1. First day

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I wake up to my alarm clock beeping loudly in my ear. I turn over to turn it off. It's 6:00 am on the dot. I've always made sure to never sleep even a minute later as I take school very seriously. I get up to go brush my teeth as I remember that today is my first day of senior year. Instantly I feel a pit form in my stomach.

I finish up my hygiene routine and take a nice shower to calm my nerves. I pick out a very casual outfit. I don't want to stand out at all. After I'm dressed, I go downstairs and make myself some breakfast. Eggs and toast. After I'm done eating I check on my mom. As I expected she's still asleep. I check my phone to see the time. It's 7:45. Shit. School starts at 8:00. I CANT be late on my first day!

I park in the parking lot and take a long deep breath to try to calm down. As I walk into the building i feel myself shaking a bit. I try not to pay attention to people around me. I walk straight to my locker. I hear the bell ring so I quickly grab my books and head off to my first class. On my way I bump into a hard tall body. I look up only to see Dominic Santos. The bad boy. I wanted to crawl in a hole as I see him staring down into my eyes. "I'm sorry" I say quietly.

He just stares down at me almost looking confused. Until he breaks the silence "just watch where you're going next time" he gives a quick wink before walking off. I instantly feel butterflies but I ignore them because I have to make it to class.

The rest of the day goes by pretty smoothly. I put all of my stuff away in my locker. I walk toward my car and I stop as I see Dominic leaning up against my car. I have to admit he's very handsome but I can't get involved with him. I decided to gain enough courage and I walk up to him and ask "can I help you?" As I try not to be rude.

"Hm yes you can." he looks at me with a flirtatious smirk.

"How?" I ask as I look down.

"I want to hangout" he says as he walks over and gently lifts up my chin so I look at him in the eyes. I get those butterflies again. In this moment I forget that I'm supposed to stay away from him. He makes me feel nervous but excited at the same time.

"Sure" I say hesitantly. Which in my mind I instantly regret.

"Do you have plans this weekend?" He asks

"I don't think so"

"Good, after school Friday you can come with me" he says. I just nod in return as he walks away to his car. I get in my car and drive home.

I get home and my mom's still asleep. My phone rings and it's Jacob, my oldest brother. I quickly answer the phone and he asks me how my day went and I tell him everything. Even about Dominic and about us hanging out. Jacob has always been my best friend. I've never been very popular so my brothers have always been my best friends. He's extremely over protective so obviously he didn't think it was a good idea. We go back and forth a bit but he had to hang up to work.

I make dinner for me and my mom even though she will probably be sleeping still. I eat and then do my homework. I change into a t-shirt and sweats to get more comfortable. I lay down and just think about Dominic. Every time I think about him I get so excited for some reason. I know that me hanging out with him is bad but I couldn't stop myself from agreeing. Eventually i fall asleep.

Once again I wake up to the beeping of my alarm and I'm a bit more excited to go to school because of Dominic. I take a shower then get dressed in some jeans and a simple shirt. I'm running late because I've been so focused on my thoughts about Dominic. I don't know why i cant stop thinking about him. But I quickly change my thoughts as school is more important than boys. I grab a bowl of cereal because I don't have enough time to make breakfast. I go check on my mom and she's passed out. Again. I turn and I see liquor bottles on her nightstand. Almost empty. Ever since my father died in a car accident she drinks almost every night. She doesn't talk to me very much anymore either. My brothers have gotten me through my father's death and my mom's drinking issues. But it still hurts me a lot.

I drive to school and when I get there I walk in and grab my books for my first class. Everything is normal until lunchtime. I never eat at school mainly because I would just be sitting alone. I walk out to the parking lot but Dominic stops me. "Excuse me." I say as I'm in a hurry.

"Come with me." He says.


"To a pizzeria." He grabs my hand gently. And I back away a bit because I don't want to be another one of his "hoes". I definitely didn't want to do anything like that with him. I get snapped out of my thoughts by him saying "what's wrong?"

"I want to make it clear that I don't want to do anything more than hangout." I say quietly. Avoiding his stares.

"Who said it was anything more than a hangout?" He says with a small smirk.

"Whatever, you know what I mean." I say rolling my eyes. He leads me to his car. It's a blue Mustang.

When we get to the pizzeria we sit down and order

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When we get to the pizzeria we sit down and order. I was nervous at first but i decided to bring up school. We talked about what classes we have and how we liked our teachers. I noticed every time I talked he looked directly in my eyes. Which made me even more intimidated. He asked about my family. I told him about my dad and my brothers. But I left out details about my mom because I don't like to talk about her much. Then I asked him about his family and all of sudden he stopped looking at me and his whole mood changed. So I pointed out that it was time to go back to school.

The rest of the day I thought about how he changed when I asked about his family. His family always seemed perfect. But then I thought about how he looked at me. He seemed to actually listen to what I was saying. But after school I went home and did homework. I spent about two hours on homework so I made dinner and just hung out. I'm honestly nervous and really excited for the hangout tomorrow. I wonder what's gonna happen. While thinking I fell asleep.

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