Chapter 23 - Doomsday

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Dreams pov

This was the day...

After this there would be no more going back.

I was the puppet master, but this universe did not deserve to exist anymore.

I used to be in control, and I could bend people to my will. But no longer.

I sighed...

This was doomsday...

Everyone would fall.

Timeskip to the battle

Tubbos pov

Dream, techno, schlatt and Tommy advanced forward.

Except for the fact that Dream seemed to be...



Oh my god...

It can't be...

"DREAM XD?" I yelled.

"HAHAHAHA. yes mortal. That is my name." Dream seemed to say, but multiple voices seemed to echo across the battle field.

All of a sudden, two other people seemed to emerge from dreams body.

One of the was the original dream, another one of them being ghost dream.

Dream xd remained hovering over the crowd while he summoned his solders.

"Go on... fight me!"Dream xd yelled.

Dreams pov.

The battle was chaos. Gallons of blood was spilled.

Dead bodies were piled high on the floor.

"I guess this universe didn't work out that well... Experiment failed..." I said out loud.


This is the end BUT there will be a second book about all the failed experiments and Karl the time traveller looking at the past timelines

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