Chapter 10 - The start of a war

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Nightmares pov

I stared at the room that Dream had left me in. I guess everyone was asleep, and the ropes only lasted for a few days, but I was the strongest demon ever... I could break out of these ropes in a day.

And so I did...

Climbing out of the ropes, I scaled the walls and phased through the weakest part of the wall.

My powers were weak, but I don't like breaking promises. And I was going to get my revenge...

Hiding my horns and demon features, I changed my skin to a ghost dream skin.

Heh... they'll never know what's coming for them...

Tommy's pov

I saw Dream approach me out of the darkness, and instantly I felt a pang of guilt.

I tried to talk to Dream, but the last thing I saw was him lighting snowchester on fire and raising an axe.

Then everything went black...

Tubbos pov

When I woke up, I realised that snowchester was in ruins. And then I saw Tommy lying on the ground. His arm was nearly severed, and there was a large cut across his face.

Quickly, I took him to ranboo, and we went on our way to Phil and technos house because they were the only people that kept potions.

Dreams pov

As I walked into the room that Nightmare was supposed to be in, I saw that he had escaped...


Technos pov

Needless to say, I was shocked when Ranboo showed up at my house.

"Ranboo, I told you not to come unless it was urgent." I muttered

"But Tommy, he-" ranboo started to talk

"No. He's not coming in my house after he betrayed me." I said

"Please, he's going to die..." ranboo muttered, tears welling in his eyes

"..." I had no words

Finally, I sighed.

"Come in..." I muttered

As tubbo lay Tommy down on a bed, I realised that he was going to bleed out.

"PHILZA!" I screamed


After phil arrived with the materials, I treated Tommy's wounds and waited until he woke up.

I was woken by something falling on the floor

Sighing, I said

"Tommy go back to bed."

"I can't... not until he's gone..." Tommy muttered

"No one's here Tommy..." I said, confused

"It's dream... he's back... I thought he changed! But yesterday, I was talking to him when he started burning snowchester and then he raised his axe and stabbed me!" Tommy replied urgently


"Because I don't believe you... you lied to me before, you could be lying right now..." I muttered

"IM NOT LYING! I SWEAR!" Tommy screamed


I remained silent

After Tommy Screaming at me for hours, I finally agreed to go see Dream.

And what I saw changed me forever...

Dreams pov

Nightmare stood in front of me.

"Why are you doing this..." I asked weakly

"I promised revenge... and I never break my promises..." Nightmare replied

Nightmare raised his axe but before he was going to strike me with it, a sword appeared at his throat.

"I may hate dream, but he's already a ghost man, what do you want?" Techno said.

"I can't take both of you... whatever game your playing, I don't have time" Nightmare growled as he disappeared.

"This counts as your favour dream..." techno muttered as he helped me drink healing pods and eat some food.

"Now who was that?" Techno muttered...

"That... that was the demon king..." bbh said, suddenly appearing behind me.

Technos pov

My eyes widened.

"Holy..." I said

"How did you sneak up on me like that?" I asked

Bad shrugged his shoulders and walked towards dream.

And then it hit me...

I grabbed dream and Tommy and pulled them behind me.

"GET AWAY!" I shouted as I pointed a sword at bbhs throat

"You're the demon king aren't you?" I asked

Then everything exploded and the lights started Flickering...

"... even you can't fight an enemy you can't see..." a voice echoed behind me...

So its true...

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