never enough

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billie's POV :

i only packed about half of my stuff.. but i figured i'd make finneas come back here and grab the rest. cause there was no way in hell i'm coming back here anytime soon. and all the big stuff like the dresser and bed, fuck it, i'll buy new ones.

after bringing down all my stuff i of course run into scott in the living room. i didn't even want to look at him. if i did i though i'd end up pounding his face in... again. as i walked past him i put my hand on the door knob and then turned around to look at him. "take care of her." i said then opening the door and walking out. "while you're still breathing." i said quietly after shutting the door.


i didn't want to go to claudia's right away. i needed to do some driving around and thinking for a while. no matter how upset i was at the both of them, i was more heartbroken than anything. the girl i've been in love with for my whole life, and who i thought was finally in love with me, really isn't.

i really thought i finally had her all to myself, and that scott was ancient history and wouldn't bother us again. and we'd live happily ever after.. together. but of course, she went back to him. she always does.

i don't get it, i'm so much better than him in so many ways. we were so good together. everything felt so right. she was so happy with me, i don't understand.

no matter what i did, i guess it was never enough. no matter how much i showed her i loved her. no matter how much i took care of her. no matter how much i made her feel safe. it was never enough.

so i knew what i had to to.

i have to kill him.


after driving around for a while, i ended up making my way to claudia's place. my whole drive i was crying, so when i pulled in i was also crying which i thought was actually a good thing because he'd for sure let me move in once he saw me like this.

i knocked on the door and claudia opened the door with a smile that quickly faded once she saw me with tears running down my face.

"jesus billie.. what happened?" she asked, pulling me into a hug. i let go of my suitcases and hugged her. i couldn't get any words out. i sobbed in her arms for what felt like ever. "do you wanna come inside?" she asked pulling away from the hug looking at me. i wiped my cheek and nodded.


she sat me down on the couch with her and finneas and i told them pretty much everything that happened. "and now i have nowhere to stay." i said, finishing up my story. claudia looked at finneas. they looked like they were having a conversation with their eyes. then claudia looked back at me. "you can stay here for as long as you need to."

i saw finneas shaking his head in my peripheral vision and as soon as i turned my head to look at him he stopped. "no if imma be too much of a burden i'll just go move back home." i said. claudia shook her head. "no really, it's not a big deal, we have a spare room." she said, "i'll go get it ready for you." she set her cup of whatever she was drinking down and went upstairs.

i waited til she was gone. "do you really not want me here?" he rolled his eyes. "no, it's not that at all." he said, "i just don't wanna have to.." i looked at him confused. "take care of you." he continued. "you don't need to, i'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself, don't you worry your pretty little head."

"that's not what i meant, i just mean i hate seeing you heart broken like this." he said. i sniffled and thought about what he said. "i'm not heartbroken, i'm fine." i said, "like i told you this isn't gonna be a problem for very long."

he looked at me confused now. "what do you
mean?" he asked. shit i need to stop being so suspicious. "it's not gonna be a problem because i'm gonna just forget about it. i'm gonna drop out of college and get a job to save up for an apartment until i start making bank from music." i said, "boom. problem solved." i lied about the getting a job part but i did wanna drop out of college.

"don't drop out of college b." he said. "why not? not like i need it with where i'm at right now." i asked, then taking a sip out of my water bottle that claudia gave me. "plus i have like every class with sav, i don't wanna go through all that."

"because you're literally almost all the way done, you have like what, a month of classes left? just get your dip-" "no. finneas, fuck off." i interrupted. i really shouldn't have been such an asshole. he was letting me stay here for free. well.. claudia was letting me stay here for free. "i'm sorry, you're right.. i'll finish up." he nodded slightly. "good."

i heard claudia coming down the stairs. "it's all ready. want me to bring your stuff up to the room?" i shook my head. "i got it don't worry." i said, "thank you guys though.. so much. i really appreciate it." claudia smiled. "anytime." she said, "dinner will probably be at 6:30 but if you get hungry before then, take whatever out of the pantry." i smiled and got up to bring my stuff up to my new room.

i got upstairs and saw peaches, their dog sitting on what their bed. i went in and pet her. i haven't seen her in a bit and i missed seeing her. i absolutely love dogs. i wanted to get one with savannah but she was opposed to it because we didn't have enough room. she was right.

but i'- we.. will have one eventually.

i walked down the hall and into my new bedroom. i places my suitcases on the floor and sat on the bed, taking in everything. the bed was queen sized. the blanket was fuzzy and a dark grey color. pillows were white with a few black stripes in the center.

there was a brown dresser in the corner and then i looked in the corner of the room and realized they had gotten more recording equipment. there was a mic set up, monitor, everything. i guess he got stuff in case we needed to record at their place.

which was a relief in case i couldn't go back and get the stuff from savannah's for a while.

everything sucked right now, but at least i had everything i needed to stay here for a bit.

i guess this was gonna be my life for a while until i.. you know.. took care of things.

word count : 1200
an : VMAs are tonight at 8! i cant wait to see who wins the categories this year. <3 hope y'all are liking the story!!

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