15. Reuniting

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I was finally back home. As much as I loved being with Dominic I missed home a lot. Today Jacob and Derek are coming over. It'll be nice to see Derek again. He's my older brother but younger than Jacob. So basically the middle child. We haven't been seeing each other a lot lately. I missed him a lot. I walked up to my room and decided to shower.

After I was done showering I got dressed and put my hair up in a high ponytail. When I was done I heard the door open and I rushed downstairs. When I saw Derek I instantly ran up and hugged him. He gave me a big bear hug.

"I missed you butterfly!" Derek said. He's had that nickname for me since we were little. I was always closer to Derek than Jacob but I think it's because of the age. But I'm still very close to Jacob.

"I missed you too!" I said.

"Where's my hug?" Jacob asked with a fake pout. I walked over and hugged him too. We stood there for a few more seconds before I finally saw that they brought food with them. I quickly grabbed it out of their hands and ran into the dining room. They followed laughing. We sat down and started eating.

"So what's new with you?" Derek asked me.

"Well I have a boyfriend." I said looking down as I was afraid of their reactions. When I looked up they were already looking at me with the protective look in their eyes. They always had that look whenever I brought up a boy I liked.

"Who?" Derek asked.

"Dominic Santos." Jacob answered not letting me. Derek looked over at me with that same look in his eyes.

"We'll talk about this another time. Any new friends?" Derek asked.

"Yeah a boy named Jason and Dominic's sister Maya." I said with a small smile. They both smiled back.

"That's good!" Jacob said.

"What's been happening with you guys?" I asked.

For the rest of dinner we just talked about how college has been for Derek and how we need to find a future wife for Jacob. After dinner was over Jacob helped me pick up while Derek went and tried to talk to mom. Ever since mom slapped me I haven't talked to her. Which didn't effect her because she just kept drinking. One of these days I'm going to find her dead because she drank so much. Derek walked back out with a worried look on his face.

"She was passed out." He Derek said.

"I'm sorry." I said. I walked up to him and gave him a hug.

"It's not good for you to be living with her like this." Jacob said.

"I'm fine." I said reassuring him.

"You know you could come and stay with me for a bit." Jacob said. I thought about it for a minute. It does get lonely here.

"Sure" I said with a smile. Which made the both of them smile and laugh. They always saw me as a baby still and that didn't make me mad really because I liked being the "baby sister" in their eyes. We made the plan that Jacob is going to pick me up tomorrow after school and bring me to his house.

After awhile of sitting on the couch and talking they decided it was getting late and that I should get to bed for school in the morning. They got their stuff and on their way out Derek pulled me in another bear hug and said, "good bye butterfly. I'll see you again as soon as I can." Honestly I wanted to cry when he said that. I've missed him so much and now I don't even know when we will see each other again.

"You better." I said choking back tears. I hugged Jacob and said bye as they left. I watched their cars drive away. Suddenly my phone dinged. I went to check and it was an unknown number.

Unknown: heyy!

Me: who is this?

Unknown: oh yeah it's Maya.. I got your number off of Dominic's phone.

Me: oh hi!

She told me all about the guy she hooked up with and how she really liked him. It was nice talking to her. She was so funny and nice. After awhile we said goodnight. Which reminded me that I had to say goodnight to Dominic.

Me: goodnight handsome ;)

Dom: goodnight pretty girl

I put my phone down and got into bed. It was really nice to see Derek again. But really sad when he had to leave. I thought about how it would be getting to live with Jacob. Eventually I fell asleep.

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