Chapter 7 - Demon

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Bbhs pov

As soon as I saw Dream summon an inferno, I knew he was a demon. Usually ghosts don't control fire or lava, but demons like Nightmare could control a regular ghost and turn them into a demon.

There are also other ways to become a demon, such as being born a demon, losing your mind, and by summoning a demon, you automatically give your body to the demon.

But Dream was different, he had control over the fire, which means someone must have been controlling him. However, I couldn't assume that Nightmare had controlled him, but I did know that Nightmare was aggressive and jumped at every threat.

Which is why I told Dream that I knew that he was a demon before he blacked out. If that demon really was Nightmare, then I would probably be dead by tomorrow.

Dreams pov

As I sunk deeper into my mind, I started talking with Nightmare.

(Incase you forgot, Dream is underlined and Nightmare is in italics)

What does he mean

This could be another test

Or he could know about you

What do you mean

If he has read about you, then he knows that whenever someone threatens you, you kill them or maim them.

I guess I can't do that this time...

Yea you can't... I don't think that they mind demons so we just have to be nice. Or we can say that we jumped into lava so that's why we can control fire.

I guess we can just say that you jumped into lava  and if that doesn't work we can say that's you're a demon.


I opened my eyes again and I saw myself in the hospital.

"I want to talk to Dream." Bbh said. "Everyone out..."

They hesitated but walked out, it must be urgent if bad was ordering them around like that.

After everyone left, bbh sighed.

"You're a demon aren't you? That's why you can control fire..." bbh asked

"I died in lava, so maybe that's why I can control fire..." I muttered nervously.

"Come on Dream. We both know that the cause of death doesn't impact what your power is after you become a ghost. We also know that you only activate your powers after you see the place that was special to you. Lmanberg was not special to you in any way." Bbh reasoned

I hate to admit but, he has a point. I was racking my brain for an excuse before I was interrupted by bbh.

"How did you become a demon?" Bbh asked.

"Well... I didn't know that I was a demon until today... but I guess I might have summonned a demon by accident? I think when I was young, I didn't believe in demons, so I pretended to do a ritual to see if I could summon a demon. But I don't know what happened after that..." I whispered, trying not to let anyone else hear me.

"So the demon never controlled you?" Bbh asked.

I let out a breath that I didn't didn't know I had been holding. He believed my lies...

"No the demon never controlled me..." I replied.

"And you're not lying about how you are now a demon?" Bbh asked again.

I sighed

"No im not lying about anything, there's  not much of a point anyway." I replied.

"Dream leave." Bbh said.

"Wha- ok." I said as I started to leave.

"Nightmare... Stay. We need to talk." Bbh said

I felt nightmare leave my body.

"Well hello, old friend..." Nightmare growled, as he practically leapt forward at bbh.

Bad only laughed in reply.

"From the time that you spent in my body, I have already learnt your moves..." Bbh said, as he dodged another one of Nightmares attacks.

"Yes Dream, it is what you're thinking. Nightmare possessed me as well..." bbh said.



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