22. Time to think.

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I'm pregnant. I can't believe it. Tears started rolling down my cheeks. Derek pulled me into a hug.

How am I going to tell Dominic?

I grabbed my phone and dialed Dominic's number. He answered on the last ring.

"Hey pretty girl." He said.

"I need to tell you something." I said quietly.

"What? Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm pregnant."

There's a pause. Not a sound came from him. Until beeping. He hung up. I froze.

"Oh my god." I said.

"What's wrong? What did he say?" Derek asked.

"Nothing. He said nothing. I'm gonna be a single mother. I have no one."

"Shhh it's gonna be okay. Me and Jacob with help you." Derek comforted me.

I can't believe this. I thought Dominic was the one. I thought he would be happy. He couldn't even end things correctly. Just hung up.

"I need rest." I said feeling faint.

Derek brought me to the bed and I went to sleep.



I don't know why I hung up. I froze. I can't be dad. I have no clue how to be a dad. What if I turn out like my own father. I can't do that to another innocent child. I was interrupted when Spencer walked out of the bathroom.

"Bro I- what the hell happened?" He asked looking at me.

"Bailee is pregnant." I said looking at the wall.

"Congratulations." He said with a small smile.

"I don't know what I'm going to do."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"I don't know how to be a dad." I said.

"So what did you say to her?"

"Nothing. I hung up." I said.

"Why??" He asked.

"That kid would be better off without me as their dad. I feel like shit because I love Bailee will all of my heart but I'm scared."

"Listen take a day to think but you have to be there for Bailee and your kid. I don't give a shit if you don't think your going to be a good father because I know you will be." He said.



I woke up the next morning having to throw up. After I threw up I went downstairs.

"Good morning, how do you feel?" Jacob asked.

"Like shit."

I felt so betrayed. After everything it's all over. Maybe he'll come back. I hope.

I opened the fridge and grabbed some orange juice. I poured myself a glass and sat down. I grabbed my phone and texted Dominic.

Me: can we talk?

I waited for a response but nothing came in. I need to get out of the house so I decided to text Jason.

Me: can we hangout today?

Jason: sure! I'll pick you up right now."

I sent Jason the address and ran upstairs to quickly get ready. I got changed in a t-shirt and leggings. I put on some white sneakers and put my hair up in a ponytail. I didn't bother to put any makeup on. I heard a knock on the front door. I ran downstairs and opened it to a smiling Jason.

We were about to leave when Jacob walk over to us. Wow I just realized their names are very similar.

"Who's this?" Jacob asked.

"I'm Jason." He said with his beautiful smile.

"Nice to meet you. I'll let you two go now." Jacob said.

Me and Jason walked away after saying goodbye. We got in the car.

"So what do you want to do today?" He asked.

"Can we go and get breakfast?" I asked.


He started driving and when we got there we sat down.

"I'm having a lot of problems right now." I said.

"What problems?" He asked.

"Okay so I'm pregnant and when I called Dominic to tell him he hung up. Without saying anything. So now I'm scared that I'm going to be a single mom and I don't know if I could do that by myself. Like I get that we are both not ready for a kid but he still needs to be responsible and step up as a father." By the time I was done with my rant tears were streaming down my face.

"It'll be okay. Maybe he just needs time to think and process it all. The way he did it was not right at all but I doubt he would just leave. It is very obvious that he's in love with you and he doesn't sound like the type to just leave." Jason said.

"Your right. Thank you for letting me talk. I really appreciate it." I said with a small smile while wiping my tears.

"Of course Bailee. Now let's get some food!" He said.

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