8. Making up

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When I pulled up to my house I got out and walked to my porch. As I was about to open the door I looked down and saw a path of rose petals leading to my backyard. I smirked as I knew this must have been Dominic's doing. I followed the path and at the end of the path I looked up and saw a table. It had a white tablecloth with a chair on each side of the table. On the table was a vase of black roses. There were candles on the table as well as some on the ground. Two plates with delicious looking food were placed in front of the chairs. I smiled big while looking at all this.

I felt hands grab my waist, "hello, love" Dominic whispered in my ear which sent shivers down my spine. I threw my head back into his chest as he kissed my neck. "Not yet kitten." Dominic said walking away. I frowned a bit as the warmth of his body left.

He opened my chair for me as I sat down. He sits down across from me with a smirk on his face. "So this is why you weren't in school?" I said with an eyebrow raised. "Yup." He says with that stupid smirk still on his face. That smirk makes me want to bow down to him. But no. Stay strong Bailee.

I began to eat because I was starving. He began to eat after watching me dig in. We talked about school and how I wanted to kill one of my teachers. Which just made Dominic chuckle. "How did you do all of this without my mom noticing?" I asked.

"Oh she did." He said calmly. My nerves skyrocketed. I didn't want Dominic to know about my mommy issues.

"What happened?" I said nervously.

"Not much. She came outside and asked who I was. Then I told her that I was your boyfriend then she just went back inside." He said shrugging. Boyfriend?? I almost didn't think I heard that right. Especially because Dominic said it with ease. We haven't really talked about what we were.

"Boyfriend?" I asked.

"Is that a problem?" He asked?

"No not at all." I said smiling. He responded with a smirk. After that we talked about random stuff. After we were both done eating I was stuffed.

Dominic walked over to me and bent down kissing my neck. I moaned as he bit gently. He stopped and whispered in my ear, "does this mean I have you back completely?" I could tell he had a huge smirk on his face because of his tone. I turned around and kissed him. It was a long and passionate kiss. "I'll take that as a yes." Dominic said.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me into my house and to my room. He set me down on my bed and opened a bag that was next to my bed. He pulled out a blindfold, two pairs of red furry handcuffs, and a gag. My breathing got heavier. A pool formed in my panties. He walked over to me taking my clothes off. Once I was stripped naked, Dominic took my wrists gently and and put the handcuffs on. Handcuffing each wrist to the bed. He went down to my ankles and tied them each to the bed with some rope that he pulled from the bag. "The safe word is red okay kitten? If it gets too intense just say red." Dominic said. "Okay" I say.

"Call me master." He says darkly. How did his tone change that quick?

"Yes master." I say. He puts a ball gag on me. Stretching my mouth open wide. Dominic puts the blindfold on my eyes. He starts sucking and kissing my neck. He kisses a trail down to my breasts sucking on my hard nipples. A moan comes out of the back of my throat being muffled by the gag. Then he stops but suddenly I feel a hard clamp on my nipple. Great, nipple clamps. It hurt more because I wasn't expecting it. He then places the other clamp on my other nipple.

He pulled away which left me confused and in pain. Until I heard vibrating and then felt him place the vibrator on my thighs. Caressing them which made my clit pulse. I needed to be relieved. I felt the vibrator go closer to my pussy. Then it went directly on my clit. I arched my back and let out a moan. "Shut up." Dominic growled as he slapped my breast. It hurt like hell because of the clamps. He kept the vibrator on my clit while I tried my hardest to not scream out in pleasure. I could feel myself about to release.

"Don't cum until I say so." Dominic said harshly. I tried my best to hold in my orgasm. I felt it build up as I tried to focus on anything else but the intense pleasure.

"Please master let me cum!" I yelled.

"Cum." I had the most intense orgasm of my life. I threw my head back and my back arched even harder then last time. I attempted to moan but the gag stopped me.

After I came down from my high Dominic turned off the vibrator and took off the gag which hurt my jaw. He took the blindfold off then moved to take off the nipple clips. When he took them off I winced in pain as the blood rushed back to my sore nipples. Dominic looked deep into my eyes with a large smirk on his face.

"Now time for the real fun." He said.

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