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billie's POV:

i was hesitant for a second but i ended up kissing her back. this is the last thing i expected to happen tonight. but in a way... it was kind of perfect. we were just standing in a parking lot. in the dark, with the city lights shining on us.

and she kissed me. that surprised me even more. i don't know why she did. but i definitely wasn't complaining. i've been longing for this moment for years. and i finally got it. i was so happy.

i grabbed the side of her face to pull her closer. my heart was beating out of my chest. i still can't believe this happened. then after a little while, she pulled away quickly. she looked at me very concerned.

i grabbed her hand and asked her whats wrong. but she didn't answer for a minute and just stared at me. "sav.. hey talk to me." i whispered. she started to tear up.

damn am i that bad of a kisser that i made her cry?

i just pulled her into a hug. i could tell she was thinking about a lot. she fortunately hugged me back.

"thank you for everything." she sobbed. that made my heart melt. "i cant even imagine what he would have done to me if i ended up going home with him." i wanted to say you're welcome. i wanted to say it wasn't a problem. but instead what i decided to say was...

"so you're gonna leave him right?" why did i say that? this is not the time, you need to comfort her. she pulled away from the hug and looked at me and nodded. "yeah.. i am." she said, "for real this time."

i let out a huge sigh of relief, "thank you thank you so much." i said, hugging her again. she let out a light laugh and hugged me again. she was so warm. her hugs always made me feel safe and happy. but this one felt better in a way... probably because she just kissed me.

"why'd you kiss me?" i blurred out, "not that i didn't like it i'm just curious." she looked down at her feet and smiled. "not sure.. i felt like it." she said. i raised my eyebrows and smiled, "is it because i'm your knight in shining armor?" she rolled her eyes. "i mean if you wanna put it like that, go ahead." she laughed. i licked my lips and smiled. "let's get out of here." she said. "yeah that's probably a good idea." i replied, opening the car door for her.


we got back to my house at around 9. the drive back was fun as hell. we blared music and rolled the windows down and sang together. we really belted when "maniac" by conan gray started playing. i let her use the aux and i don't regret it, her music taste never disappoints me.

after our concert in the car, we went inside. i led her to my bedroom and i saw her go over to her bag and get clothes out. i went over to my dresser to get some pajamas to change into too.

we've been best friends for years so we change in front of eachother all the time. it's not weird or anything. and i don't act like a peeping tom and stare but you know... i glance over a bit sometimes.

she caught me a few times but she doesn't seem to care. she just pokes fun at me. and hey, i've caught her eyeballing me too. so we're even.

we got in our pajamas and i sat on my bed. i put on a movie for us to watch so we could just chill out for a while.


savannah's POV:

i don't really know why i kissed her. i guess i was just so overwhelmed with emotion.. it just felt like the right thing to do. it was all adrenaline. i was so proud of myself and of her. for finally getting him out of my life.

hopefully forever.

"you got my phone?" i asked plopping on her bed. "yep." she replied. she went over to her dresser and grabbed my phone off the top of her dresser and handed it to me.

i looked at my phone and had about a million messages from scott, which i expected. just a bunch of "i'm sorry" texts. a bunch of bullshit. billie could see i was upset. "he text you a bunch?" she asked. i nodded. "and a bunch of missed calls."

billie was silent. i don't think she really knew what to do. she just sat back down next to me and started rubbing my back. "what if he tells the cops?" i asked, concerned. "so what if he does?" she laughed. "well you did beat him up." i said, "i just don't want anything to happen to you." "i appreciate that, i really do." she said, "but he was gonna hurt you, i didn't have any other choice sav."

i guess she did have a point. i don't regret her putting him in his place i just don't want him snitching on her. i don't think he's going to since i got marks i could show the police that he gave me.

"yeah you're right." i said. "i know." she laughed. i hit her with a pillow. "you're stupid." i said. "don't hit me, you see what i did to scott? i'll do it again." she laughed, "right here right now." "nah you wouldn't dare." i teased. "you're right, i wouldnt." she said, "you're too pretty to mess up." then she tucked my hair behind my ear.

there was a lot of tension building up between us. i felt like i wanted to kiss her again. but this time it wasn't cause of the adrenaline. i don't even know what i was feeling.. i've never felt it before.

we were staring at each other. for what seemed like forever. just as i was about to do something we got interrupted. finneas walked in.

"hey bil i came back to get my charger have you seen it?" he asked. "don't you ever fucking knock?" she said, annoyed. "sorry i didn't.." he paused, "why? was i interrupting something?" he got all wide eyed. "no you idiot, you're just annoying." she yelled. "okay okay calm down jesus christ." he said, "have you seen my charger or not?" she shook her head. a couple seconds passed. "okay, bye." she said annoyed. he rolled his eyes and left.

she plopped back on the bed next to me. "i really need to get my own place." she sighed, rubbing her head. "even though finneas is moved out of course he still finds a way to interject into shit." i smiled and layed down next to her. "hey, it's okay, it's not a big deal i promise." she turned her body so she was facing me.

"nah it's not just that, i'm getting older now and i need to not live with my parents anymore." she laughed. "so what's stopping you?" i asked. "i don't know. i cant really afford living on my own right now. and it's kind of a scary thought." she said, "being on my own." i nodded.

"yeah i get that for sure, i was like that before i moved out too. but i've been on my own for about two years now and i can say it's really not as scary as you think it's going to be." i assured her. "i can imagine but.." she paused, "i still don't wanna be on my own."

then i had a thought.
a really good one.

"what if you got a roommate?" i suggested, "then you'd be out of the house, you wouldn't be alone, and it'd be cheaper if you split the rent." she looked at me for a minute thinking about it. "that's not a bad idea at all." she said smiling.

you know what... since scott and i are done (well not officially but we're basically over) that means i'm gonna have so much more freedom. i'm not going to have to worry about getting his permission to do anything anymore. i don't have to worry about him freaking out about decisions that i make anymore. so i decided to suggest something crazy.

"move in with me." i said.

word count: 1402
an: billie's second album, happier then ever was released today and i have to say... she NEVER fails to impress me. tell me your favorite songs! mine are happier than ever and oxytocin <3

this was a bit of a short chapter but i hope you still enjoy!

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