Chapter 16 - Where am I?

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Dream - He can't remember some parts of his life because Nightmare doesn't occupy his brain anymore, so Dream sometimes gets flashes of his life.

Tommy - Tommy still feels guilty for taking two of dreams Canon lives, and causing him to suicide, so he tries to help Dream whenever he can.

Skeppy - He still feels betrayed by bbh, and now he easily loses control of his powers.

Fake bbh - Fake bbh is an unamed character that may be revealed in the future, but he stole bbhs body and made bbh into a demon.

Real bbh - Real bbh has been trapped in a white box for an unknown amount of time, but he used to be a regular human before Fake bbh took over his body. Real bbh also cannot communicate with anyone, but he can see everything that is happening outside his box.

Everyone else - some don't trust Dream, but everyone joined the revolution because they would rather fight together than to be executed by bbh.

Dreams pov

Brief snippets of my time in the prison with technoblade flashed through my mind. I remembered that i told techno that reviving someone that was alive could be catastrophic.

Suddenly, I had an idea.

What if I revived the demons?

They were already alive, and the worst thing I could do was bring back Dream xd, who was canonically a god that would probably grant us another wish.

I muttered the words and another bright flash appeared in the room.

A man who had brown hair stood before me. He seemed to be perfectly calm, except for the fact that he didn't know where he was.


This person...

This couldn't be badboyhalo?

Bbhs pov

Everything in my room went dark and I couldn't see anything. I saw another person standing before me, but for some reason I recognized the pale green skin.

"Dream?" I asked.

"What... how do you know who I am and who are you?" Dream asked.

"I-im badboyhalo? But I've been trapped inside a white box for years. I've only been able to watch you guys, but I couldn't talk to you guys." I explained.

"...we have to go." Was all that Dream said as he dragged me to a room with a end table.

He closed all the trap doors, summoning everyone to a meeting.

After everyone had arrived. Dream pointed at me and asked me to tell them what happened.

"Well... I'm badboyhalo, and I can't remember much about my past life, but I remember someone called uhhhhh skeppy?"

At this sentence, a diamond man started tearing up and excused himself, but I saw that when he closed the door, the handle turned diamond and it didn't move.

"Uh I've also been trapped in a white box for years, I don't remember much, I just remember one day I woke up and I was trapped. I could see all of you guys and the fake me, but I couldn't come in contact with you guys." I explained.


(Let's just say bbh knows everyone)

Everyone else remained silent, and I was pulled out of the door by Dream who told me that I had to be careful because I could still be connected to my old body.

But as Dream sat there talking to me, all the noise faded until there was just a silent buzzing in my ear.

God... what happened to this world?

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