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When I got home I went to my room and got in the shower. I turned the water on warm. I let the water run down my body. I cleaned my hair and body then got out and dried off. I got in my pajamas and brushed my teeth. I did all my homework and when I was done I heard my phone ring. I picked it up and it was Dominic.

"Hey" I said.

"Hi pretty girl" he said.

I blushed at the nickname.

"What's up?" I said.

"Nothing i just wanted to hear your voice."

"Aww that's sweet."

"I am not sweet."

We went back and forth a bit. He eventually gave up. We then talked about random stuff. But we didn't mention what happened at school earlier. I wondered if he was thinking about it because I know I can't stop thinking about it.

After talking for around an hour I had to hang up to cook dinner because Jacob was coming over to hangout with me. I went into the kitchen and thought about what to cook. My options were pasta, pizza, and tacos. I of course went with pizza. I love pizza. So I got all of my ingredients out and made it. After an hour I heard a knock on the door. I let Jacob in and we sat down to eat. We chatted about how school was going and I decided to bring up Dominic. Obviously not about the situation in the empty classroom but just that we have been hanging out more. "That's not a good thing Bailee." Jacob said giving me a serious look.

"Why not?" I said confused. I mean I know he's the bad boy but why is it that bad?

"You don't want that reputation for yourself." He said taking a bite out of a slice of pizza. Which after that I decided to change the conversation. I didn't want to get in a fight with my brother over a boy. After we were both done eating he left. I picked up all the dirty dishes and went in my room.

After a bit of laying down I heard rocks being thrown at my window. I look over and I see Dominic smirking. I go and open the door to let him in. He pulls me into a long kiss. "What are you doing here dom?" I say out of breath because of the kiss.

"I missed you" he says with his hands around my waist. I smile.

"Okay well come on." I say leading him up to my room. We walk up to my room and he sits down on my bed. Before he broke the silence with, "so did you enjoy earlier?" He said winking at me. I debated whether I wanted to give in or be a brat.

"Idk honestly I think it could've been better." Brat it was. He looked at me clearly shocked by my answer. "Oh really well that's not what your moans said." He said as he pulled me so I was sitting on him. My front up against his front. He kissed me roughly but passionately. I slowly moved my hips back and forth rubbing my crotch onto his. I heard a low grunt come out of his lips and he quickly flipped us so I was under him. He stopped and looked around the room looking for something. I was confused until he got up and grabbed one of my scarves. I started getting nervous. He grabbed my wrists and tied them together to the point where I couldn't move them. Then he tied them to my bed so I really couldn't move my arms. He ripped off my shirt making me scream a bit but quickly got shut up my Dominic's lips crashing into mine.

He stripped off the rest of my clothes while leaving love marks all over my neck and breasts. Once he was done taking my clothes off I felt very exposed but there was nothing I could do about it. He spread my legs leaning down to my ear. "You better not make any noise kitten." He said in a dominating tone. The whisper sent shivers down my spine which made me wetter. He started flicking my nipples with his tongue. I was already holding back intense moans. He slid his hands between my thighs slowly making his way to my clit. Once he got there he rubbed soft circles to tease me. I tried clenching my thighs together but there was no point because he was way stronger than me so I gave up. He got up and pulled his pants down. He posited himself between my legs and with no warning thrusted into me. Making me want to scream out because of the pain and insane amount of pleasure. But I couldn't because I didn't want to know what kinda of punishment i would get. He kept thrusting harder which was about to push me over the edge. "Don't cum yet." Dominic said sternly. I struggled to not disobey. I don't think I can hold it in much longer. "Cum." As soon as I heard those words I got sent over the edge. My back arched as I moaned loudly. Dominic was repeatedly thrusting into me. Until he threw his head back and came inside me. I felt his warm juices coat the inside of me and it sent me over the edge again. We both were moaning like crazy.

After we were both done he pulled out of me and cleaned me with a towel I had in my room. He untied my wrists which were a little sore from trying to get out of them. We didn't even get dressed we just cuddled under the blankets. I was falling hard for this boy.

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