Chapter 6 - Revival...

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Omggggg, thank you guys so much for getting me to 164 views! I really appreciate it and I hope you enjoy this book 🙂 Have a nice day/night guys. Also, when Dream Communicates with nightmare, dreams thoughts are underlined and Nightmares thoughts are in italics.

Nightmares pov

Should I tell him? But, I don't know how he'll react...

Dreams pov

Should I tell him? But I don't know how he'll react...

Tell me that Nightmare?

Well... I... I have a body...

Ok that's nice

And I can do things that people that are alive can do...

Wait... you are able to revive Wilbur and schlatt?

Yes... but I need the knowledge Dream. Will you teach me?

Uhhhhh ok? But will you be able to revive me?

Yes, I will revive you when we are in another war again. Remember that if you die, I live on, and I am immortal so I will be able to revive you over and over again...

Can I visit the ghosts?

Alright sure... but be careful, they've gone a bit insane...

The more insane they are, the better the war will go...

Suddenly, I felt myself being teleported to a room. I looked around and saw myself in a train station. Turning around, I saw Wilbur. God he was a mess.

His skin was sweaty, his hair was plastered to his face. His hands were bruised and there were shallow scratches on his arms and legs. There were bags under his eyes, and I could see a tiny fleck of red growing in his pupils.

Good... he's getting more insane by the minute.

"Listen Wilbur. You'll be out of here in a few months, which is a couple more years in your limbo. I don't know if you'll remember this but I guess I should tell you anyway... bye for now." I said, as I sent a message to nightmare to teleport me to schlatt next.

I found myself in an empty black void. Of course... no one had ever set a specific limbo for schlatt. He was just doomed to emptiness forever. Suddenly,  a pair of pure red eyes stared at me from the darkness. I felt nightmare exit my body and stand in front of me.

I watched as the schlatt and nightmare stared each other down, each waiting for the other to back down. Final, schlatt stepped back into the darkness.

Now that nightmare wasn't blocking my vision, I could see that schlatt was in the process of transforming into a powerful demon. When nightmare revived schlatt, chaos would rule, and I could see that the insanity had already taken over schlatts mind.

After I had told schlatt everything, I left and went back to the overworld.

"Come on Nightmare. Let's get ready for battle..." I growled.

It was easy to collect materials. Everyone on the server felt sorry for me, so they were the ones that came to me with golden apples, netherite ingots, enchantment books, and anything else that they thought would be useful to help me.

I only had one more obstacle left... The tour...

It wasn't supposed to be that ominous, but to me, it was a death sentence... ghosts that had lost their memory usually activated an ability when regaining their memory, such as ghostbur learned how to control electricity when he got his memory back.

But I had never lost my memory, so I was going to have to lie to everyone to pretend that I had gained a new ability. It wasn't that hard. As soon as they took me to the destructions of L'manberg, I pretend to collapse and I made my eyes turn orange for a few seconds.

All of a sudden I flew up, and I created an inferno of fire that rained down on the remains of L'manberg. Everyone stood there, shocked at what I had just done... I thought I was safe until I heard   bbh whisper in my ear.

"I knew it... you are a demon after all..."

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