Chapter 14 - Revolution

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Dreams pov

I thought about the afterlife... an endless void. But what about the people trapped there? I remembered Wilbur's frantic words, his panicked eyes.

I remembered what he did. He blew up thr nation with stacks of tnt. But here, we would need him.

Holding the book in front of me, I started imagining Wilbur's face, where he would spawn and I started saying the words.

A bright light flashed, and I a silhouette of Wilbur start to appear. He had probably become insane from his time in limbo.

I could tell that Wilbur had gone crazy, and that was exactly what I needed.

Wilbur and quackity made up the tnt duo, and together, they could summon tnt.

I told Wilbur about our story, I told him about how demons had taken over, and I told him about how we needed his help to blow everything up if something went wrong.

We knew that Wilbur would probably blow everything up anyway, despite the results of the war. But we needed more supplies. Tnt to be exact.

Quackity worked with Wilbur for hours on end, summoning chests full of tnt for us to work with. We had also gathered large amounts of redstone, and we had already built a redstone trail from our base to the demons city.

The demons were still expanding, but even they couldn't withstand around 1000 blocks of tnt, especially if I surrounded their city with obsidian at night.

Finally... we were ready...

We marched our way to the capital, with thousands of our citizens gathering behind us.

Despite what the demons thought, this wasn't a peaceful protest. This was a revolution. We were going to take back our land, the land that we once had.

And we were going to do it with war.

The battle was chaos. Enemies and friends blurred into one, both sides charged into battle while we armed our citizens.

This wasn't going to be a short war. We would fight until the sun rose and set over and over again. We would ignite a fire in others, encourage those to come with us. And we would crush the demons that stood in our way.

Although this might seem cruel, the demons were unrelenting when they forced us to become slaves for them. During those months, we had been belittled, degraded, and constantly forced to work.  

Whether it be day or night, we lived and worked. Slept and ate. But that's all we did.

And now. It was our turn to do the same to those demons.

They had started a fight that they could not possibly win.

They had started a war.

One they were never going to win.

A war where the thousands of demons killed would remain dead, but we would survive and be revived, over and over again. Although it may be painful, we would fight day and day and day. Until we won.

Because this time, we weren't giving up.

Swords clashed. Thousands of gallons of blood was spilt. Our cities were burnt to the ground. And yet we fought on. Like we should.

And nothing changed. Until one night when I crept away and started to build the wall. Before long, a wall of obsidian had surrounded the entire city, and I quickly woke my friends and chased them out.

The rules were clear. We would leave everything behind and start igniting.

Obsidian grids covered the sky, with dozens of layers. All water had been cleared to maximise damage, and around 10,000 blocks of tnt lay under the city, ready to ignite with the click of a button.

The next day

Explosions rained from the sky, from the ground. There was no escape. The walls had been strengthened over night, with everyone pitching in to make over 10 layers of obsidian covering the walls, with guards patrolling the borders day and night.

They weren't going to get away this time... debris crashed all around us, and yet we never stopped igniting more and more tnt. Dust covered the whole city, or, at least, what was left of it.

The community house had already been replaced by the demons with a quartz mansion, fit for the greatest of kings. And now...

That mansion was gone. And apparently, so was badboyhalo. He had survived to fight another day.

But we got our independence. We succeeded in our revolution. We had won... or had we?

Bbhs pov (btw this is a VERY long time ago)

I was shoved into darkness. All sounds were muffled, and I screamed but no sounds came out. The ringing in my ears got louder and louder. Until everything went white.

I stared at my hand. Everything felt wrong. The noises were too sharp, the colours were too bright, everything was just... weird...

I wonder... what's happening in the world right now?

Timeskip to what just happened

Bbhs pov

That's not me... HELP ME!

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