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Thanks so much for getting me to 1.2k reads guys! I really appreciate it, and I can't upload today but take this song that I wrote that will become a music video someday.

Verse 1

I still remember, all the days we spent together

Why must everything be a lie?

I still remember, us laughing together

But those sounds of laughter are turning into cries...

The day of graduation we promised each other, that we would be, we would be friends forever

But now those promises are gone. Gone forever

But you can't take back my heartbreak. You can't take back my tears. 

How could you be so heartless? How could you just leave me here


I thought we'd be friends forever. Guess we just weren't meant to be.

But I'll always remember. I'll remember our memories.

But as our lives change, and we grow up,

I wish that we could have been friends forever?

And every night, I'll always be wishing

that maybe one day, we'll meet again.

And I know it's useless, it'll always be hopeless

Just know that I'll always want us to be friends.

Verse 2

I'll always wait for you, I'll always wish, that we could go back and not make the choices that we did

 But now I'm drifting away, farther away.

But i'll always remember the good old days...

Don't you remember, the times we had together

But those days are gone, 

I can't believe you would leave me behind,

The night of graduation, we were still friends

Anyone can wonder, what happened then?

We all laughed together, We had a great time

But when it comes to trying, I guess you never truly tried

As the words you said 

No one should have friends, their always gonna hurt you

So why were you there 

For me when I needed you, you never ever left

As the words you said

I was trying for 2 years

So were you never once my friend?


I thought we'd be friends forever. Guess we just weren't meant to be.

But I'll always remember. I'll remember our memories.

But as our lives change, and we grow up,

I wish that we could have been friends forever?

And every night, I'll always be wishing

that maybe one day, we'll meet again.

And I know it's useless, it'll always be hopeless

just know that I'll always want us to be friends.

Every single day

I looked forward to seeing you

Every single night, I laughed in my head

I thought I was crazy, I thought I had gone mad

When I found out you broke our friendship, I thought I was the one who was bad...

But now I truly see you, and I see my mistakes

Me blinding trusting you, led me to sadness

But now I see everything

Now I understand, 

Why you never thought of me as your friend

I was always good to you, I was by your side

But you were the one to never at least try

You can't heal my heartbreak, You don't understand

I'm not being dramatic, I'm telling things as they am

Every night I cried

Every night I wondered

Why did she leave, Was it all my fault?

I always thought, If I had been a better person

Maybe you would have never left...

I really did try

I tried to text you

But everytime you walked away

And I never realised that maybe you were wrong

I never realised it couldn't have been all my fault

But every single night I'm still wondering

If I had been better, maybe you wouldn't have left?

Every night I spent, crying in my bed, I thought it was my fault, never once thinking

Maybe I shouldn't blame myself after all

But even now, I'm still blaming myself

Where did I go wrong?


I thought we'd be friends forever. Guess we just weren't meant to be.

But I'll always remember. I'll remember our memories.

But as our lives change, and we grow up,

I wish that we could have been friends forever?

And every night, I'll always be wishing

that maybe one day, we'll meet again.

And I know it's useless, it'll always be hopeless

just know that I'll always want us to be friends.

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