safety blanket

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savannah's POV:

i made her tofu and rice for dinner and it was good as hell if i do say so myself. she seemed to like it which made me really happy. this is so corny the fact that she just rails me and then i made her dinner but hey we were hungry.

after that we went into the living room to hang out for a little bit then i got an idea to play mario kart. she said she was down so we played for like a really long time. she played as bowser and i played as toad. billie says that the character you choose says a lot about who you are.

which i was kind of offended by, "so you're saying i'm short and i'm always running around and yelling in an annoying voice?" i said, "i'm taller than you bro." she laughed. "okay maybe but the rest is true." i but her with the controller and and continued playing. we lost track of how many times we played but we both won and lost some, it was really fun.

then after that billie went into the bedroom and i decided to do some of my homework in the living room on the computer. i had some music theory papers to write and a few instrumental lesson assignments to do. only a little while until i finally graduate, so i'm really pushing myself to keep my grades good. after probably an hour of working i started hearing billie singing from upstairs. she was singing that ocean eyes song she showed me. she sang it for a few minutes so it sounded like she finished it.

a smile grew across my face as i listened to her angelic voice. i think she was probably sending a voice recording of it to finneas to get his opinion on the finished product. i'm so proud of her, i cant say it enough.


a bit more time passed and i was finally done with my work for the week. it was only wednesday but i wanted to get it all done early so i could have free time to spend with billie.

i didn't really know what we were at this point.. or what we would become. but i really loved the place we were in right now. like she said, i'm really happy too. scott never made me feel this way. i mean yeah he loved me early on but billie is like my safety blanket. maybe it's because i've known her for a while so finally being this close to her is like extra nice.

she's always made me feel like this but now that there's definitely mutual romantic feelings there, i'm feeling it even more. and it felt amazing.

i waited until she was done singing so i could go in the bedroom with her. but i didn't want the sound of the door opening or my walking to interrupt her at all. when her singing died down i knew it was safe for me to head upstairs and go in the bedroom. i walked in and she was sitting on her bed with her phone laying next to her and her journal in her lap. she was writing in it.

"oh hey baby." she said looking up at me, "sorry if i was being loud at all i'm just recording voice memos and shit." i went in fully and closed the door behind me. "no you're fine don't worry, you sounded great." i said sitting at the foot of her bed. "thanks." she said, "i need to ask you something." i turned my head towards her. "yeah what's up?"

"do you think we would have any room for music production stuff? like mics and amps and shit like that?" she asked, "cause finneas has his stuff at moms that he was gonna bring to his house but his band just broke up, so he said i could have it here and he can come over and help me if i need it." i thought for a moment. "that sounds like a good idea but no i really don't think we have room anywhere." i said. she thought for a moment and then half smiled.

"what are you thinking about?" i asked. "what if i moved my bed out of here? then we could put all the stuff over here." she said as she closed her journal and put it off to the side. "so you wanna share a bed with me?" i asked smiling. "no i wanna sleep on the floor, YES i wanna share a bed with you." she laughed, "obviously if that's okay with you." i nodded., "yeah that sounds great."

she raised her eyebrows "great?" she asked. she got up and sat on my lap and wrapped her legs around me so we were still facing each other. "you wanna share a bed with me forever?" she asked kissing my cheek. i laughed wrapped my arms around her. "maaaaybe." i drew out. she yawned and then smiled. she kissed my cheek again and then wrapped her arms around my neck.

she rested her head in the crook of my neck for a bit. we were just embracing eachother. it was really nice. she ended up rocking herself back cashing her to fall backwards on the bed with me on top of her. we both laughed and layed next to each other on her bed. i wrapped my arm across her torso and layed my head on her chest. i almost ended up falling asleep but then a bright flash made me snap out of it. i looked up at billie and she showed me the picture she took of me laying on her.

"look how cute you look." she said looking at the photo and smiling big. "i was almost asleep asshole." i groaned. she laughed and went back on her phone. "sorry i couldn't resist." i nuzzled up to her again and got comfy again. i felt her hand start rubbing my back which made me fall asleep faster because it was so soothing.


billie's POV:

"are you asleep?" i whispered softly. she didn't respond so i took that as a yes. my arm was getting numb but i really didn't care. our breathing was in sync with each other which i thought was really cute.

i decided to check my instagram dms since i had some requests sent. i opened my dms and one of the requests was from...


kayla's a girl i used to fuck with like.. years ago. like four years ago. i hadn't talked to her since then. but i opened the message.

kk.bby4 :
omg billie! hi! i just saw your video of you singing on my feed and i wanted to see how you were doing! it's been so long.

i decided to text her back. she just seemed like she was being friendly, or maybe she wanted clout, either way it's whatever.

wherearetheavocados :
yoo kayla what's going on? it has been a while god damn. i'm actually really good right now, wbu?

kk.bby4 :
that's great, yeah i'm doing alright myself. i saw the video and i didn't even know it was you at first, then i saw you were tagged and i went to the account and then i knew it was you! haha. you were amazing btw.

wherearetheavocads :
aww thank you so much :) i appreciate it.

kk.bby4 :
yeah.. made me realize how much i miss you 🥰 it's been way too long.

wherearetheavocados :
oh.. yeah.

i didn't wanna be rude or anything but that text seemed kinda... suggestive. i dunno i didn't want her trying to get with me or anything but it didn't wanna be a bitch.

kk.bby4 :
if you're not too busy... do you wanna maybe hang out ;) sometime soon?

wherearetheavocados :
oh uh no thanks, i'm sort of seeing someone.. i think.

kk.bby4 :
you think?

wherearetheavocados :
well we have like a thing but it's not official or anything yunno. but yeah, either way i'm not really looking for anyone else.

kk.bby4 :
oh come onnnn 🥺 don't leave me hanging here.

wherearetheavocados :
🤷🏼‍♀️ i can't dude, i'm sure you'll find someone else.

kk.bby4 :
it's fine.. maybe sometime. when you're done with them hit me up k? 😘

i left her on read. i may be good with ladies, and lads, but i have absolutely no interest in anyone else but sav. i mean why would i? im literally the happiest i've been in so long. i wouldn't trade her for the world.

im glad i proved my loyalty to myself. cause in my past i really.. haven't been like that. im not a relationship person. probably cause the only person i've ever wanted to be in a relationship with is savannah. the only reason i was ever with anyone else is because i was bored. but that's the past.

after all that happened i was kind of scared to open the rest of my dms. i didn't even wanna imagine some of the stuff i would have found in there. sheesh. so i decided to go to sleep.

word count : 1519
an : sort of a filler chapter :) sorry it's not very eventful.

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