i'm not crazy

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billie's POV :

it was done.

zoe and i brought him down into her basement and chained him up to the metal stair railing. after we did so, his phone started ringing in my pocket. i checked to see who it was and it was que. i just let it ring.

"when do you think he'll wake up?" i asked zoe. they shrugged. "probably soon." she said, "hand on lemme grab you a knife." i looked at her weird. "why do i need a knife, i'm not killing him yet."

"i know." she said laughing, "i mean to threaten him with." i nodded. they went up the stairs to grab it.

i was left alone down here with scott and after a bit he started to wake up. once he saw me his eyes were coated with fear. he looked down at himself.

"eilish." he said. "dalton." i said back, as a sinister smile creeped across my face. if he wants to middle name me, i'll middle name him. "so good to see you." i said as i kneeled down to his level. his body was chained but his arms were free.

"what the hell is this?" he sighed. "you know.. just a little bit of restraint on you, i know you like it like that." i teased. a sarcastic smirk came across his face. "aww who told you?" he asked.

"just my future wife.. and your soon to be ex." i replied, standing back up walking around. zoe came back down with a knife, pen, and a piece of paper. of course she had gloves on so that no finger prints showed up.

i took the knife from them and held it by my side and zoe put the paper on the floor next to scott. "now i'm gonna ask you this one time. if i have to ask you again, it'll be against your will." i said, "pick up the pen and paper and write what i am about to say down."

he rolled his eyes. "eilish what do you want?" he asked annoyed. "don't call me that shit." i demanded, "and i want you to listen to me before i inflict the consequences." i got back on my knees and got closer to him, holding the knife to his neck. he slowly grabbed ahold of the pen and paper. i then backed away so i wouldn't touch it.

"ok i want you to write exactly what i say do you understand? or i'll fucking slit your throat right now." he nodded, annoyed but eager to get tbis over with. "if you're reading this, that means you're probably looking for me. well don't. i've decided to- why aren't you writing anything?" i yelled.he flinched at my loud voice and started writing.

"if you're reading this.. that means you're probably looking for me. well don't. i've decided to finally take control of my life. and that means i had to leave. by the time you're reading this, i'm already in new york city, pursuing my modeling career. i've been thinking about it for a while. but my happiness is worth leaving it all behind. i'm starting my whole life over with new goals, new surroundings, and new people. don't try to contact me, i've already blocked practically everyone i know. much love, scott d richards."

as he finished, he threw the note on the ground and zoe picked it up with her gloves. "run this over to his house, put it on his coffee table." i said to zoe. she looked over the note, nodded and headed upstairs.

scott laughed silently. "nobody's gonna believe that." he said. i got back down on his level. "and why's that?" i asked. "because savannah knows i would never do that." i smiled. "yeah?" i whispered. he looked confused.

"i know a lot more than you think i do." i said sternly, making intense eye contact with him,"don't think i didn't hear you on the phone with que. what the fuck was that about?"

he looked to the side and sighed. but he didn't answer. "fucking answer me." i yelled bringing the knife up to his neck again. "jesus okay okay." he yelled, throwing his hands up. "basically i owe que a shit ton of money. that i don't have. and he said instead of paying him with money, he'd cut me some slack if i gave him savan-" "you were gonna what?" i yelled, cutting him off.

"listen, it was either her or me, what would you do if you were in my situation?" he asked. "HER. is that even a question? i would sacrifice everything in this world if it meant keeping her alive and safe, why the fuck else would i be doing this?" i whisper yelled.

"oh i don't know maybe because you're crazy?" he said. i know i said earlier that i didn't care if i was crazy or not. but now i know, right now in this moment that im not insane or crazy, im doing this out of love. im doing this to protect her. im doing this for us.

"i'm not crazy." i said eerie. i held the knife back up against his neck. "im in love."

word count : 872

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