13. Sunday

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The rest of the time at Dominic's house was pretty fun. Maya kept me company whenever Dominic was busy but he made sure to be with me most of the time.

His father didn't talk to me the entire time but his mother was very sweet. Today was Sunday which is the day I am supposed to meet up with Jason. Which I still plan to do.

"Dominic I have to go soon." I said.

"What where?" He asked.

"To meet up with Jason." I said slowly.


"Yes. You can't control me Dominic."

He got up and walked over to me and put his hands on the back of my thighs. He lifted me up so I put my legs around his waist. He kissed me on the lips and kissed down to my neck.

"Stop Dominic we can't always fix our problems by having sex." I said. He stopped kissing me and sat down so I was straddling him. He put his hands on my butt giving a light squeeze.

"Okay. I don't trust him." He said.

"Well I do and how am I supposed to make friends?"

"You don't need friends. You have me and Maya." He said with a smile. Which made me smile back.

"I'm still going." I said quickly before pecking him on the lips.

"Fine but your getting punished when you get back." He said with a smirk. I got up and started getting ready. Me and Jason have been texting making the plans. He's really nice. I love Dominic obviously but I would love to be friends with Jason.

When I was ready I messaged Jason that he could pick me up now. Dominic got mad at that and said that he could just drop me off but I told him no and to let Jason pick me up.

When Jason got here I got in the car and we were on our way.

"Hey." He said with a smile.

"Hey." I said returning the smile. God his smile was beautiful. I heard a ding come from my phone. I check and it was Dominic.

Dom: How's it going pretty lady? ;)

I could tell he was trying to flatter me so I would only think about him and want to be with him. Did it work? A little. But I decided to tease him a bit.

Me: Great! But I really have to get back to our conversation.. hehe ;)"

Dom: Your getting yourself in way more trouble. Your ass is going to pay for that.

I blushed at the text but ignored it as I felt rude being on my phone the entire drive there. I put my phone down and looked up. When we got to the small restaurant we both got out of the car and walked in. We sat down and ordered our drinks. I ordered lemon water while he ordered a coke.

"So who are you dating?" Jason asked.

"Dominic." I said.

"Oh and he was okay with you coming out with me?"

"Well not exactly but he can't control me." I said.

"Oh okay." Jason said letting out a small laugh.

"So how about you? Do you have a girlfriend?" I asked.

"Nope." He said.

After that we just talked about school and about our hobbies. Turns out Jason is really into basketball. He's also super funny and really nice but also flirty. He's said a few things that came off as flirting but I can tell he didn't mean it.. did he?

After our lunch was over he brought me back to Dominic's house. I got out of the car and said bye to Jason. I walked into Dominic's house and I didn't see him. Which was weird because I expected him to be right at the door waiting for me.

Then I heard moaning coming from upstairs. My heart dropped and I felt tears form in my eyes. I decided to go up there and see where it was coming from. Turns out it was coming from Maya's room. But what if he's using her room?

I walked towards Dominic's room to see if he was in there and sure enough he was laying on the bed. I smiled and ran over to the bed and got on top of him. I showered him with kisses and cuddled him.

"Did you miss me that much?" He said with a smirk.

"Yes and no." I said with a smile on my face. He got up and closed the door.

"Punishment time."

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