night night bitch

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billie's POV:

as i drove down the road so much adrenaline was rushing through my insides i felt as though i would explode. i felt every ounce of stress and worry i had drift off my shoulders and the worry was replaced with excitement.

i really couldn't contain myself. to the point where i realized i was speeding. like.. a lot. and right as i realized that i then realized i was definitely getting pulled over.

shit shit shit shit. i'm getting pulled over as there's an unconscious guy in my trunk. who i kidnapped. that's it. i'm going to jail.

i'm sooooo fucked. oh my god.

i couldn't just flee. that definitely wouldn't do me any good. that would definitely put my ass in jail. i pulled over and waited for the officer to pull over as well. all i had to do was act natural. easy as pie.

i looked in my rear view mirror and saw a female officer getting out of her car. my heart felt like it was gonna explode any second now. it's not a big deal. you definitely don't have a body in your trunk. there's nothing sketchy going on. you're just in a rush to get to your friends house. that's all. keep it fucking together.

i rolled down my window but she didn't look at me. "good day ma'am, license and registration please." i opened my glove box to take out the registration and put it next to me, than i got out my license from my wallet and handed them both to her. she looked at me and then at my license.

"eilish? that you?" she said. i nodded and looked confused. then she took off her sunglasses and i recognized her. "callie! oh my god, how the hell are ya?" i said smiling. she laughed and looked at me. "dude who would have thought we'd run into each other again?"

if you forgot, callie is the girl who took me to the hospital after i sprained my ankle at que's party. yunno.. the 'boobies' girl.

"it's been what.. three years? damn you look great." she said. i tucked my hair behind my ears. "yeah you too, i didn't even know you were a cop." "oh i'm not usually, my dad is. i'm in training right now but he's on vacation so i'm taking his shifts. hell maybe after this i won't be in training anymore." she explained. i laughed. "it's good to see you.. we'll not like this i guess."

"oh yeah, forgot i'm supposed to be copping right now.. uh do you know why i pulled you over?" she said all professionally. i laughed lightly. "yes ma'am i was in fact speeding." i replied. "where ya headed?" she asked. "zoe's. she's uh planning a surprise party for her girlfriend and i'm running late." i lied.

"oh zoe, i remember her too. she has a girlfriend? good for them!" she said. i nodded. she looked behind me. "you tryna hide a body or something?" i looked around weirdly. i let out an awkward laugh. "huh? no." she pointed to the shovel in the backseat laughing.

"oh that, yeah my mom left that in the car. you know her and support and feed, always planting trees and shit." i said. she nodded. "well i don't think you have a criminal record or are wanted for anything and since you're cute.. i guess i'll let you off with a warning."

is she.. flirting with me?

i laughed softly. "why thank you officer robin. it was nice seeing you again." she nodded. "likewise eilish, see you around." she said, "oh by the way i listened to your song.. fire." "ah sick, thank you." i replied.

i really had to leave, he was gonna wake up any minute now. "we'll see ya." i said, grabbing my license and registration back from her and putting it away. then i waved out the window as i began driving again.

holy fucking shit that was close.

i knew he wasn't gonna stay unconscious for much longer so while i was driving i texted zoe and asked if she had any chloroform and of course she did. she can get ahold of anything. i have no idea how. she asked why but i didn't have enough time to answer since i already pulled in.

i told her to come outside and she did. i explained everything to them and she was low key freaked out yet very down to help me. i guess you could say they're literally my partner in crime. "he's deadass in your trunk?" zoe asked. i nodded. then i heard him.

there was pounding and shuffling in the trunk. followed by muffled screams. he must have woken up. "go, go grab the fucking chloroform." i shouted. she rushed inside to grab it and all i could do was wait around.

"zoe fucking hurry!" i yelled again. i really wasn't trying to be mean but she was taking forever. they quickly rushed out with a rag soaked in chloroform. i opened the trunk and zoe quickly shoved the cloth over his nose.

i was holding him down as she was doing so which was hard cause this dude was like 6'1 so almost a whole ass foot taller than me. and he was pretty muscular. "stop fucking resisting you bitch." zoe shouted, still suffocating him with the rag. more muffled screams escaped from him as i used all my strength to pin his body and hands down.

out of nowhere his hand slipped out from under mine and he punched zoe in the face. she fell to the ground and i quickly placed my hand over the rag on his face and pinned him down even harder. "what the FUCK is wrong with you you asshole?" i yelled. then i started punching him over and over in the face while shouting, "don't fucking touch her." in between every punch. his breaths started getting shorter and his eyes rolled back in his head.

"night night bitch." i whispered.

word count: 1013
an: ik it's been a while but yunno.. school n stuff. follow me on tiktok btw @lexiscomet <3

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