Chapter 11

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Technos pov

I woke from my haze and dragged Tommy and dream away. Slamming the door in bbhs face, I ran away and told Tommy and dream to run. I guess the sense of urgency in my voice bothered them, as they ran away with me and they followed me to my secret base.

"What's wrong?" Dream asked

"I'll explain when we get back, but we need to talk." I said

Timeskip to when they arrive at technos base

"Ok. Bbh said that there's a demon king right? But how would he know that? And Tommy you said dream attacked you last night. Dream did you attack Tommy?" I asked

"I didn't... but I feel like you should know that that I have a demon possessing me. His name is Nightmare and he was manipulative and apparently he possessed bbh once as well. Nightmare also has his own body so that might be what attacked you..." Dream explained

"We need to go warn the others. I need you to trust me. Bbh is lying, he is a strong demon. He's not just another normal person... Prepare for war..." I said

"You're not just saying that because you love chaos are you?" Tommy asked sarcastically

"As much as I love violence and anarchy, this isn't a joke. We need to gather our forces or we'll end up fighting a war on two fronts." I replied

Going to tubbo and ranboo, I told them everything and they agreed to be on our side. The only person I was worried about was skeppy and the people he could be convincing right now.

Bbh and skeppy were allies, and there were factions, like the badlands so I wasn't sure who they would trust.

By the end of the day, almost everyone was getting ready for war. The amount of people in the nether getting netherite armour and weapons right now was incredibly high.

I never realised I could be so persuasive, but it could have just been fear. Although no one would say it, demons were a growing threat in our world.

They had powers of destruction and could easily wipe out an entire town with a click of their fingers.

That night, no one slept. Everyone stayed awake enchanting, gathering tnt, trying to find dreams revive book, just in case Nightmare revived Wilbur and schlatt.

By dawn, we had surrounded bbh and skeppys mansion, only to see that they had already left. Skeppy, always being on bbhs side was still asleep in the mansion for some reason.

At first we worried that skeppy could have been a spy, but then we saw the heartbreak on his face, when he found out that bbh had left him again. Being a diamond hybrid, skeppy had surrounded his room in hardened diamond which no one could break.

We were all worried, but we waited and prepared for war. Someone suggested that we should cross into the demons land and attack them, but I said that would be too risky and declaring war for no reason.

So we waited. Days came and went. We amassed more and more armour. The doorway to the demons nation had been surrounded by tnt, with two people always guarding it, making sure that we were ready to blow everything up in case something happened.

And then, they came.

I had never seen an army so large. We were lucky that dream had built another giant tnt dispenser across the entire server, and everything was ready to be activated.

Bad was the one to lead the demon army, his regular cloak replaced with a blood ruby crown. His armour seemed to be some sort of reinforced gold, with streaks of yellow diamonds running through his chest plate.

A wicked smile spread across his face, but everything changed when he saw skeppy.

"YOU abandoned me..." skeppy said. There was no more anger in his voice, only sadness...

"I had to... I had no choice!" Bbh said, trying to reason with him.

"There is always a choice... and you didn't choose me..." skeppy replied, tears streaming down his eyes, before his entire body hardened and his eyes turned white.

"There's always a choice... you brought this on yourself..."


Guys, I have probably said this so many times that you're sick of it, but thanks so much for voting, commenting and reading my story. I try my best to respond to all comments, and it makes my day when you comment. Have a nice day/night 🙂

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