fuck you

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billie's POV :

i let go of savannah's grasp on me and slyly grabbed a kitchen knife from the drawer behind me and slid it in my hoodie pocket. then i scurried my way over to zoe. "zoe what the hell is going on?" sav asked worried. "nothing sav it's a uh... water pipe bursting." they replied.

"did someone flush the toilet or something?" sav asked again. "yyeah.. probably- billie could you give me a hand please?" zoe asked. i nodded. "babe please try and distract everyone as much as you can, especially savannah." zoe said to her girlfriend. she looked confused but nodded and agreed to do so.

we made our way down the stairs as quick as we could making sure to shut the door behind us. as we made our way down the stairs we heard scott yelling at the top of his lungs.

shut the fuck up.


shut the fuck up.

once we got to the bottom of the stairs we saw him in the corner of the room, untied from the column somehow. i looked next to me and zoe had disappeared. i took my knife i had in my pocket to threaten him with it.

he was throwing around every possible object he could find and chucking it at the wooden ceiling causing it to start breaking.

he was going fucking manic.

"shut the FUCK up before people hear you you dumb fucking bitch." i yelled. he dropped the mini fridge that was in his hand and collapsed on the floor and started crying.

what the hell is wrong with him? maybe he would have been better off dead a while ago. have i drove him insane? has me forcing him into isolation cause this?

jesus christ.

he was gawking and sobbing on the floor. him being vulnerable kinda pissed me off and made me get even more mad. i bent down and brought my knife to his neck.

"i said.. shut the fuck up." i whispered. he immediately went quiet. "now get up and walk over back to the column before i make you choke on your own blood."

"or before i blow your fucking brains out." zoe said behind me. i turned my head and saw her holding a gun. i threw myself out of the way.

"ayo zoe what the fuck?" i said as i dropped my knife at the sight of the gun, "why you have a gun in your house?" "for moments like these, billie move." i moved farther away. zoe continued pointing the gun at scott from like ten feet away.

"tie him back up." they said, "you wanna break my fucking basement your ass will stay here longer."

fuck yeah zoe. that's my best friend. i dragged him back over to wear he was tied up previously.

"how tf did you get out of this?" i asked him. "i slid the mini fridge close to me with my feet and broke open a can of soda and used it to cut through the rope." he confessed. i looked down at his sliced hands and arms from breaking open the can. "i see." i re tied him back up the steel column as tight as i possibly could.

"you guys doing okay down here?"

i shoved my hands in scott's mouth so he couldn't shout.



please don't be-

"savannah hey yeah everything's fine just go back upstairs." zoe said holding the gun behind her back. "why are you being so weird." sav asked nervous laughing. she continued to walk down the stairs but she couldn't see us yet.

"sav please don't come down here." i pleaded. "why?" she asked. "it's.. flooded. yeah, there's literally water everywhere, it's not safe."

"you really think i'm dumb as fuck don't you? i can see the floor it's perfectly fi-." she got to the bottom of the stairs.

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