Chapter 4 - The trial

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Dreams pov

As I made my way over to the greater Dream smp, I saw that not much had changed.

"Hey dream, wanna go help me chop some wood?" Tubbo asked cheerfully

No. I have work to do.

"Sure!" I replied happily, this was probably a test to see if I was going to be helpful. And if I wanted my revenge, I needed to pass the test.

Meanwhile, George, sapnap, and bbh are holding a meeting

No one's pov

"We have to come up with ways to test him. Usually ghosts don't lose their memory, but we're not sure how Dream died so it could be a possibility..." George started.

"But only a ghost of vengeance can keep their memories. And being one is impossible" bbh countered.

"Nearly impossible..." Sapnap corrected.

"Don't you remember what we said to him before we left. Don't you remember how he told us that Tommy would blow up his things?" George asked. "It's extremely possible that he could become a ghost of vengeance."

"I think that there's a vengeful spirit called Nightmare. He wonders all the servers, Looking for people with pain and anger. Wanting chaos, nightmare could be possessing Dreams body right now, he could have been the reason that Dream died..." Bbh replied sadly...

"We need to come up with a list of things to do to test Dream." Said sapnap.

"We could pretend to imprison him again, and pretend we know about him being a ghost of vengeance?" George proposed.

"We could also bring him to all the sites where he was to see if that triggers memories, because that happened with ghostbur." Bbh said.

"Well then it's settled." Sapnap said. We'll start testing him tomorrow.

With tubbo and Dream

Dreams pov

"Dream, do you want me to show you around snowchester later?" Tubbo asked.

"Where's snowchester? I asked, faking the fact that I didn't know that it was Tubbos nation.

"Sorry Dream, I forgot that you didn't remember... Snowchester is my new country!" Tubbo replied excitedly!

"Woahhhhh. That's really cool!" I exclaimed.

Timeskip to when Tubbo goes to show Dream snowchester

"Wow, this place is really cool Tubbo! I really like it!" I said, trying to sound amazed.

"Thanks Dream, oh yea and I nearly forgot, George, sapnap, and bbh want to see you!" Tubbo said.

"Alright bye Tubbo." I said and floated away.

With the dream team

"Hey Dream" George said.

"Hiiii!" I replied

"I just wanted to tell you that we will be taking you on a tour tomorrow, is that OK with you?" Bbh asked.

"Sureeee!" I said excitedly

"Alright, you can go now..." sapnap said.

As I floated out of the window, I knew that they probably suspected something was wrong, but I didn't think much of it and continued floating down prime path.

Back with George, bbh, and sapnap

No one's pov

All of a sudden Tubbo ran into the room.

"THATS NOT DREAM!" Tubbo shouted.

"Wait, what do you mean?" George asked.

"When I told him to go see you guys, he knew who you were. He also refers to himself as Dream, and he knew my name when I didn't tell him." Tubbo exclaimed.

"Well maybe he knows us," Bbh started to say, but was cut off by Tubbo.

"When ghostbur came back, he told people not to call him Wilbur, and he didn't even know about Tommy, or even L'manberg. He didn't even know what his own name was until we told him!" Tubbo said

"Whatever that is, that's not Dream." Bbh said, causing the whole group to nod and agree, discussing their plans to test "dream"

But they didn't see the black-haired person, sitting on the roof of George's Castle, listening to every single word. They didn't see Nightmare...

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