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It's finally Monday. The past two days felt so long. But me and Dominic texted as much as we could and called a few times. I also haven't talked to my mom at all as I was still mad at her. I got out of bed and did my morning routine. I got in the car and was off to school. I'm so excited to see Dominic again today. I've missed him so much and I don't know why. I mean I met him less than a week ago.

When I got at school I went to my locker and put all my stuff away and made it to my first class. I was confused as to why I haven't seen Dominic at school yet. When it was time for lunch I was on my way to the front doors until I got pulled into an empty classroom. I was about to scream but I looked over and saw Dominic. He hugged me and grabbed my chin gently as he pulled me into a kiss. It was so passionate and everything around us disappeared as I got lost in our kiss. He lifted me up my the back of my thighs as my legs went around his waist. He started getting rougher with the kiss which made me wetter in my pants.

My body craved him. He must have been able to tell as he roughly put me down onto a table and started kissing my neck. The feeling made me go weak. He then unbuttoned my shirt while kissing my collarbone. I could feel him leaving love marks which made me panic a bit because I don't want people to see but that quickly left my mind as he started unclipping my bra. Once he took it off I saw him stop and look away for a second which made me insecure a bit. But he smirked and went down placing rough kisses on my breasts. I bit my lip trying not to moan because the last thing I wanted was to get caught. I bit down so hard it could've drawn blood. He moved lower pressing kisses on my stomach then lower to my jeans. He came back up and kissed me on my lips. Then asked me, "are you sure?" I nodded. "Use your words kitten." I blushed at the nickname and said, "yes I'm sure."

"Good enough for now." He said with a smirk. He kissed me again while unbuttoning my jeans. My breathing got heavier which made him smirk even more. He successfully took my jeans off then moved down so his head was in between my legs. He placed a slightly rough kiss on my clothed clit. I gasped and moaned. I should mention that I'm a virgin so nobody's ever done anything like this to me. He started kissing my thighs teasing me on purpose. I was getting a little frustrated as my body was craving to have him inside me.

He finally took my underwear off and looked me in my eyes while he did. He licked my clit lightly which sent waves of pleasure through my body. He started licking in between my folds lightly. I couldn't hold on my moans anymore, I moaned loudly as my body was taken over by the pleasure. As soon as I was about to finish he stopped. He stood up and unbuttoned his pants and lined up with my entrance. He pushed his tip in and I squeezed my eyes closed at the pain. "Open your eyes. I want you to watch me take you." He said. I opened my eyes as he pushed in a bit more but this time he didn't stop. Once he was all the way in me, my hands were clenched at the pain but also at the pleasure.

He started going in and out which the pain was still there but was covered with the insane amount of pleasure. He leaned down and started kissing my neck while also biting gently. I could feel myself about to finish. "Cum for me kitten." As soon as I heard those words I finished. But he didn't stop, if anything he started going harder. I was moaning very loudly and he was grunting. He threw his head back as I felt him finish inside me. Which I did too. He slowly pulled out and grabbed a paper towel to clean both of us up. While I was putting my clothes on again he said, "that was only the beginning love." As he came and helped me clip my bra because I was weak. He brought me into a kiss. I melted in his arms. But then we heard the bell ring so we quickly walked out of the classroom after fixing my clothes. All I could think through out the day was:

Best way to lose your virginity.

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