7. Jealousy

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I woke up with my eyes puffy from spending the night crying. I didn't want to go to school today at all but school is more important then boys. I got up and didn't even bother to get ready I just changed. I went downstairs for breakfast but I wasn't hungry. I got in my car and drove off to school.

When I got there I saw Dominic and Spencer outside the front doors which made my heart break all over again. So I rushed pass them hoping they wouldn't see me. They didn't. I went to my locker and grabbed my books. I walked to class and when I got there I sat down. A boy came and sat next to me. He had dirty blonde hair and was tall. He was built like Dominic but Dominic might have been just a bit taller. The boy looked over at me and caught me staring. That's embarrassing.

"Hey, I'm Jason." The boy says with a bright smile. "Hi. I'm Bailee." I said returning the smile. His eyes were a dark blue. I could get lost in those eyes. The teacher started talking which grabbed both of our attention. Suddenly Dominic walks in and looks over at me. His eyes light up but that gets replaced with anger when he looks over at Jason. Dominic walks over to a seat across the room. He doesn't take his eyes off of me and Jason. I can tell he's furious. The entire class I glance over at Dominic once and awhile just to find him already looking at me.

At the end of the class as I was picking up my books and getting ready to leave Jason looks over at me and says, "See you around cutie." I blushed at the nickname. He walks out of the classroom and I do the same. When I get to my locker I put all my stuff away. But then I feel a hand caress my arm. I quickly turn around to see who it was. Sure enough it was Dominic. He grabs my hand and closes my locker. I try to wiggle out of his grip but it's no use. He leads me out of the school and to his car. "What the hell are you doing Dominic?" I yell. I look into his grey eyes just to see anger but also sadness.

"So you already moved on?" He says looking away. I could tell he was hurt by the way he said it.

"Oh please all I did was sit next to a boy. And besides you were flirting with Madison!" I could feel the tears start to flood my eyes. I felt the warm tear roll down my face. 

"I know and I'm so sorry. I was scared because I'm falling in love with you Bailee." He said looking deep into my eyes. Of course all I wanted to do was jump into his arms and kiss him. But I'm not gonna be that easy.

"I forgive you but it's gonna take more than that to get me back." I say walking off. But I was pulled back by my wrist. He pulled me into a gentle kiss. Then whispered in my ear, "I'll do anything pretty girl." He then gave me a gentle kiss on my cheek. I walked back into the school.

The rest of the school day I didn't see Dominic. I didn't pay attention in any of my classes either. I couldn't stop thinking about Dominic.



After Bailee went back into the school I went to the store. If I had to go all out to get her back. that's what I would do.

After getting all the stuff I needed from the store I went to my house to get the supplies I needed for how I wanted to end this night. Part of me knew that I didn't really have to do all of this and all I had to do was pin her against the wall and fuck her. Which I planned to do tonight. But first I wanted to show her how much she meant to me.

I went to her house and set up everything in her back yard. I sat down in my car down the street waiting for her to come home.

Tonight is going to be very fun.

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