Chapter 8 - Flashback

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Nightmare’s pov (flashback to the past, it’s when bbh and skeppy first joined the dsmp)


I sat with Bad in the nether, our legs dangling over the hot lava. 

“Hey bad, do you want to become a ghost?” I asked

“Wait, what!?” Bad replied

“Well, more specifically, you’ll be a ghost of vengeance. You’ll be able to control fire and lava and you’ll already be a demon. You’ll be the most powerful demon/ghost ever with me!” I said

“No.” Bad muttered…

“... Bad, are you getting attached?” I asked

“No… and it’s none of your business anyway ” He replied coldly

“It’s about that diamond person isn’t it?” I muttered

“HE HAS A NAME! AND HE’S MY FRIEND!” Bad suddenly shouted


“Well, you can stop trying to protect me. Skeppy is my friend!” Bad said

“Ok... ” I muttered, I was thinking

He’s not your friend… You’ll see… 

I was angry, but I waited, biding my time patiently. Until I found bad digging away at a room. Using my power, I created the egg…

Of course, I had already known what would happen. Bad would become addicted to the egg, as I was possessing him, and I could subtly manipulate him. But Skeppy was a wild card. 

When I heard Bad sobbing, I pretended to ask what was wrong, and only then did I realise that I had made a mistake. Skeppy had trapped himself in the egg, Bad had created a CULT!? They were organising executions????

I knew that I couldn’t let this go on any longer. 

“Bad, that egg isn’t your friend. It has no feelings for you, it is only manipulating you. It doesn’t need energy so you don’t need to organise executions” I whispered, trying to comfort him.

“No, you don’t understand… That egg is nothing but a chunk of netherrack and magma. I only wanted it to break you and Skeppy...I’ve just coded it to damage you when you try to break it, it’s just code.” I admitted

Bad was silent

“You lied to me… YOU MANIPULATED ME!” Bad yelled

“Get out… ” Bad said…

I sighed and left the room, turning back for one last glance at bad. Suddenly I ran towards him. 

“WAIT DON’T” I yelled

“I hereby banish Nightmare back to the void. He has broken law 107 by breaking the usual code. I refuse to let him live in my body any longer. ” Bad said, his face blank of emotion. 


“Goodbye Nightmare” Bad said, as his hands glowed with a bright light and he walked towards me. 

Binding my wrists in a red and gold light, a portal opened up and I was shoved backwards. 

“Sorry not sorry...” Bad said, watching me fall into the void.

I landed in the demon court. 

“Yes, I created the egg, but I did it to break the connection between bbh and skeppy. I was trying to protect the human." I said without looking up. I knew that hesitation would get you killed in a place like this, so I shut up and got to the chase.

Finally, the guards ordered me away, and told me not to possess bbh again. It's not like I wanted to anyway. He betrayed me.

I watched bad as I sat in the void. I sighed as he pushed his best friend into the lava, resulting in a Canon death. I sat and watched the executions and the eggpires plans. I watched as Dream was freed from the prison...

I had my eye on him from the beginning. He was the manipulator that had been shut away, shunned by his friends. He had lost all of his emotions a long time ago...

And now I waited. And I watched. And listened as Dream cried for George, and as he swore his vengeance for Tommy.

So I had stayed in the shadows... until I found the moment to strike. And now, I had successfully manipulated another person into believing I was trying to help them...

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