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savannah's POV:

"sav, wake up." i heard billie whisper as she was giving me kisses on my forehead. "is it eight already?" i groaned rubbing my eyes. "nah it's five forty." she said. i opened my eyes. "billie why the fuck are you waking me up at five forty?" i asked sitting up. "becaaaause i wanna take you somewhere."

"cant it wait til after my classes?" i asked. she tucked my hair behind my ear. "no." she said smiling, "come on, you won't regret it i promise." she grabbed my arm and pulled me up off the bed. "you're lucky you're cute." i said grabbing her waist and giving her a peck on the lips. she smiled. "well thank you." she said, "now come on."

she ran out of the bedroom into the livingroom to put her shoes on. i followed her out to her car. "i swear if you kill me im gonna be so mad." i said, laying my seat back a bit. she laughed. "nah but i'd never kill you mama." she said, starting the car. "would you kill someone for me?" i asked with a half smile. she looked over and just stared at me.

she swallowed harshly. "what do you mean?" she asked. i squinted my eyes and smiled confused. "it was just a joke.. you don't actually need to kill anyone for me." she let out a laugh and started driving.


billie's POV:

jesus christ that scared the hell out of me. who would ask something like that. i mean i know she meant it in like a weirdly cute way but... i dunno it scared me. cause obviously.. you know i would. i almost did.

i drove for about twenty minutes and she kept asking me where we were going. i kept telling her that it was a surprise but sav's not very patient. i wanted to take her somewhere before we went to class today just so we could hang out a bit, and the place i was taking her is really special to me.

"alright we're here." i said. "you brought me to a bridge over water? you're definitely about to kill me right now." she said with an exaggerated sigh. "oh be quiet come on." i laughed. i got out of the car and then went over and opened savannah's door for her.

"so why'd you bring me here?" she asked as we walked over to the bridge. "this doesn't look familiar?" i asked motioning towards the bridge. she stared at it and thought for a moment. "noooo is this really the place?" she asked raising her eyebrows looking around, "jesus it's been so long." i laughed and nodded. "it really has been." i said.

we got to the middle of the bridge and sat down so our feet were dangling off the edge. "we used to come here with our moms all the time when we were like twelve." she said. i nodded. "why'd we stop coming here?" i asked.

"well when my parents split up my mom moved out so.. she wasn't really in town a lot so dad was the one who was taking care of us. and he was literally always working." she said, "and this place was too far away to walk myself so yeah... i guess that's why." i put my arm around her. "it's alright, not a big deal shit happens you know." she nodded. "yeah but i'm really glad you brought me here actually."

i smiled. "good, i know we never came here this early, but the sunrises in a few minutes and.. i dunno i thought it'd be nice to come here." she nodded and and turned her head towards the skyline. "it's perfect." she said.

"yeah we would uh.. we'd go get ice cream at that place down the street and then we'd come down here and sit down and talk and eat our ice cream." i said, "i was gonna do that but uh, i'm vegan now and that place is also shut down." "totally fine." she laughed, "it's too early for ice cream."

i pointed at the skyline "oooh the sun's coming up." she looked up at it and smiled. "so beautiful." she whispered. "just like you." i said. she turned her head towards me and half smiled with her puppy dog eyes.

she leaned in and planted a kiss on my lips as the sun rose up in the distance. i put my fingers underneath her chin to support it, deepening the kiss. we pulled away from the kiss and looked at eachother for a while. this is it. this was the moment.

"sav." i said. "hmm?" she said back. i froze for a few seconds and gulped. "will you be m-"

"AAAHHHH WHAT THE FUCK!" she shouted. she lost her balance and started to fall off the bridge. i reached my arms out to try and grab her but i couldn't. she fell in the water. "shit." i said panicky. i remember the water being really deep. so i did what i had to do. i threw my phone over on the grass and then threw myself in the water.

my plan was to save her but you know if we die we die together i guess.
i mean obviously we didn't die.

i went under the water and looked for her. i saw her a couple feet away struggling to swim up to the surface. i went up to breath and then swam over to her and grabbed her. "are you okay?" she coughed up a bunch of water as i held her in my arms. then she nodded. i swam us over to a big rock in the water and sat us down. "you didn't have to do that billie." she said, "now i feel like an idiot."

i shook my head. "don't, it's not your fault." i said, "like you said, shit happens." she smiled and nodded. "okay but how the fuck are we gonna get back to the car?" she said. i looked up and noticed how far down we actually were. "we're gonna have to climb up the wall." i sighed. "you're kidding right? there's no way i can get my fatass up there." she said. i tried holding back my laugh. "we can do it come on, i'll go first and then you go, so i can pull you up."

she shook her head. "this isn't gonna work we're gonna be stuck down here forever and die here." i shrugged. "so what, we'll die together right?" i stood up and and brought my foot up to a groove in the wall. the wall was rocky and bumpy so some parts of rock were sticking out some were bending in. it actually didn't look that hard to climb up.

"look at this sav, it's basically a rock climbing wall, if i can do this, you can too." i said continuing to climb up the wall. "oh jesus christ." she sighed, "please be careful." she said louder. "i'll be fine love, calm down." i said back. i continued climbing the wall. i got about halfway up and sav started getting really nervous. "billie you're really scaring me." she yelled up to me.

"well if you wouldn't have fell we wouldn't have been here in the first place." i yelled back. "i thought you said it wasn't my fault?" "it's not i'm just saying." i yelled, "i'm almost done let me focus babe."

"you know you can start coming up now if you wanna." i yelled. "i don't really wanna but i guess i have to dont i?" she yelled back. "good girl." i yelled. i heard her struggling so i could only assume she started climbing up. "you like the view babe?" i yelled smiling. "just CLIMB." she laughed. "alright alright."

i got to the top and pulled myself over the edge, scraping my knee in the process but at
least i was on land again. i grabbed my phone and put it back in my pocket. i looked down to see how far up savannah was. she was a bit more then halfway. "you got this, let's go." i cheered. she kept on climbing and once she got the top i helped her flip herself over the edge.

"that was exhausting." she said, "it's too early for this shit." i looked down at the ground. "i'm really sorry." i said, "this didn't go at all how i thought it would." she out her fingers under my chin and lifted my head up. "hey look at me." she said, "it's not your fault billie, this was really sweet what you did." i smiled as she slowly pulled my face into hers, giving me a peck on the lips. "i promise, it's totally fine." she assured, "now let's go back home so we can change before class." we both laughed and then started waking to the car.


savannah's POV:

i cannot believe i ended up falling in the fucking water. you gotta be so dumb to do that. and right as we were having a cute moment. god i was so pissed.

she drove us home and i ended up falling asleep on the car ride. she only woke me up cause she could tell i was really cold from being in wet clothes. we went inside and both changed our clothes. in the middle of changing billie smacked my ass because she "couldn't resist." ugh she's a piece of work sometimes.

but i absolutely adore her. with my entire heart and soul. and what she did was really adorable. even if i did fall into the water at six in the morning, it's the thought that counts.

and she did something.. really fucking sweet.

word count : 1632
an : 300 reads? insane!! thanks so much.

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