thought we died, or they were too lazy to look for us.

After 1 month, we had all gotten new netherite armour and tools, complete with enchants. We had also gotten many potions, as well as stacks of tnt and items to make an army of withers.

We were ready. We were ready for a revolution.

We started by placing tnt in the demon capital and blowing it up, but hiding behind invisible potions.

Then, we started by killing some of the higher demons, but bbh didn't seem to care.

Then we stopped. A false sense of security for them. But they wouldn't be ready. We were gathering our resources, and soon, we would be starting another war. We would be initiating another revolution.

We hoped that the citizens would join our side, but we weren't sure, so we prepared for the worst.

So go ahead demon king. Do your worst. Go ahead and kill us, again and again and again.

The fact is. You can't kill ghosts. They have infinite Canon lives. And we just so happened to have a ghost on our side...

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